Miscefire! Application technical management post written test results analysis

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

Take 14 people in the examination, the test paper is over 100 (top three questions). Examination time is 60 minutes.

A total of 5 topics, famous interpretation, choice questions, briefs, and discuss all kinds of topics. It involves knowledge of computer, including database applications and programming capabilities. Fourth, five questions are additional questions, no count. The difficulty of topics is moderate.

The scores and total scores of the candidates are as follows:

The first question, the second question, the third question, the fourth question A certain 01100011 (a certain one) 016100026 (a certain) 61600022 (a certain one) 31100014 (a certain) 01000010 (a certain) 01200012 (a certain one) 016510536 (a certain one) 016510536 01150016

Total statistics:

Score number ratio Remark 000% white roll <1017.1% 10 ~ 20964.3% 20 ~ 30214.3% 30 ~ 40214.3% 40 ~ 5000% 50 ~ 6000%> 6000%

Seeing from the statistics:

No one reaches 60 points and the score.

Most people's scores are concentrated between 10 and 20, accounting for 64.3%;

The main examination questions (first to three questions) difficulty.

The first question is explained to the noun, 9 people have to have 0 points, indicating that these people have very little experience! It can be found that these people have not completed any actual work.

The second question is a choice question, and the score is relatively high. Most people's scores are basically this topic.

The third question is a brief answer, and the completion is very poor. Only there are only a few steps to answer the software development process, which are common in textbooks. Other practice projects narrative, programming and database knowledge, no one answered correct.

The third question and the fourth question are additional questions, which is set for some real masters, but basically no one can answer.

From the results of the entire answer, almost all candidates lack practical work experience and lack new knowledge learning skills. No one can reach our recruitment requirements.

Zhang Qing March 8, 2005


Applicable technical management post pen test

First, noun explanation (15 points)

1, ASP 2, JSP 3, CSS 4, VLAN 5, XML

Second, the choice questions (25 points)

1. Can receive commands of each user, handle the user's service request, such an operating system belongs to ______.

A) Batch system B) Time system C) Real-time system D) distributed system

2. SMTP protocol is used in which service ______.

A) WWW b) Email c) file transfer d) News & Announcements

3. Use to describe the quality of data transmission service is ______.


4. In the following authentication mode, the most commonly used is ______.

A) Access control B) Account Name / Password Certification C) Based on Personal Features Certification

D) Certification based on public key encryption

5. When the user computer is connected to the Internet via the telephone network, it is necessary to establish a connection with the ISP to what device. _____.

A) Database Server B) Mail Server C) Proxy Server D) Remote Access Server

6. In the following network security techniques, users who cannot use users from sending or accepting information from "replay" ______.

A) Digital signature b) firewall C) Third-party confirmation D) identity authentication

7. Module independence is a basic principle of software structured design methods. Which of the following cases of the module are best-independent______.

A) strong coupling, weak cohesiveness B) is weak, and the cohesiveness is strong.

C) strong coupling, strong cohesiveness D) is weak, and the cohesiveness is weak.

8. Generally in the data flow chart, the symbol ○ is used to represent ______. A) External entity B) Transform / Processing C) Data Storage D) Data Stream

9. The content of the software test includes ______.

I. Effectiveness Test II. Integrated Test III. Acceptance Test

IV. System Test V. Unit Test

The correct test order is

A) I, II, III, IV, V b) V, IV, III, II, I

C) V, I, II, III, IV D) V, II, I, IV, III

10. Which of the following is the quality characteristics related to the operation of the software product ______.

A) Testability B) Adaptive C) Reusability D) Stunning

11. In the software design process, the work should be carried out is ______.

A) Overall design B) module design C) interface design D) Database design

12. The tools that are not used in the system detailed design phase are ______.

A) PAD Figure B) N-S Figure C) Procedure Flow Diagram D) HIPO

13. Software Engineering includes software development technology and software engineering management, which belongs to software engineering management content is ______.

A) Software tool B) Software Engineering Environment C) Development Method D) Software Engineering Economics

14. For software designed by software engineering, its maintenance project should begin to ______.

A) Return test B) Read Code C) Read Design Document D) Demand Analysis

15. In the software engineering, the software configuration is represented by the configuration item. Which of the following does not belong to the content of the software configuration item ______.

A) demand says B, test report C, feasibility study report d), software change notice

16. In the description of the relational database, the error is ______.

A) The lower the paradord that is satisfied, the higher the cost of the update operation.

B) The higher the paradigm, the higher the paradigm, the lower the cost of the update operation.

C) The higher the paradigm, the higher the paradigm, the higher the cost of the query operation.

D) The lower the paradigm, the lower the query operation, the higher the cost of the query operation.

17. In the SQL language, the command that can correctly realize the class or deletion is ______.

A) on delete cascades

B) on delete restric

C) on delete nullifies

D) on Delete Default

18. The following relationship SC (SNA, CNAME, GRADE) (all attribute meanings, respectively, the student number, course name, grade) is now increased by 10 points, and below can do this The SQL command is ______.



19. The following describes the description of the view, the error is ______.

A) You can make any modification operations for any view B) view to simplify the user's operation.

C) The view can provide a security protection action D) view provides a certain degree of independence over the database.

20. Description of the overall logical structure of all data in the database, as the database of ______.

A) internal mode B) Outer mode C) mode D) sub mode

21. Data warehouse is a data collection that supports corporate decisions with basic features. Which of which is not a data warehouse feature______.

A) Data and historical changes independent b) data is integrated

C) Data is a relatively stable D) data is theme

22. Data mining methods are many methods, where is not commonly used is ______.

A) Association rules b) Cluster analysis

C) classification analysis D) hierarchy analysis

23. One of the characteristics of C / S calculation structure is ______. A) Network-based distribution processing system B) can only do server with a microcomputer

C) There is no need to install the tool software on the client D) no need to install application software

24. In software engineering methods, the tool that represents software processing flow is ______.

A) Data flow chart b) System flow chart

C) Module Structure Diagram D) Business Flow Diagram

25. There are three levels in programming, and the order should be ______.

A) Code, draw program block diagram, test B) encoding, write program documentation, troubleshoot

C) Coding, test, troubleshrown D) encoding, drawing program block diagram, troubleshooting

Third, Just Answers: (60 points)

1. Software design, the development process mainly has those steps, what few steps do you think is important, why?

2, simply describe the software project you have developed (project name, scale, design idea, use tools, etc.).

3. Write the following description by ASP:

A, determine the other party's IP address

B, ASP and Access database connection

C, ASP and SQL database connection

D, how to transfer variables from one page to another

4, explain the meaning of the following SQL statements:

A, SQL = "SELECT * FROM DATA WHERE Field Name = Field Value ORDER BY Field Name [DESC]".

B, SQL = "Update Datasheet Set Field Name = Field Value WHERE Condition Expression".

C, SQL = "SELECT SUM (field name) AS alias from Datasheet WHERE Condition Expression".

D, write the establishment and deletion of the data table.

Fourth, the establishment and deletion of the data sheet: CREATE TABLE Table Name (Field 1 Type 1 (Length), Field 2 Type 2 (Length) ...) Example: Create Table Tab01 (Name Varchar (50), DateTime Default Now () ) DROP TABLE Data Sheet Name (permanently delete a data sheet)


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