IPP2P limit BT

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

The RH AS3 kernel is: 2.4.21-15.el. The iptables version is: 1.2.9

1. Download the latest Patch-O-Matic-Ng patch and the latest iptables source code. Put / usr / src

http://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/patch-o-matic-ng/snapshot/ patch-o-matic-ng

http://www.netfilter.org/files/iptables-1.3.1.tar.bz2 iptables

2. If you don't have the kernel source code in your system, please install it. Unzip PATCH-O-MATIC-NG and IPTABLES Packages

Tar -jxvf patch-o-matic-ng-20050302.tar.bz2

Tar -jxvf iptables-1.31..tar.bz2

3. Tell the kernel

CD / USR / SRC / PATCH-O-MATIC-NG-20050302

# Kernel_dir = / usr / src / linux-2.4 iptables_dir = / usr / src / iptables-1.3.1 ./runme extra

Follow the prompt to play the corresponding patch. I only chose IPP2P, Connlimit, Time module.

4. Compile the kernel


Make Prproper

Make config

It is okay to go to the first half here. Select the required module when you encounter the NetWork Option.

Then enter the end of the way to the end.

Make Dep

Make clean

Make Bzimage

Make modules

Make modules_install

Make Install


Start the new kernel

5. Compile iptables


Make kernel_dir = / usr / src / linux-2.4make bindir = / sbin libdir = / lib mandir = / usr / share / man install If there is no error iptables upgrade to 1.3.1 version 6. Test iptables -m ip2p2 -Help iptables -a forward -m ipp2p --edk --kazaa --bit -j drop

After testing on my machine, it is found that the BT download rate can be limited to 30-40K. (Total bandwidth is 6m)


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