IIS5.1 and Tomcat 5.0.28 under WinXP

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Use Baidu to find an article online


1. Download the JDK1.5 version from the Sun website, download Tomcat 5.0.28 version from Tomcat Station, download mysql drive from MySQL drive http://mysql.ihostunit.com/downloads/contrib/mm.mysql-2.0.4 -bin.jar4, download jk2http: //vkkj.01ww.org/downloads/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.zip


Tomcat5 and IIS6 integration (JK2)

//// Tomcat5 and IIS6 integration (jk2) --- (patrickjava original) //// Keywords: tomcat5 IIS6 isapi_redirector2.dll ////// //// Author: patrickjava //// Address: Hanzonghao@yahoo.com //// 2003.6.10 Version1.0 //// Declaration: /// The person provides this file only for learning, any individual and organization can be used. At the same time, if you find a better, simpler method during use, please ask me a copy. Thank you! At the same time, please keep this document to declare this document when you are bothering. / / / / / / / / / 修 修 说明 说明: //// // / / / //////> Description: There are various integrated configuration IIS Tomcat on the network, such as use The link file used by IIS TOMCAT3.0 / 4.0 is generally isapi_redirect.dll, where the latest Tomcat5 will be used, and the PLUGIN file of the IIS server is ISAPI_Redirector2.dll (JK2), of course, JK2 is better than JK, about JK2, please refer to Related documents. Also, it is recommended that you often go to English. These are the issues I have seen in foreign websites and sorted out.

Test environment Win2000 / Win2003

Tomcat4 / Tomcat5 Requirements ISAPI_REDIRECTOR2.DLL and WORKERS2.PROPERTIES, JK2.PROPERTIES As long as there is these three files, you can get it.

The latter two files can be built by themselves, and these files are on what path!

The path assumption of this installation is as follows:

C: /tomcat5/conf/connector/isapi_redirector2.dll

C: /Tomcat5/conf/Workers2.properties

C: /tomcat5/conf/jk2.properties

Ok, let's start installing

Register in the registry

Add item "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION / JAKARTA ISAPI Redirector / 2.0" Add a string value in this item, name = extension_uri value = / jakarta / isapi_redirector2.dll Add a string in this item Value, Name = log_level value = debug (Select Debug / Inform / Error / Emerg)

Add a string value in this item, name = worker_file value = c: /tomcat5/conf/Workers2.properties (setting according to your own environment) Note: 2.0 Don't join the conf / uriWorkerMap.properties file, registration item Name must be correct, including spaces (just a space)

Of course, you can also build a registry file registry .reg

The content is as follows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"ServerRoot" = "$ TOMCAT_HOME"

"eXtensionuri" = "/ jakarta / isapi_redirector2.dll"

"workersfile" = "$ TOMCAT_HOME / / CONF //Workers2.properties"

"Loglevel" = "debug"

Have you seen such a few parameters required for the isapi_redirector2.dll file? Interested to see the original code of Isapi_Redirector2.dll

2. Create a .properties file

Create a Workers2.Properties file (in notepad)

The content is as follows:



SIZE = 1048576

# Example Socket Channel, Override Port and Host.

[channel.socket: reynir_net: 8009]

Port = 8009

Host =

# Define the worker

[AJP13: Reynir_Net: 8009]

Channel = Channel. Socket: Reynir_Net: 8009

# Uri mapping

[URI: / *. jsp]

[URI: / Web / *]

[URI: / view / *]

Worker = ajp13: reynir_net: 8009

# Define the worker

[status: status]

# Uri mapping

[URI: / jkstatus / *]

Worker = status: status built a jk2.properties file

The content is as follows:

Request.tomcatauthentication = false

3. Set IIS

Click Right-click on the default Web site to set the properties. In the attribute ISAPI filter. Add operation. The filter name is set to Jakarta, the executable is specified as c: /tomcat5/conf/connector/isapi_redirector2.dll

(Setting according to environment)

Set the virtual directory to launch the Internet Services Manager for Microsoft Internet Information Server. Create a virtual directory under the default Web site. The name of this virtual directory must be Jakarta, and its physical path points to you store the path to ISAPI_Redirector2.dll. For example (C: / Tomcat5 / conf / connection) Note: Join "Execute" permissions

Everything is OK, open the Tomcat server (startup.bat), stop the default web site, and then start.

Now check that the Filter in the ISAPI filter in the ISAPI filter in the properties of the default Web site becomes the green J succeeded!!!

(: If still red, goto 1. Reset)

It is done a few minutes, but the problem.

Why can't I find the server when I execute a JSP file, I am using the default: 8080 / index.jsp succeeded! Tomcat installation success · After integration with IIS, use, but if the following example (JSP file) is not found!

Checking IIS's ISAPI filter is also green as high, what is going on, I also restarted IIS and Tomcat!

After using it for a few minutes, I got it.

An article from Baidu searches Tomcat's common / lib, there is a Tools.jar file, I will copy it in the past (unclear is here); my Tomcat is installed under D: / Tomcat , Change the home directory of IIS to D: / Tomcat / WebApps, that is, the file is released below; select all boxes in the primary directory to set the execution permission to: scripts and executables. I downloaded a PHP parser, II also supported PHP, add index.jsp and index.php in IIS document; so IIS supports JSP, PHP and ASP, install a .NET FRAMWORK and CGI parsers Support ASP.NET, CGI

Use: Access success! Use: Access will appear in WebApps' document directory! HTTP: // Access and See Optimism!


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