Oracle common skills and scripts

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

2005-01-05 16:42 Author: Source: 9CBS

[Simple] Oracle's explicit parameters, in addition to defined in the init.ora file, you can display "Show Parameter *" in SVRMGRL. But Oracle has some parameters to start with "_". As we are very familiar "_offline_rollback_segments", etc..

1. How do I check the implied parameters of Oracle? Oracle's explicit parameters, in addition to defined in the init.ora file, you can display "Show Parameter *" in SVRMGRL. But Oracle has some parameters to start with "_". As we are very familiar "_offline_rollback_segments", etc.. These parameters can be isolated in the Sys.x $ KSPPI table. Statement: "SELECT KSPPINM from x $ ksppi where substr (ksppinm, 1, 1) = '_';" 2. How to view which Oracle components installed? Enter $ {Oracle_Home} / ORAINST /, run ./inspdver, display the installation component and version number. 3. How do I view the size of the shared memory occupied by ORACLE? You can use the UNIX command "IPCS" to view the starting address, semaphore, message queue of shared memory. Under SVRMGRL, use ORADEBUG IPC, you can see the segments and sizes of Oracle occupy the shared memory. Example: SVRMGR> ORADEBUG IPC -------------- Shared Memory -------------- Seg ID Address Size 1153 7FE000 784 1154 800000 419430400 1155 19800000 67108864 4 How to view the current SQL * Plus user's SID and Serial #? Under SQL * Plus, run: "SELECT SID, Serial #, Status from v $ session where audsiD = =ernv ('sessionid');" 5. How to view the current Database character set? Under SQL * Plus, run: "SELECT Userenv ('Language') from Dual;" or: "SELECT Userenv ('Lang') from Dual;" 6. How to view a user in the database, what SQL statement is running? According to Machine, Username or SID, Serial #, connect table V $ session and V $ sqltext can be found.


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