Java common problem highlights

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Pjava Chinese Station


How to set the environment variable of Java 2 (JDK1.2)?


After Java 2 is installed, you need to set the path and java_home environment variables. Different from JDK1.1: After setting the Java_Home environment variable, the JVM will automatically search the system class library and the user's current path.

The setting of the Java 2 environment variable is shown in the following example:

Solaris Platform: SETENV JAVA_HOME JAVA2 installation path STENV PATH $ java_home / bin: $ {pat} Windows platform: set java_home = java2 installation path set path = $ java_homebin;% PATH%

Q: What Java integrated development tools support Java 2?


At present, popular Java integrate development environments, such as Inprise's JBuilder, Symantec's Visual Cafe, Sybase's Powerj supports Java 2.


If an error occurs when running a Java Applet in a Netscape or IE browser, how do I determine the error range?


When Java Applet runs in the browser, use the browser itself's default JVM. Different browsers have different support for JDK. Therefore, running Java Applet in Netscape or IE browser. It is recommended to use JDK's tool AppletViewer or Sun's HotJava browser to test the applet to determine the incorrect generation is related to the browser. If the applet runs everything in AppletViewer or HotJava, the error is due to browser Not completely compatible with JDK. At this point, the solution can be using the Hotjava browser or install Sun's Java Plugin. If the applet runs in the HotJava browser or AppletViewer, you should check the Applet program based on the error message.


When using JDBC to insert data into the database or extract data from the database, the Chinese characters will be displayed as garbled?

A: This problem is usually related to the implementation of each JDBC Driver. At present, most JDBC Driver uses local encoding format to transmit Chinese characters, such as Chinese characters "0x4175" will be transferred to "0x41" and "0x75". Therefore We need to convert characters returned by JDBC Driver and sending characters to JDBC Driver. When inserting data to the database with JDBC Driver, you need to transfer Unicode to Native Code; when JDBC Driver query data from the database, The Native Code is required to be unicode. The implementation of these two conversions will be given below:

String native2Unicode (string s) {if (s == null || s.Length () == 0) {return null;} Byte [] buffer = new byte [s.Length ()]; for (int i = 0 i s.length (); i ) {IF (S.Charat (i)> = 0x100) {c = s.Charat (i); byte [] buf = (" c) .GetBytes (); buffer [J ] = (char) BUF [0]; BUFFER [J ] = (char) BUF [1];} else {buffer [j ] = S.Charat (i);}} return new string (buffer, 0, J);

In addition to the above two methods, some JDBC Driver If the correct character set attribute is set to JDBC Driver Manager, the above 2 methods are not required.


When using servlets to process HTTP requests and generate returned HTML pages, how to make Chinese characters in the HTML page normal display?


javax.servlet.http.HttpResponse class used to generate the page returned by the getOutputStream method () can be obtained Examples of ServletOutputStream HttpResponse defined, so that the user can return the content of the page is written to the output stream using a method ServletOutputStream.write However ServletOutputStream Using the default encoding method, if you want to make the Chinese characters in the return page, it is best to specify the character encoding method used. It is often necessary to construct an OutputStreamWriter, the routines are as follows:

public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {res.setContentType ( "text / html"); ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream (); OutputStreamWriter ow = new OutputStreamWriter (out, "GB2312"); ow. Write ("This is the test"); OW.FLUSH () ;OW.Close ();} Q: How do I set the ClassPath of Java WebServer to include the user's Class file? A: There are two ways to set the ClassPath of Java Webserver Environment variables to call users' class files with servlets written by users. Place the user's Class file in the javawebser_dir / classes directory, when the Java Webserver starts, the classes directory is automatically added to the ClassPath environment variable. Modify httpd. NOJRE file, add the path name of the user class file to the ClassPath environment variable. Q: Why use naming.lookup on the Windows platform to get a remote RMI object? A: The machine's network setting is incorrect and very likely It causes the problem to occur. RMI uses Java network classes, especially Java.Net.Netaddress classes, which will query the host name of TCP / IP, including the map of the host name and the host name to the IP address. Windows platform, this query function is implemented by the local Windows Socket library. So delay is in the Windows library, not in RMI. If your machine is set to use DNS, the problem is usually the DNS server can't find The host name, the delay you find is the delay of the DNS query. Please try all the hostname / IP addresses involved in the RMI communication to the local file WinntSystem32DriverseTCHOSTS or WindowsHosts. The format is as follows: IP address host name should be The time spent in the query can be significantly reduced. Q: How to set up proxy information when writing Java Application, in order to access the external website? A: If you are in JA VA Application Access the external website, first set the proxy information, the sample code is as follows: import; ..... Properties sys = system.getProperties (); sys.put ("proxyset", "true" ); sys.put ("proxyhost", ""); sys.put ("proxyport", "80"); system.setproperties (sys); u = new url (website); connection = Httpurlconnection) u.openConnection ();

