There is a button in the middle of the splitter in some software. You can display / hide the control on the left, such as WPS. One is also customized in .NET.
Class code:
Public class mysplitter
Public Shared Sub AddshowHideEvent (Byval SL As Splitter)
DIM LBL AS New Label
lbl.text = "3"
LBL.FONT = New System.drawing.Font ("Marlett", 7.0 !, system.drawing.fontstyle.regular, System.drawing.graphicsUnit.point, CType (2, byte)
lbl.autosize = true
LBL.Location = New Point (-3.5, sl.height / 2 - lbl.height)
lbl.cursor = cursors.hand
lbl.forecolor =
sl.Controls.Add (LBL)
sl.Width = 3.5
AddHandler LBL.Click, Addressof LBL_Click
AddHandler Sl.resize, Addressof Splitter_resize
DIM TT AS New Tooltip
Tt.SetTooltip (LBL, "Hide Controls on the left"))
lbl.tag = tt
End Sub
Private Shared Sub LBL_Click (Byval E AS Object, Byval e as system.eventargs)
Dim lbl as label = ctype (sender, label)
Dim Targetctrl As Control
DIM SL as splitter = ctype (lbl.parent, splitter)
Dim PCTRL AS Control = SL.Parent
For Each Temp as Control in PCTRL.CONTROLS
If not temp.equals (sl) then
If sl.dock = DockStyle.Left then
If Temp.dock = DockStyle.Left Andalso_
(Not Temp.Visible Oralse Temp.left Targetctrl = TEMP EXIT for END IF Elseif Sl.dock = Then IF Temp.dock = andalso_Andalso_ (Not Temp.visible Oralse Targetctrl = TEMP EXIT for END IF END IF END IF NEXT IF not targetctrl is nothing then DIM TT As Tooltip = CType (LBL.TAG, Tooltip) If lbl.text = "3" THEN LBL.TEXT = 4 Tt.SetTooltip (LBL, "Shows the control on the left") Targetctrl.visible = false Else LBL.TEXT = 3 Tt.SetTooltip (LBL, "Hide Controls on the left")) Targetctrl.visible = true END IF END IF End Sub Private Shared Sub Splitter_resize (Byval E AS ISTEM.EVENTARGS) DIM SL As Splitter = CType (Sender, Splitter) Dim lbl as label = sl.controls (0) LBL.Location = New Point (-3.5, sl.height / 2 - lbl.height) End Sub END CLASS When using, add the red code as shown below in the initialization code of the form: Public Sub New () () 'This call is required for the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent () 'Add any initialization after INITIALIZECOMPONENT () MySplitter.addshowhideEvent (me.splitter1) End Sub