Important link of the Web standard

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

This is a wealth, 485 related to the Web standard, the favorite site, articles and blogs are collected here. Steve Smith and Shaun INMAN have completed this list, so we should thank them!

'Building Accessible Websites' serialization hicksdesign: 3D CSS Box Model 3 equalizing col layout header footer - SitePoint Forums 4 Reasons to Validate your HTML 456 Berea Street A List Apart A Practical Start to Web Standards: A Web Standards Primer | Kit | Accessible web design consultancy: The MCU: Article: What is an accessible website Accessible web design consultancy: The MCU: The Advantages of Using Valid HTML - all the tools, links and resources you'll ever? need to make your web site accessible - Attractive, Accessible Web Sites (AKA disproving the myth of ugly) - List-o-matic - generate CSS-styled navigation based on Adactio:. Articles - CSS based Design adaptive path »90% of all usability testing is useless adaptive path» the business value of web standards Advanced CSS Layouts:.. Step by Step - Airbag - A Better tighty Whitey Airbag - Standard Angst All CSS Sites Look the Same - HT ML Dog Blog - HTML Dog Alternative Style: Working With Alternate Style Sheets: A List Apart An exercise in clarity: Web Standards (Signal vs. Noise) An Interview With Mike Davidson of ESPN (Part 1) Andy Budd :: Blogography: An Objective Look at Table Based vs. CSS Based Design Andy Budd :: Blogography: May 2004 Andy Budd :: Blogography: No Margin for Error Andy Budd :: Blogography: The Business Case for Web Accessibility The World Wide Web is not enough Article - Web Design Tips and Usability with Steve Krug - WebTalkGuys Radio ASP.NET Resources - ASP.NET with Emphasis On Web Standards Bending the Matrix: Better Living Through XHTML: A List Apart BlueRobot - There '

. S nothing wrong with gray :: The learning curve of web standards :: Bookmarks for standards testing (Joe Clark: Box Lessons Box Model Hack CSS Positioning Experiments in Web Programming Revenge of the Menu Bar Business Benefits of Accessible Web Design Canadian election Web sites flunk standards test (Joe Clark: Media Access) Cascading Style Sheets, level 1 Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 centricle: css filters (css hacks) Clearing a float container without source markup Client-side Table Sorting Closures and executing JavaScript on page load - SitePoint DHTML & CSS Blog CollyLogic:? Ticked Off Visited Links How-To Color scheme Consistent List Indentation Containing Floats (Complex Spiral Consulting) CoolHomepages Cool Web Sites Gallery, Web Page Templates, Best of the Web, Cool Homepages Creating Liquid Layouts with Negative Margins: a list apart css and email, kissing in a tree: a list apart CSS And Round Cor ners: Making accessible menu tabs CSS articles and tutorials: A List Apart CSS Cursors - testcase for bug 163174 CSS Design: Creating Custom Corners & Borders Part II: A List Apart CSS Design: Creating Custom Corners &

Borders: A List Apart CSS Design: Going to Print: A List Apart CSS Design: Taming Lists: A List Apart css dropdown CSS From the Ground Up - 1 CSS Layouts - CSS No Crap Primer CSS Sprites: Image Slicing's Kiss of Death: A List Apart CSS Tabs :: Kalsey Consulting Group CSS Talking Points: Selling Clients on Web Standards: A List Apart CSS TEMPLATES CSS Tutorial CSS Vault Gallery »Bright Creative CSS vs Table css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design CSS, Accesibility and Standards Links css / edge CssBeauty | Css Design Showcase - Weblog v4.0 [Article # 7: Du Web jetable au Web durable] Day 28: Labeling form elements - Dive Into Accessibility Dead Centre Demystifying Usability Design by Fire Design by Fire: Design Eye for the Usability Guy Design by Fire: for the greater good of Design, p.1 Design by Fire:. Gurus v Bloggers, Round 1 Design by Fire: The Real Reason You Should Care About Web Standards Design Rant Design. PRINCIPLES - and resource Designing With Web Standards Developing With Web Standards | 456 Berea Street Digital Life Archive - 28 June, 2003 Digital Web Magazine - In Defense of Fahrner Image Replacement Digital Web Magazine - Keep It Simple Column Digital Web Magazine - Separating behavior and structure Digital Web Magazine - The behavior Layer Digital Web Magazine - Web Page Reconstruction with CSS Dive Into Accessibility DMSTK - Conde Duque :: XHTML y CSS - Orange dog or higher: Catching web standards Do not "Click here"

