Proverbs 500 sentences

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

Main topic: Proverbs 500 sentences. A Bad Beginning Makes A Bad Ending. Uncleine is not good. Hands of the NEVER DIES. A Bad Workman Always Blames His Tools. Will not hold the ship's monster River. A Bird in the hand. Blowing and lingering is the same as the Boaster And a Liar Are Cousins-german. A Bully Is Always a Coward. A Burden Of One's Choice is not felt. Love Pads Not Shriming A Candle Lights Others and Consumes Itself. Candles illuminate others, but destroy yourself. A cat Has 9 Lives. Cat has nine life a cat may look at a king. Everyone is equal. Disease from mouth. A constant guest is never welcome. Something is tired. Actions Speak Louder Than Words. The fact is better than elite. Poor thinking. Advanced Talent. A Fair Death Honors The Whole Life. Damn, Dang Fang. A Faithful Friend Is Hard to Find. A Fall Into a Pit, A Gain in Your Wit. Eat a meal, long and wise. A Fox May Grow Gray, But Never Good. Jiangshan is easy to change, it is difficult to move. A Friend Is Never Known Till A Man Has Need. Requirements Required Friends A Friend WITHOUT FAULTS WILL Never Be found. No perfect friends. After you 'is good manners. "You first please" is a courteous. A good beginning is half done. Good start is half of success. A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending. Senior Statement Good A Good Book Is A Good Friend. Good book is like a friend. A Good book is the best of friends, the same Today and forever. A good book, accompanied by a lifetime. A good conscious is a Soft pillow. Don't be a loss, not afraid of ghosts. A good fame is better tran a good face. The United States is better than beautiful. A Good Husband Makes a Good Wife. My husband is good. A Good Medicine Tastes Bitter. Good medicine. A Good Wife Health Is A Man's Best Wealth. Wife is a big wealth. A Great Talker is a Great Liar. Say that the big words are more lie. A Hedge Between Keeps Friendship Green.

A Joke Never Gains An Enemy But Loses A Friend. It is not possible to make enemies, and only people can lose friends. A Leopard Cannot Change ITS Spots. It is difficult to change. A Liar is not believed by no one believes even if the liar is telling the truth. A Light Heart Lives Long. Quiet is slim. A Little Body Offen Harbors a Great Soul. Concentration is a boutique. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I know the half solution, self-deception. A little pot is soon hot. The dog's stomach is not worth four or two oils. Everyone has become a warrior when the enemy fled. All good things come to an end. There is no banquet in the world. All Rivers Run Into Sea. Haina Baichuan. All Roads Lead to Rome. Bachelor of Rome. All That Ends Well is Well. The result is good, everything is fine. All That Glitters is not gold. The flash is not necessarily gold. All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy. Everything is always difficult. All Work and No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy. Will only use work, smart child is also stupid. Not ashamed Questions. You can learn. All things should be taken. A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. One heart cannot be used. ........................ A man of Words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. Light said that the empty talk does not work, it is like a garden long thorn. A man welcome Money is no man at all. One penny is difficult to fall in the hero. A Merry Heart Goes All The Way. He is happy, everything goes well. A Miss IS as good as a mile. Lost a thousand miles away. A Mother's Love Never Changes. Mother love is eternal. An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away. One day an apple, don't ask your doctor. A New Broom Sweeps Clean. New Officials I will take three fires. An Eye for An Eye and A Tooth for a Tooth. Eye eye, with tooth. An Hour in The Morning IS Worth Two in The evening. One day is in the morning. An Old Dog Cannot Learn New Tricks. The old dog learns a new trick. An OUNCE OF Luck is worse than a Pound of Wisdom. Increquently, it is better to luck. An OUNCE OF Prevention is Worth A Pound of Cure. Prevention is mainly, the treatment is supplemented. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Rolling stone does not have moss, the transfer is not worthy. AS a man SOWS, SO He Shall Reap. Grow melons, seed beans. A Single Flower Does Not Make a Spring. It is not spring, and the hundred flowers will release the spring.