..... Q: Swing component jlist's list data is modified, how to notify jlist change display? A: JList component has a separate display mode ListModel to represent Jlist's display data. Jlist created, the value of JList data elements and The number of data elements can be dynamically changed. Jlist Observes the changes in data in its data mode ListModel. Therefore, a ListModel's correct implementation should notify the event's listener when each data is changed. When using constructor Jlist ( Object []) When you create an instance of a JList, the system will automatically create an instance of a DEFAULTLISTMODEL to store JLIST display data, which can call the simple way defined in DefaultListModel to dynamically modify the JList data, such as RemoveElementat (INDEX), AdDelement ( Object), etc. DEFAULTLISTMODEL will notify Jlist for data changes while modifying data. Q: How do I implement a mode dialog box in the Java applet? A: The key to implementing the mode dialog box in the Java applet is to create a dialog When you want to specify a correct parent window for the dialog. Because Applet is a subclass of the Panel class, you cannot use the parent window of the dialog, so you first get the window where the applet is located, the parent window of the mode dialog. Sample Examples are as follows: ..... Dialog D = New Dialog (getParentWindow (Comp), title); // CoMP is any component on the applet .... public void getParentWindow (Component ComponApplet, String Title) {Container C = ComponApplet.getParent (); while (c! = null) {if (c instanceof frame) return (frame) C; c = c.getParent ();} Return NULL;

} Q: How to display another HTML page in the Java applet? A: You can get the appletContext () method to make the applet to browse the applet () method through the java.applet.applet.getappletcontext () method. Displays another web page. Q: Can I run with JDK implementation, can I run in Netscape or IE? A: The signature applet implemented with JDK can not be run in Netscape or IE, but can run in the Hotjava browser. Different browsers provide different signature Applet mechanisms, such as Netscape provides Zigbert tools and Capability APIs, while IE requires using a CAB file. However, whether it is the signature applet generated by the Netscape tool, or the signature APPPlet generated by IE, You cannot run in other browsers. If you want to make the JDK generated signage Applet to run in Netscape or IE, the solution is to install Java Plugin in Netscape or IE, you can use the JDK-implemented signature applet can be in these two The browser is running. Q: Use JNI technology can call the C subscription from the Java application, but how to make the C library can call another C subscription? A: If a C library C1 called by Java is still needed Call another C library C2, then connect the library C2 when compiling C1, the steps are as follows (Solaris Platform): Write the Java file calling the C library, compile. Javac Java file name generating C program header file Javah -jni The Java file name (without suffix .java) writes the C program C1.c called by Java, and C2.c called C1, and compiled. cc -g -iinclude path name c2.c -o cc - G-INCLUDE path name -lc2 c1.c -o Set the environment variable Stenv ld_library_path, location path: $ {ld_library_path} Run Java application Q: How to list PC files in Java language All drive names in the system A: In Java 2, the File class in the Java.IO package adds the method LISTROTS () to achieve this. Q: Why is Runtime.exec ( "ls") does not have any output? A: Call the runtime.exec method will generate a local process and return an instance of a process subclass, which can be used to control the process or acquire the process. Due to the call runtime.exec method The sub-process created does not have its own terminal or console, so the standard IO of the child process is re-directed through process.getoutputstream (), process.getinputstream (), process.geterrorStream () method Give it the parent process. Users need to use these stream to enter data or get the output of the child process to the child process. So correct the runtime.exec ("ls") of Runtime.exec ("ls") is as follows: try {process = runtime.getime () .exec (command); InputStreamReader ir = newInputStreamReader (process.getInputStream ()); LineNumberReader input = new LineNumberReader (ir); String line; while (! (line = input.readLine ()) = null) System.out.println (line);} catch ( ioException e) {system.err.println ("IOException" E.GetMessage ());