[] Dynamic Text Replacement: A List Apart Elastic Design: A List Apart - Browser Archive Explorer Exposed Faux Columns:! A List Apart Fayetteville Public Library Fire and Knowledge »Rounded Corners Without Images, Part 1 Fix Your Site With the right docType!

: A List Apart Fixed and foxy Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC) Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards: A List Apart Float: The Theory Floatutorial: Step by step CSS float tutorial Flowing and Positioning: Two Page Models From Table Hacks to CSS layout: A Web Designer's Journey: A List Apart Front Page - css-discuss Give The Web Some Respect CSS layout techniques Go get your boss Helping your Visitors: a State of Mind: A List Apart Hide CSS from Browsers How to Save Web Accessibility from Itself: A List Apart How to size text using ems | clagnut / blog HTML 4.01 Specification HTML and CSS Tutorials, References, Articles and News - HTML Dog HTML Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS iCab - das Internet-Taxi für den Mac iCab - Let iCab smile Iconico - ColorPic IE Three Pixel Gap Image Replacement-No Span Images, Tables, and Mysterious Gaps isolani - Accessibility within [Company Name] isolani - Dy namic and Accessible web applications Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report: Production for Use Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report: Reinventing the wheel Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report: Rules-based design Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report: Spelling and grammar not the same home Keeping it tall - Le «blog personnel» de Joe Clark »i let ubu Learn: Accessible Forms learn web standards :: a dao of web design Learn Web Standards :: Browser Support - Basic Concepts Learn Web Standards :: CSS Guide - Contents Let's BE Honest, But Let's Not get Crazy »Whitespace Linear ★ Control Printed Pages (To a Degree) with @ @ @ @ @ @ t

media CSS rules Listamatic2: nested list options Listamatic: Listamatic: one list, many options Listutorial: Step by step CSS list tutorial Little Boxes Mandarin Design Daily: Drop Shadows Matthew Thomas »When semantic markup goes bad Max DesignColored boxes - one method of building full CSS layouts mezzoblue § A Roadmap to Standards mezzoblue § Abstracting CSS mezzoblue § css crib sheet mezzoblue § CSS is Visual mezzoblue § CSS Problem-Solving mezzoblue § design, typography, and the web: live from vancouver, bc, canada mezzoblue § Positioning and the Cascade Mike Davidson: March to Your Own Standard Mike Rundle: Accessible Image Replacement Modified Simplified Box Model Hack More Important Than Web Standards Mountaintop Corners: A List Apart Mulder's Stylesheets Tutorial nikochan: Esquinas redondeadas, sin imágenes Nilesh's Weblog: Super Ragged Floats 2 Non-Standard Code Hurts The Bottom Line :: Designing Forms Using CSS Layouts NYPL: Style G uide Off the Top :: Olympic Failure: A Case for Making the Web Accessible Onion Skinned Drop Shadows: A List Apart Peek-a-boo IE6 Bug »Articles» CSS »Fun with forms - customized input elements Picture THIS PRACTIAL CSS LAYOUT TIPS, TRICKS, &