A snow year, a rich year. Ruixue Zhaofeng year. A Sound Mind in a Sound Body. A sound spirit is in a healthy body. A STILL Tongue Makes a Wise Head. 者 智. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine. Small cave does not make up, the big hole is hard. A stright foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. It is not afraid of shadow. A Wise Head Makes a Close Mouth. The real person does not reveal the phase, and it is non-real. A Word spoken is paste recaling. It is difficult to chase. A year's plan starts with spring. One year is in spring. A young idler, an old beggar. Young is not hard, the old discipline is sad. Bad news has wings. Good things don't go out, and the bad things are thousands of miles. Barking Dogs Seldom Bite. Silver is not biting. Lovers in Western Shi, Beauty Lies in The Love's. Be swift to hear, Slow to speak. Listen to Yisi, words should be slow. Better Late Than Never. Not afraid, exciting to stand. The road is better than the lost. Between Friends All Is Common. Friends are not divided into each other. BiRDS of a feather flock together. Type, people with population. Blood Is Thicker Than Water. Blood is full of water. Blood Will Have Blood. Blood Bonds. Books and friends shouth be few but good. Read such as a dating, should be small. Business is business. Business is the salt of life. Service is the first need for life. BY CONVERSATION we polish it. Reading makes people enrichment, conversation makes people smart. Cannot see the wood for the trees. One glazing, no see Mountain. Reply to: Sayusayme (Eknaichi) () Reputation: 99 2003-8-30 9:00:56 Score: 0 Care and Diligence Bring Luck. Cautious and diligent to seize the opportunity. Be careful to drive a million ship. Cheats never prosper. Deceived can't make money. Children are what the motors are. 濡 染, 传.. Choose a friend. Come What May, Heaven Won't Fall. Be your, can't collapse. The enemy of learning is your own satisfaction. Confidence in Yourself Is The First Step on The Road to success. Confidence is the first step to success. CONSTANT DRIPPING WEARS AWAY A stone. Water drops, rope saw wood disc. Content Is Better Than Riches. Constantiator is often happy. Count One's Chickens Before The isy. The eggs are not incubated.

Courteesy on one side only lasts not long. Come and not. Creep Before you walk. Step by step. Cry for the moon. Custom IS A Second Nature. The habit is the day after tomorrow. Custom Makes All Things Easy. There is a good habit, everything is not difficult. Diamond Cuts Diamond. Strong Strong Strong Hand. Do as the romans do. Do as you would be done by. Do not do it. Doing is worse than Saying. It is better to implement it on the mouth with it. Do It now. The machine is not lost, no longer coming. Do Nothing By Halves. Don't waste it in halfway. Don't claim to know what you don't know. Don't understand it. Don't have too much. Don't take too much. Don't makehill. Don't do your text. Today, today, today. Don't put the cart before the horse. Don't fall invert. Don't Trouble Trouble Until Trouble Troubles You. Don't find trouble. Don't try to sucker your grandmother to suck eggs. Don't go to the ax. Do Well and have Well. Good news. Each Bird Love To Hear Himself Sing. Early to bed and eat to rise makes a manhengy, wealthy and wise. Early early get up early. Easier Said Than Done. It is easy to do. Easy Come, Easy Go. It is also in a hurry. Eat to Live, But Not Live To Eat. People have dinner, but living is not for eating. Empty Vessels make the greatest sound. Stering no empty blank rose, full of half a bottle shake. ENVY HAS NO HOLIDAYS. Jogetic people have no peace. Even Homer Sometimes Nods. Wisteners must have a loss. Even reboning makes long friends. Brothers, counting. Every Advantage Has ITS Disadvantage. It is advantageous. Everybody's Business Is Nody's Business. Everyone is responsible, equal to no one is responsible. Evey day is not sunday. Good view is not always. Every Dog Has His Day. No one is proud. Every Door May Be Shut, But Death's Door. Life is in the world, and only dead is difficult. Every Heart Has Its Own Sorrow. Everyone has distressed people. Every Little Helps a Mickle. Ju Sha became tower, set of jersey. Every Man for Himself, and the devil takes the hindmost. People are not for their own, and the scorpion is destroyed. Every Man Has His Faults. Gold is not enough, people have no finish.

Every Man Has His Hobbyhorse. Radish, each has love. Every Man Has His Weak Side. Everyone has weaknesses. Every Man Is The Architect of His Own Fortune. Your own destiny. Every minute counts. Every Mother's Child Is Handsome. Children are good. Every Potter Praises Hit Pot. Wang Po sells melon, selling boasts. Everything is good at, but friends when old. Things are new, friends are old pro. Example Is Better Then Percept. It is better to do it again. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. Experience is the father of wisdom, memory is the mother of wisdom. Experience Must Be Bought. Eat a meal, long wisdom. Fact Speak Louder Than Words. The fact is better than elite. Failure is the mother of success. Failure is the mother of success. False Friends Are Worse Than Bitter Enemies. Minggu is easy to hide, dark arrows are difficult to prevent. Far from eye, far from heart. It is not born. Far Water Does Not Put out Near Fire. Far water can't save near. Faults Are Thick Where love is this. It's not easy to look at it. Fear Always Springs from ignorance. Fear comes from ignorance. Fields Have Eyes, And Woods Have Ears. The wall is ears. Fire and water. No mercy. Water fire is ruthless. Fire Is a Good Servant But A Bad Master. The fire is a double-edged sword. First come, first served. First come first. First Impressions Are Half The Battle. It is the deepest impression. First Think and the speak. I want to say later. Fools grow without watering. Dimming wood is not angry. Fool's Haste Is No Speed. The speed is not reached. Fools Has Fortune. Strive to stay. Fools Learn Nothing from Wise Men, But Wise Men Learn Much from Fools. The fools do not learn the non-learning, the wise man is not shameful forbidden fruit is sweet. Forbidden fruit extraordinary fragrance. Fortune Favors Those Who Use Their Judgement. Opportunities preference for the people. Fortune Knocks Once at Least At Every. Brainstorming. Friends agree best at distance. Friends will also remain distance. Friends are Thieves of Time. Friends are the thief of time. Friends Must Part. Good friends also have breakup. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. Genius is just diligent. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. Allocation is destroyed. God Helps Those Who Help Themselves. Self-help.

