Linux serial programming Chinese English Simplified Control A

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

1. Introduction Introduction This Is The Linux Serial Programming Howto. All About How To Program Communications

WITH OTHER Devices / Computers over a serial line under linux. Different Techniques

Are Explained: Canonical I / O (Only Complete Lines Are Transmitted / Receive),

Asyncronous I / O, AND WAITI for Input from Multiple Sources.

This is the first update to the initial release of the linux serial programing howto.

The primary purpose of this update is to change the author information and communications

THE Document to Docbook Format. in Terms of Technical Content, Very Little if anything

HAS Changed At this time. Sweeping Changes to the Technical Content Aren't going to

Happen Overnight, But I'll Work on It as much as time allows.

If You've Been Waiting in the Wings for Someone to Take Over this Howto, You'VE

Gotten Your wish. please de-fesedback you have, ket'd be very much


All Examples Were Tested Using A I386 Linux Kernel 2.0.29.

This article is howto written for Linux serial programs. Mainly discussed how to write serial ports and other in Linux environments

Computer equipment for communication procedures. The techniques discussed in the article include: standard I / O (only with delivery / receiving line)

), Asynchronous I / O, and programs waiting for input from multiple signal sources.

This article is the first upgrade version of the initial Linux Serial Programming Howto. Mainly upgraded some author's letter

Interest, convert files to DocBook format. For technical content, almost no big changes. Large-scale technology

The change in content is impossible to occur overnight. If time allows, I will try to do some work.

If you are waiting for anyone who takes over this HOWTO, then your wish is reached. I will thank you anyway.

Feed information.

All examples are passed under I386 Linux Kernel 2.0.29.

1.1. Copyright Information

Distributed Under The Terms of The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) license, Stated Below.

UnsS OtherWise Stated, Linux HOWTO Documents Are Copyright by their respective

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ON All Copies. Commercial Redistribution IS Allowed and Encouraged; However, THE

Author Would Like to Be Notified of Any Such Distributions.

Linux Serial-Programming-HOWTO Copyright © 1997 Nate Peter Baumann, © 2001

All Gary Fract, and released in LDP Lisnce (attached).

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of the Linux HOWTO file is owned by the respective authors. Linux howto file is complete or

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You are strongly recommented to take a backup of your system before major installation

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The risk of using this article, examples, and other content is borne by yourself, and we are not responsible for the consequences of this.

Since this is a new document, there may be errors or errors, and it is possible to cause damage to your system. Please be careful

For this, although this is almost impossible, the author does not assume any responsibility.

All copyrights are owned by their respective authors unless special labels. Use this document that cannot be marked with any trademark or service tag.

Names of specific products or brands cannot be understood to be recognized. (Halo, this paragraph should ask a lawyer to turn).

It is highly recommended that you back up your system before you have a regular installation.

1.3. New Versions Release Update AS Previously Mentioned, Not Much IS New In Terms of Technical Content Yet.

As mentioned earlier, this version does not have a big update than the previous version in the technical content.

1.4. Credits Thank the Original Author Thanked Mr. Strudthoff, Michael Carter, Peter Waltenberg,

Antonino Iact, Greg Hankins, Dave Pfaltzgraff, Sean Lincolne, Michael Wiedmann,

And adrey bonar.

Thank Strudthoff, Michael Carter, Peter Waltenberg, Antonino IAnella, Greg

Hankins, Dave Pfaltzgraff, Sean Lincolne, Michael Wiedmann, And Adrey Bonar


1.5. Feedback feedback Feedback is MOST CERTAINLY WELCOME for this document. Without your submissions and

Input, this Document Wouldn't Exist. please send your additions, Comments and criticisms

To The Following Email Address: . Very welcome to feedback on this document. There is any additional, comment, criticism, please send it to:


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