Techniques: A List Apart Progressive Enhancement and the Future of Web Design QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks: document.body and doctype switching QuirksMode - for all your browser quirks: Viewport properties Re: Coloured Cells in Tables Reading Design: A List Apart Real World Style Real World Style: Environmental Style Real World Style: Floating Thumbnails Real World Style: Forms Reasons to switch to the Mozilla Firefox browser has been translated Recent Articles - The Missing in the World Wide Web :: - someone said rounded corners were hard ... Relatively Absolute: Cross-Browser CSS Tabs with Rollover Retooling Slashdot with Web Standards: A List Apart sane css typography Science &

Technology at Scientific The Semantic Web - A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities SelectORacle SELFHTML Semantic data extractor Semantic obsolescence [dive into mark] Separation: The Web Designer's Dilemma: A List Apart // Commentary // IFR: Revisited and Revised si-blog: 10 reasons for web standards Sick Of Web Standards Simon Willison: Two handy FireFox extensions SimpleBits | Accessible Image-Tab Rollovers SimpleBits | book SimpleBits | CSS Photo Zoom SimpleBits | Magic Icons for Lazy People (like me) SimpleBits | Mini Tabs SimpleBits | Mini-Tab Shapes SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz> Part I: Headings SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz> Part XV: Numbered List Pairs SimpleBits | SimpleQuiz Archives SimpleBits | Standards Around The House SimpleBits | This Validates! Simplicity SINELOGIC PRESS | Building Better Sliding DOORS.I CSS - How to :: Sliding DOORS OF CSS: a list apart source Ordered Column Standards Don '

t necessarily have anything to do with being semantically correct ( »Purple Numbers - WP Hack Stopdesign | A Design Process Revealed Stopdesign | Making the Absolute, Relative Stopdesign | On Fixed vs. Liquid Design Stopdesign | The Cost of Page Rank Stopdesign | The IE Factor Stopdesign | The New Blogger Stu Nicholls | Cutting Edge CSS | Doing it with Style Style Guide for Online Hypertext Suckerfish Dropdowns - HTML Dog Super Ragged Floats:, Visual Design SuperfluousBanter: Navigation Matrix SuperfluousBanter: Navigation Matrix Reloaded Survival guide to i18n Tables My Ass - HTML Dog Blog - HTML Dog Tables Vs. CSS - A Fight to the Death tantek / log / 2003/01 text sizing - up the garden path The benefits of Web Standards to your visitors, your clients and you The best web development tool - ever:, IA / Usability The Box Model Problem The Business Benefits of Web Standards The CSS Vault The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot The Man in Bl ue> Writing> Perspective Archives the noodle incident The original proposal of the WWW, HTMLized The Tao of WebDesign The ThrashBox ™ The Trouble With EM 'n EN (and Other Shady Characters): A List Apart The W3C CSS Validation Service The W3C Markup Validation Service The Way Forward with Web Standards | Kit | The Web Standards Project The Weekly Standards They Are Just Tools Man »Whitespace Tim Berners-Lee To Hell with Bad Browsers: A List Apart Two columns with color twothirty media inc - we. BUILD Websites. Web Design Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Updated Simple Css Tabs | Silverange Labs Validating Xhtml with Dreamweaver MX Veerle '

s blog - Comments W3C HTML Home Page WaSP: Learn: FAQ WaSP: Learn: Interviews: Dan Cederholm Web Design References Web Design References: Glossary Web Developer Extension on Web Page Development: Best Practices Web Standards Awards Web Standards Group - Ten Questions for Dan Cederholm Web Standards Roi Web Standards, WHERE Do We Go from here? A Few Ideas ... Webes Technol㳡¡¡¡ k Welcome to Bobby WorldWide Welcome to Max Design wg: CSS Teaser or Lead-in Box What Is Web Accessibility ?: A List Apart Why Do not You Code for Netscape ?: A List Apart Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered Why we will not help you [dive into mark] Wired News: Behind the Wired News Design World Wide Web Consortium XHTML Web Design for Beginners - Part 2 Yale Style Manual-Table of Contents - INDEX ZELDMAN: Designing with Web Standards [WS] Fast Rollovers without preload [WS] Datapark.Ruthx to Xueyu


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