Gold Will NOT BuY Anything. Gold is not universal. Good for Good Is Natural, Good for Evil Is Manly. Taking Germans is a common sense, with a German complaints. Good health is over wealth. Health is the biggest wealth. Good Medicine for Health Tastes Bitter to the mouth. Good medicine suffering from illness. Good Watch Prevents Misfortune. Care disaster. Great barkers are no biters. Good dogs do not shut down. Great Hopes Make Great Man. Great Ambitions Creating Great Characters. Great Minds Think Alike. Heroes' experience. Great Men Have Great Faults. Heroes make big mistakes. Great Men's Sons Seldom Do Well. Great Trees Are Good for Nothing But Shade. It is so cold under the big tree. Great Wits Have Short Memories. Don't forget. Greedy Folks Have Long Arms. Heart greedy hand. Guilty ConsCIENCES Make Men Cowards. Doing thieves. Top Reply to: Sayusayme (Knowledge) () Reputation: 99 2003-8-30 9:01:17 Score: 0 Habit Cures Habit. Heart disease still needs a cardiologist. Behavioral is beautiful. Happiness Takes No Account of Time. Joy is not a time. HAPPY IS He Who Owes Nothing. If you want to live, you can't make your debt. Siping of others will be lucky to learn from others. Harm set, HARM GET. Harm others. Hasty Love, Soon Cold. It is difficult to stay at first sight. Health is Better Than Wealth. Healthy wins. Health is happiness. Health is happiness. Hear all parties. Listening is clear. Heaven Never Helps The Man Who Will NOT ACT. You don't move, called Heaven. He is a fool that forgets himself. A fools have forgotten. He is a good friend That Speaks Well of US Behindur backs. Behind said good words is true friends. HE is a wise man who speaks little. Smart is not hung on the mouth. HE is Liference That Is Faultless. Only dead people don't make mistakes. HE is not fit to commit os That Cannot Command Himself. He is not laughd at this laughs at himself first. Self-surgement will not make people laugh. Honest. Honest. HE KNOWS MOST WHO SPEAKS Least. HE Laughs Best Who laughs last. Who laughs to the end, who is laughing best. He sets the fox to keep the geese. The wolf enters the room. He That Climbs High Falls Heavily. The higher the climb, the heavier falls. He That Will Not Work Shall NOT Eat. Do not eat.

He Who Does NOT Advance Loses Ground. It doesn't enter the boat. He Who Makes Constant Complaint Gets Little Compassion. Region often complain, no one sympathy. He Who Makes No Mistakes Makes Nothing. If you don't make mistakes, it is nothing. HE WHO RISKS NOTHING GAINS NOTING. Harvest and risk coexist. History recomats itself. History is often repeated. Honesty is the best policy. Make people's integrity. Hope for the best, but prepare for the Worst. Hold the best wishes, do the worst plan. I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. Friends can't be confident. IF a man deceives me once, shame on him, if He deceives me twice, shame on me. It is more shameful. If you make yourself an ass, don't company if people. People are deceived, Ma Shan is riding. If Your Ears Glow, Someone is Talking of you. Ear fever, some people have chanting. If you run cazo hars, you will catch neither. The foot of the foot will definitely fall. IF you sell the cow, you sell her milk too. Kill chicken tap. If You Venture Nothing, you will have nothing. Don't enter the tiger hole, you have to take the tiger. If You Want Knowledge, You Must Toil for It. If you want to know, you have to suffer. Diligent is the mother of success. IT IS Better to Die When Life is a disgrace. Ning is jade, not awkward. It is easy to keep it. IT is easy to be wise after the evening. IT is Easy to Open A Shop But Hard To Keep It Always Open. Entrepreneurship is easy to guard. It is hard to please all. IT is never too old to learn. Live to the old, learn to be old. IT IS NO USE CRYING OVER SPILT MILK. Waiting for water. It is the first step That costs Troublesome. Everything is difficult. It is the unforeseen thing always happens. There is an unexpected event, and people have a wish. It is to get to grieve gen the chance is paste. Sitting a chance, regret is late. IT Never Rains But it Pours. No sound, a population. IT Takes Three Generations to make a gentleman. Ten years of trees, centuries. Jack of all trades and masters of none. The door is proficient, and the sample is so rushed. Judge NOT from APPEARANCES. People are unspeakable, and the sea cannot be arrested. Justice Has Long Arms. Skynet is restored, and it is not missing.

