Interview problem Daquan: Do you want to have more full 1

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Interview problem Daquan: Do you want to have more full 1

The ability to affect others If you are the person in charge of something, you can easily let others listen to you; however, when you are not the person in charge, it is very difficult to let others listen to him. If you want to cultivate your ability to affect others, you have to build personal relationships through the common ideals and goals of others. Approxes with influence and people can often support colleagues and customers to support their own views and goals. Some of the problems below can assess the ability of the candidates in this regard. To give you an example, you have made someone else to do what he doesn't like to do. & Please describe such a experience: you have made others participating, support your work, and finally achieve the expected purpose. & Assume that you find that your coworkers have made un moma, what kind of way you will take this coworker to correct his unethical behavior? & False, if the management should adjust the work program, this will harm your work. What measures do you take to persuade management? To talk about your experience: Your boss always gives you a job task in the last moment. What measures do you take to change this working method of the boss? & I want to know how you make an employee to take more responsibility, or bear your own work? & I want to know if you meet this situation: a member of the department is not willing to do your job. What measures do you take to change this situation? & Please tell me if you want to have an idea to solve your departmental problem? How did you sell your idea to your boss? & Telling this experience: You launched a very popular idea to our employees. What measures do you use to reduce employees' disgusting to this idea? & Description This experience: There is a flattener of your hand. What measures did you use to improve his efficiency? Customer service work service providers need special attitudes and psychological quality, this special mentality is reflected in: Do not connect all things. Applicants who like to provide super service to inside and outside customers must know and understand the needs of others. They strive to provide services that exceed customer needs. They can realize that there is no customer, there is no business; there is no good service, there is no turningant. They know how to deal with the relationship between super customer service and ensure the prosperity of the company. Some questions below can ask the candidates to serve the understanding of others and their service capabilities. & Talking about this experience: You have made a very dissatisfied customer change. what is the problem? How did you make customers think about it? & Talking Once you have made your personal sacrifice in order to obtain the goals related to work. What do you think of quality and customer service? & Many people put the focus of customer service to deal with customer complaints, what is the problem of this strategy? & Tell me a question you have encountered: A customer that you derived to solve the problem and conflict with the company's interests. How did you solve this contradiction? & What kind of role playing in customer service, the company's policies and regulations? & Please include the four basic qualities whose customers should have. Why do you think that these four basic qualities are important? & If the customer's judgment of what happens is completely wrong, how do you solve this problem? & Statistics indicate that only one customer will complain, and other 18 people will not say anything else, but will never buy your products.

How does the customer service representative encourage silence to express their own views? & If the customer is dissatisfied, how big is they acceptable? Team awareness team works a strong interpersonal communication skills and communication knowledge. Many of the two qualities in the team do not have. Thus, they have a lot of trouble and affect the productivity of the team. There is no necessity of teamwork experience to show that he must be a good team. You want to find such a person: you can drive others to complete the common work goals, and unite and cooperate and have a high enthusiasm for the company. Here are these questions to help you assess these qualities of your employees. & What is the main characteristic of a good team manager? why? & Please tell you the most creative and challenging things you have encountered in your team's work. What way you use to encourage others to do this? & Can manage not to do any explanation, let employees do a job? why? & Please tell me your favorite place for the team's favorite and least like it? why? & Please say that you are the most difficult thing you encounter as a team. How do you solve this difficulty? What role do you play in this difficulty? & Tell me what you work in? & Do you think how to make a good team? & Do you think is a good staff and what is the difference between a good team? Based on your experience, if a member is often late, if you go back early, absenteeism, or if you don't want to work, will it bring to the entire team? What should I solve these problems? As a member of the team, how do you improve this situation? Effective communication skills are part of the work, communication is very important. In fact, the greater the work responsibility, the higher the requirements of the communication skills of employees in this position. The interview is a good way to assess the communication skills. In the interview, you have the opportunity to understand whether the idea of ​​the candidate is convincing, the concept is clear, whether the idea is organized, whether the word is accurate, can you attract the attention of the listener, and whether the candidate can keep and each other? Line, and so on. You need someone who knows accurately and can communicate with people at all levels of the company. Some of the problems below is mainly used to test the communication skills of the candidate. & Please tell a situation: someone speaks unclear, but you must also listen to him, how do you answer his question? What should I have a good communication person? & Please talk about how others look at you? & Please tell me about the experience of working with a very bad habit. How did you make the other party change his bad behavior? & If you speak at the company's board of directors, how should you prepare for a speech? & I want to know the most challenging communication issues you have encountered. Why do you think that the experience is the most challenging, how do you deal with it? What is the problem that you think the most difficult communication? why? & What do you think is the key to good communication? & If your two colleagues have affected the entire team, let you adjust conflicts, and make the conflict can solve the problem themselves, how do you do? Effective communication skills are part of the work, communication is very important. In fact, the greater the work responsibility, the higher the requirements of the communication skills of employees in this position. The interview is a good way to assess the communication skills.

