ESUP is a plug-in for Yale Cas, which provides a variety of user authentication methods such as LDAP, Database, etc., making CAS more simple and flexible, we can implement SSO through multiple interfaces of ESUP For authentication of different users. This article describes the installation process of the ESUP plugin.
Complete instructions
Download and EXTRACT
Download The Esup-Casgeneric Package and Extract It on your file system
2. Configure
2A. User Authentication
Multiple authentication is the first and main feature of CAS GH. It is achieved by editing the webpages / WEB-INF / genericHandler.xml (this file is copied as web / WEB-INF / genericHandler.xml when deployed in the source hierarchy of a CAS Server, Which Should Fit The Cas GH DTD. One or Many Authentication Methods Are Specified In this file. Methods area intended to be tsted one after the other.
The Configuration for Cas GH Always Looks Like:
List of Handlers (Authentication Methods)
In Case of Trouble with Cas GH, Always Try to Validate Your Cas GH Installation By Using a Very Simple Configuration Such as:
WITH THIS Configuration, Authentication Attempts Will Succeed IF Users Give Their UserName As Password, or Simply Give an Empty Password.
Authentication Methods
The Possible Authentication Methods Are (Click on The Links Below To Get Specific Help):
LDAP Database NIS file
Some Test Handlers Are Provided to Begin with CasgenericHandler.
There is also a way to prevent specificating.some Other Authentication Methods May Be Introduces In Next Releases if Needed:
Windows NT (Under Development) X509
CasgenericHandler and Empty Passwords
CasgenericHandler Can Be configured to accept (or resptyct) Empty passwords. For instance,
List of Handlers (Authentication Methods) Authentication>
will allow users to give empty passwords to authenticate (only if they have no password in the user referential used by one of the authentication methods specified). By default, empty passwords are rejected.
2b. Context
Precise the location of your Yale ITS CAS Server by Editing the Properties /
CAS-Server.home = C: /cas-server-2.0.11
3. Deploy
Run `Ant Deploy 'To Install Cas GH INTO YORE ITS CAS Server:
Ant deploy