KEEP Good Men Company and you Shall Be of the Number. Near Zhu is red, near ink. Kill Two Birds with one stone. An arrow double carved. Kings Go Mad, And The People Suffer IT. The king is mad, the people are suffering. Under the Kings Haven, Under the genus. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power. Knowledge makes humble, Ignorance Makes Proud. Make people humble, ignorant is proud. Liven and live. Live, for learning. Learning Makes a Good Man Better and Ill Man Worse. Good people get better, the bad people are getting worse. Learn Not and Know Not. Do not learn. Learn to Walk Before You Run. Learn first, learn to run. Let it pass by let bygones be bygones. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. Don't make trouble. Let the cat out of the bag. Leakage Terrier. LIES CAN NEVER CHANGES FACT. Lies are lie. LIES HAVE SHORT LEGS. Lie Station is not long. Life is but a span. Life is short. Life is Half Spent Before We know what it is. Human life, the other is heaven. Life is not all roses. Life is not a Kangzhuang Avenue. Life without a friends is death. No friend, although he is still dead. Like a Rat in a Hole. 瓮 中 鳖. Like Author, Like Book. Like Father, Like Son. Have their parents must have their son. Like for Like. One report is also reported. Like Knows Like. Like Mother, Like Daughter. There is a mother who must have its woman. Like Teacher, Like Pupil. What kind of teacher teaches what kind of student. Like Tree, Like Fruit. Wool out of the sheep. Little Things Amuse Little Minds. Look before you leap. Find out the situation. Lookers-on See More Than Players. The authority is fascinating, and the bystander is clear. Losers are always in the WRONG. The winner is the king, the loser is the 寇. Lost Time Is Never Found Again. Years are not going back. Love at first sight. Love at first sight. Love cannot becompelle. Love can't be stronted. Love is blind. Love is blind. Love is full of trouble. Love is full of trouble. Love is never without jealousy. There is no love without jealous. Love ME, Love My Dog. Love House and Wu. Don't lose. Take the enemy as you than. Man is the soul of the universe. People are the spirit of all things. MAN proposes, god disposes. Square is in the world, a business event. Many Hands Make Light Work. Everyone picks up firewood. Many Heads Are Better Than One. Three stinkkers, playing Zhuge Liang.

Many Things Grow in The Garden That Were Never Sown There. There is no floral flowers, no heart to add Liu Ying. Measure for measure. Torture is relative. Misfortunes Never Come Alone. Trien Tests. Money isn't everything. Money is not universal. Murder Will Out. Paper Can not live. My Son Is My Son Till He Has Got Him A Wife, But My Daughter is My DauGHTER All The Days of Her Life. My son is a son before marriage, and her daughter is a daughter. Top Replyess: Sayusayme (Ekimae) () Reputation: 99 2003-8-30 9:01:41 Score: 0 Nature is The True Law. There is often, not for the deposit, not for death. Necessity is the mother of invention. Need is the power of the invention. Never fish in Trouble Water. Don't mix fish. Never Judge from Appearance. It is not possible to take people. Never Say Die. Never give up. Never Too Old to Learn, Never Too Late To Turn. Northern Sheep Completion, it is not late. New Wine in Old Bottles. Old bottled new wine. No cross, no crown. Don't experience the wind and rain, how to see the rainbow. No Garden without its weeds. There is no long grass. No Living Man All Things CAN. There is no more event in the world. No man can do two things at onCE. One heart can not be used. No man is born wise or learning. There is no one who knows. NO MAN IS Content. People are insufficient snake swallows. No man is wise at all times. Smart, confused. None Are So Blind As Those Who Won't See. It is not seen. None is so deaf as those who won't hear. It is not known. No news is good news. No news is good news. No one can call back yesterday. Yesterday won't reproduce it. No pains, no gains. There is no harvest without pay. No pleasure without pain. There is no pleasure without suffering. No rose without a thorn. There is no rose that does not pierce. No sweet without swhere. No smoke without fire. No wind is not wave. Nothing Brave, Nothing Have. Do not enter the tiger hole, you have to get the tiger. Nothing dries sooner tran tear. Tears are the fastest. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. There is no difficulty in the world, I am afraid that there are people. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. There is no difficulty in the world, as long as Ken Denpan. Nothing seek, nothing find. No pursuit is no harvest. Tright for Travelers as Languages. The language is the most important.


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