In the interview, you have the opportunity to understand whether the idea of ​​the candidate is convincing, the concept is clear, whether the idea is organized, whether the word is accurate, can you attract the attention of the listener, and whether the candidate can keep and each other? Line, and so on. You need someone who knows accurately and can communicate with people at all levels of the company. Some of the problems below is mainly used to test the communication skills of the candidate. & Please tell a situation: someone speaks unclear, but you must also listen to him, how do you answer his question? What should I have a good communication person? & Please talk about how others look at you? & Please tell me about the experience of working with a very bad habit. How did you make the other party change his bad behavior? & If you speak at the company's board of directors, how should you prepare for a speech? & I want to know the most challenging communication issues you have encountered. Why do you think that the experience is the most challenging, how do you deal with it? What is the problem that you think the most difficult communication? why? & What do you think is the key to good communication? & If your two colleagues have affected the entire team, let you adjust conflicts, and make the conflict can solve the problem themselves, how do you do? Sales capabilities are in the company's work, the workmanship is the most complicated. This may be because the customer first purchases the service of the sales staff before purchasing the company's products. It may also be because the sales method has changed from advertising to consult services over the past 10 years. It may also be because of good sales staff to master a lot of skills: (1) I heard that the ability; (2) product knowledge and people's taste; (3) sales strategy and market penetration strategy; (4) has Convincing, but do not use the communication skills of tricks; (5) There are both desires for personal performance, but also have a strong sense of service customers; (6) Flexible, and principles; (7) doing things proactive And good at work with others. Some questions below can assess the ability of candidates in this regard.

& Please tell me how you encounter the most difficult sales experience, how do you persuade customers to buy your products? What is the three main causes of people to buy products? & About our product production line and our customer group, how much do you know? & What is your favorite and least like? why? & If you are rewarded, what do you think? What is your most typical working day? & For success, what is the quality of a good sales personnel? Why do you think these qualities is important? What is the difference between sales and face-to-face sales? In order to make the phone sales success, what kind of special skills and techniques need? & In your predecessor, what method do you use to develop and maintain the existing customers? & If you give new employees to a sales course, what are you going to talking in class? why? & Tell your most typical sales methods and techniques you use in your predecessor. & Telling such experiences: Give you a big sales task, complete the task is very short, what way do you use to ensure the sales task? & Whether you have exceeded sales goals, how do you achieve such performance? & General concerns, how long does it take to get in touch with customers? How can this time cycle reduce? & How do you get an accidental person who purchases your product into a frequent purchased? & When you take over a new marketing area or a new customer base, how can these people become your fixed customer? & What are you prepared in advance when playing a sales call? & How do you deal with written work unrelated to sales activities? & Please sell this pencil to me. & What do you think is the most important feature of sales call? why? & And the old customers who have existed, and deal with new customers, do you prefer the kind? why? & If a customer has been like buying with your product, the price is very lower than your product, how can you convince this customer to buy your product? & What kind of quality and skills can make you stand out from many salespersons? & If you encounter such a situation: Your products and services are indeed needed, but many of the company has strongly demanding the same kind of products that have poor quality but cheap. How do you do this? Working initiative work is a very important thing to learn from the candidate. The active person who works a proactive person often has the spirit of entrepreneurial entrepreneurs to solve problems. In the process of pursuing constant progress, they will fulfill their innovative, imaginary new projects. This type of talent will contribute to the long-term development of the company. Such employees will bring new ideas and methods to enterprises and employees to solve problems in the company. The following problems are mainly to assess the quality of the candidates. & Say an experience you have worked for some work. Why do you have to bear so much work? & Something: You have got some resources that are very difficult, these resources are especially important for you to complete your work.

& Your foregoing work, what helps you improve your creative things? & In your predecessor, have you tried to solve the problem of company issues with your work responsibility? & Telling this experience: When solving a problem, you have a unique way. & What is your most satisfying place in your work? & Work in your predecessor, because your efforts make companies or sects change what changes? & What do you think is considered to be dangerous? & When is your last violation? & If you do this, how do you decide whether you need some changes? & Which experience is most useful to your growth? How do you make sure there will be the same experience here? & In order to do things outside your work, how do you get the support and help of others? Each company is constantly changing and developing; you can of course hopes that your employees are the same. You want to get those who want and welcome to change, because these people understand that in order to develop, changes are important components in their daily lives. Such employees tend to adapt to the company's changes and will make a positive response to changes. In addition, when they encounter contradictions and problems, they can also be able to Taiwan. The following problems can assemble the ability of the candidate. & It is said that some people can avoid positive conflicts. Please tell me your experience and skills in this area. & Sometimes we have to work with people we don't like. Tell you how you overcome your character's conflict and acquire the expected work effect. To tell the experience you have exhibited. & When something is always, what should you do? & Telling a such experience: Your boss gives you a task that is unhappy with you, this way, your job cannot be completed, how do you do? If you let you work, this work is estimated to be completed in a week. After a few days, you find that this task is not completed even if you do it three weeks. How do you handle this situation? why? & Telling a such experience: It was your own job, but others provided you with a lot of help. & Do you think you have any responsibility for people from other parts of the company? If there is, how to fulfill these responsibilities? & Please tell a change you didn't like it, but the company has some changes to you. & Telling this experience: In order to complete a work, you have something that needs to be learned, but time is particularly tight. What method do you use to learn these things and complete this work on time? It is not a person who can teach. It is an important part of people who have a personality. For adults, this character is reflected in daily decisions and behaviors. When work involving money to manage others, the company will be careful when using such people, and usually require such people to be straightforward, honest. Therefore, when you apply the item, you are looking for those who are loyal to customers, colleagues and company interests. Some of the following issues can understand the situation in this regard. & Telling a person you have encountered not to be loyal to the company and the main customer, how do you treat him? & Tell a review: Although others oppose, you still insist on your own point of view and continue your business.


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