} Q: How to generate a signature applet so that the applet can access local resources? A: In JDK1.1, you can use the javakey command to generate public key, private key, certificate and signature JAR file, please refer to: http: // and Java 2 have a relatively large improvement on the signature mechanism, allowing users to set security permissions more flexibly. Java 2 provides three tools: KeyTool, PolicyTool and Jarsigner are implemented Signing applet. For example, Joe has written a signature applet:, then generating a simple signature applet is as follows: // Generate a key, the key is not named Joe, the password is SIGN12, stored in the keystore Joestore KeyTool -Genkey -Alaias Joe -KeyPass Sign12 -keyStore Joestore // Package SignedApplet.class and related files into JAR file JAR CVF SIGNEDAPPLETDEMO.JAR // Generate self-signed certificate generated by KeyTool to generate a signature applet (JAR file) Jarsigner -KeyStore Joestore -SignedJar Joe.jar Signedappletdemo.jar Joe // Output Self-signed Certificate from KeyStore to file keytore-ketport-ready, joesteore -alias joe -file joe.cer, need to pass the acceptor Susan for signing Applet Safely perform Joe written signature applet: // get JoE certificate and read it into the keytore in the keystore in the keystore, the keytore-IMPORT -ALIAS JOE-FILE JOE.CER -KEYSTORE SUSANSTORE / / Run PolicyTool to meet the Susan requirements Policy file policy // runs with AppletViewer or runs Java Plugin in your browser. For the deployment of the signature applet in Java Plugin, please refer to the following page: Note: The above example is simply, using the self-signed certificate generated by KeyTool. In fact, users can also apply for electronic certificates to the commercial CA center using KeyTool -Certreq. Q: If the ObjectOutputStream is written to Object multiple times in an additional manner, why use ObjectInputStream to read these objects? A: Use When the default Serialize is implemented, an ObjectOutputStream constructor and an ObjectInputStream constructor must correspond one by one. The constructor of ObjectOutputStream is written to the output stream, and ObjectInputStream will first read this identity head. So, more When writing Object in an additional manner, the file will contain multiple identification heads. So use ObjectInputStream to deserialIze this ObjectOutstream, a STREAMCORRUPTEDEXCEPTION will produce a solution to construct an ObjectOutputStream subclass, and Override WriteStreamHeader () method. The overridden WriteStreamHeader () method should determine if it is written to Object in the file for the first time, carbonyl? Call super.writestReamHeader ();

If you write Object when you add an additional manner, you should call the ObjectOutputStream.Reset () method. Q: The Serialization class is a flow-oriented, how should you write objects to a random access file? A: Currently, there is no direct method to write objects into random access files. But you can use the ByteArray input / output stream as an intermediary to read or read or read the word from the random access file. Section, and you can use byte stream to create object input / output streams for reading and writing. Need not to note that in the byte stream, you want to include a complete object, otherwise an error will occur when reading and writing objects. For example, can be used to get the byte stream of ObjectOutputStream, which can be obtained from the BYTE array and write it into a random access file. Instead, we can read the byte array from the random access file, using it ByTearRayinputStream can be constructed to read ObjectInputStream to read objects. Q: When running RMI applications, you can not manually start the name service RMIRGISTRY, but start from the program? A: Yes. Java.rmi package provides classes Java.rmi.Registry.locateREGISTRY, is used to get a name service or create a name service. Call the locateregistry.createRegistry (int port) method can create a name service at a particular port, so that users do not need to manually start RMIREGISTRY. In addition, LocateRegistry.getRegistry (String Host, INT port) method can be used to obtain a name service. Q: How should I set the printing attribute of the printer name when using the class printjob? A: Use the following method to get PrintJob instance to control the print operation: Toolkit .GetPrintJob (Frame F, String Jobtitle, Properties Pro) So settings for printing properties can be implemented by setting Prop properties, printing properties include: aff.print.destination: can be "printer" or "file" AWT.Print .printer: Printer Name AWT.PRINT.FileName: Print file name AWT.PRINT.NUMCOPIES: Costs AWT.PRINT.Options: Print command print options AWT .print.orientation: Printing direction, can be "portrait" or "landscape" aff.print.papersize: Paper size, can be "letter", "legal", "executive" or "a4"


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