URL Summary Summary

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

1. Set the web.config file. ... ... or : ASPX file:

2. Before passing the Chinese, the Chinese parameter to be passed is encoded, and decoded again when receiving. >> Transfer String Name = "Chinese Parameters"; Response.Redirect ("B.ASPX? Name =" Server.urlencode (Name));

>> Receive String Name = Request.QueryString ["Name"]; response.write (server.urdecode (name)); or: navigateURL = '<% # "Webform2.aspx? Singer =" httputility.urlencode (" Chinese, System.Text.Encoding.Getencoding ("GB2312"))%> '

3. If it is to pass the Chinese parameter from the .html file (ie, the URL conversion is not made from the back office). The passing Chinese parameter is to be encoded, and decoded again when receiving. >> Performance