Struts HTML tag library (on)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Label public characteristics

ID Named Custom Label Create Script Variable Name.

Name points to the keyword value, you can find an existing Bean under this keyword. If the Scope property is given, just find it in Scope. Otherwise, lookups in various Scope according to the order of the standard: (Page, Request, Session, or Application).

Property pointers an attribute in the bean that can be retrieved. If not indicated, the value of the object itself is used.

Scope defines which range is found in which range (request, session, or application) is found. If not indicate, look up in order. Script variables (see ID) will be created in the same range.

The Struts tag also supports nested references, for example:

Property = ""

This is equivalent to the following calls:

Getfoo (). getBar (). getBAZ ();

Or as a setter:

Getfoo (). GetBar (). setbaz (value);

HTML tags are used to create an HTML input form that can interact with the Struts framework and other corresponding HTML tags. It can complete the same function with the standard HTML element. Roughly divided into the following three categories

Tags for generating basic HTML elements

Tags with generating html form

Display the label of errors or normal information

HTML tag library

label It has two properties: Locale and XHTML, both of which are not required.

This line of code is parsed:

Description: The resulting result depends on the locale of the Struts application located at the server. If you deploy an application to a different locale server, you don't need to change the code, and Locale will automatically adjust.

Tag: Represents the absolute position of the page included. This tag is only effective in embedding in the HEAD tag.


The most important attributes Page: The path of the image file, you must have a slash.

Other properties: Heignt, Width, Alt.


Click Demo After this line code analysis: Click Demo

Tags: Through a simple tag, you can display full-defined error messages on a JSP page. Function is super powerful! ! Note: This label looks up in the property collection of the Request object. If it finds a reserved key, it assumes that this key is a string, or a string array (which contains Message Keys in the module's MessageResources, or the type ORG.Apache.Struts.Action.ActionerRRRUTS.Action.Actionerror Object. If there is a corresponding message in the application resource, you can use the following optional Message Keys.prefix: The appropriate information is displayed before the individual list of the error message. Errors.footer or errors.suffix: The corresponding information is displayed after the individual list of the error message.

Tag Series You must follow some rules when using the tag:

Actions must contain an action property in the label, which is the only necessary attribute in this tab. If this property does not have this attribute, the JSP page will throw an exception. You must give this Action property to a valid value. A valid value refers to the access path of any child elements in the element in the Struts configuration file of the application. Moreover, there must be a Name property in the corresponding element, and its value is the name of the Form Bean. If you have one of the above labels, then your Struts profile must have an element that is shown as bold: .. // This is to say that an Form tag is associated with the Form bean.

Any label (, , ,