Web standardization

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  25

For the preface, I'm talking about the standardization of non-completely popular speaking Div XHTML, but in the recent department, there is often a conflict between programmers and designers, and it is thought that it should be developed between a department. Some criteria; of course, for mature programmers and designers, standards have become a habit in their eyes, and anything else to work in work will think of whether people can use to use very short time and apply you. Design method or program code. For more than one employee that has just been company, or for colleagues with less dynamic page, this piece may be more unfamiliar; many people still stay in a small picture, and then embed a page In some small websites, there are only one home, and there are only one home page website, but it is obviously unrealistic for our large and medium-sized customers; therefore, for future work, I Summarizing some of your experiences, for everyone, of course, not necessarily me is a good way, but I will always bring some impact on everyone, and of course I hope more is a good impact. I want to launch some standardized design or development methods in the future, including CSS, web framework, web page overall layout for some standardization suggestions, why is it saying that the main purpose is to do not limit your design ideas, a lot At the time of the same customer, we can choose different ways to express the effects of customers. Of course, I can choose the one according to the preferences of the designer or the special length; maybe I said that this is not willing to look down. Will think that too much restrictions on the designer? Really said, we advocate designed to personalize, but we are in commercial operation, we need efficiency, need to complete customer needs in the shortest time, only then, we can do small to individuals The completion of the workload is proposed, and the company has left a good impression on schedule on time. Below I will standardize some specific descriptions for each piece: 1. CSS standardization 1, CSS definition 2, CSS application method 3, CSS application complement two, web frame standardization three, web page overall layout standardization 1, CSS Defining CSS is the abbreviation of "cascading style sheets", Chinese flour is "Cultiple Double Style Table", and some people are only turned into "style sheet". CSS is used as a web page version and style design, in the so-called "new web page", CSS is not suspicious of a quite important ring. CSS is in existing foundation to make up for the insufficient existing HTML specification, and also make web pages more flexible. I don't introduce all the specifications of CSS here, only used in web pages, more commonly used, and methods for syntax and applications for applications. If you need more, please check with a lot of detailed interpretation of CSS on our business online. 2, CSS application methods application CSS is not difficult, but please refer to the basic understanding here, after some language has a basic concept, there will be helpful for looking back, it seems to be too hard! I. Cognition of basic terms: Element: Tag (TAG) in the HTML basic syntax. Attribute: to describe the properties of the tag feature.

For example:

HR is the label, width is attribute, and 80% is the value of the width property. Property: It is used to describe the characteristics of the component. It is equivalent to the properties in the HTML basic syntax. Style: Have a group of nature of the array to describe component characteristics. Selector: Set of components of style. For example: h3 {color: blue}, H3 is the value of the choice, color is the nature, and Blue is the value of Color. Second, the awareness of basic units: There are two units of relative units and absolute units. Relative unit: "EM": proportional factor with respect to letter height. "En": proportional factor relative to the size of the word type. "%": Percentage relative to the length unit (usually the size of the current word type). Absolute unit: "in": inches. "Cm": cent. "Mm": Male. "PX": pixel (system preset unit). "PC": PICA, printing alone. "PT": image point. Relative relationship: 1IN = 6PC = 72pt = 2.54 cm = 25.4mm 3, color use: color representation has five ways. "#RRGGBB": indicates the red, green, blue three original color of 0 to 255 decisor value in the hexadacity values ​​of three 00 to FF. "#RGB": Simply representation, only the hexading values ​​of three 0 to f indicate red, green, blue three original color values, respectively. In fact, the browser will automatically expand to six hexadecimal values, such as "#abc" will change to "#aabbcc". However, it is obvious that such a representation is not accurate. "RGB (R, G, B)": represents a color in red, green, and blue three primary colors of 0 to 255 decisions. "RGB (R%, G%, B%)": The color is represented by red, green, and blue to each other, such as "RGB (60%, 100%, 75%)". "Color_Name": Directly represented the color with a color name, a total of 141 standard color names. Fourth, the URL representation: CSS URL expressed a total of five ways, and all of them are legal, you can choose it. URL (http: // YourWeb / path / file_name) URL ('http: // YourWeb / Path / file_name ") URL (" http: // YourWeb / Path / file_name ") URL (' http: // YourWeb / Path / file_name ') URL ("http: // YourWeb / path / file_name") After these basic understandings and concepts, you will come to introduce you to CSS's application! This section will begin to introduce you to CSS applications. Of course, how to introduce how to build a style sheet, including a statement, a method of declaration, and a method of applying on the webpage, and finally an overview of some of the features of CSS. Summary, there are three ways to declare the CSS: 1. Basic statements: the most typical CSS declaration.

Element {Property: Value} is represented by Chinese, that is, component (label) {Nature (Properties) Name: Setting value}, for example: h3 {color: blue} is a set of declarations. Second, the collective statement: a group or array pattern rule (nature) (nature) (nature) (nature) (nature) (nature) (nature) in a comma (tag) is also declared (label) (nature). Component (Label) {Nature (Properties) Name 1: Setting Value 1; Properties (Property) Name 2: Setting Value 2; ...} or component A (tag a), component B (label b), component C (tag c), ... {Nature (attribute) name 1: Set value 1; property (attribute) Name 2: Set value 2; ...}, for example: TD {color: blue; font-size : 9pt;} or TD, P, Div {Color: Blue; font-size: 9pt;} III: Sub-item declaration: Statement of many styles rules again. Component A (Label a) {Nature (Properties) Name 1: Setting Value 1; Properties (Properties) Name 2: Setting Value 2;} Element A (Label a) {Nature (Properties) Name 3: Setting value 3 Nature (attribute) Name 4: Setting value 4;}, for example: TD {color: blue; font-size: 9pt} Td {font-family: "Shiji body"; line-height: 150%} Declaration of this The way does not conflict with each other because the nature of the declaration is different. If you accidentally make a duplicate statement on the same nature, only the set value of the later declaration will act. Together, you will be accepted in your statement, as long as your format is correct, and whether you are case, blank or wrap does not affect the results of the display, you can write your own habits. . The application method for C s S is next to the four basic methods of applying the established style table on the web page. First, use the style attribute: add the Style property directly in the individual component tag. The advantage of this usage is that the wonderful application style is in each label, but the disadvantage is "uniformity" without the entire file. Second, using the style tag: Write the style rules in the