How to use VB development game plug-in

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

1. Need VB API Function: FindWindow ← Viewing the first top window for the specified condition in the list GetWindowThreadProcessID ← Get a process and thread identifier associated with the specified window ------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Related API Declaration: FindWindow ↓ Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "User32" Alias ​​"FindWindowa" (Byval Lpwindown As String) AS LONG

GetWindowThreadProcessid ↓ Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessid Lib "User 32" (Byval HWND As Long) AS Long ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Custom Function: DIM HWND As Long --------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Sourcecodes: Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias ​​"FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long Private Sub Timer1_Timer () Dim hwnd As Long 'Store the FindWindow function returned HWnd = findwindow (vbnullstring, "w IndOws Media Player ") 'get the process identifier" as long as Windows Media Player is changed to the name of the game! If hWnd = 0 Then Label1.caption = "The game is not running" else label1.caption = "End if End Sub

2. I believe everyone. When making games, I will use the FPE, Jinshan Ranger, GE Modifier, Game Master8.0 and so on, but today's online games have basically added NP, let's take a look at NP. . Know yourself and know each other, don't fight! What is NPROTECT? NProtect is a tool designed to protect the new concept of a new concept infected with viruses and hacker programs in a virus and hacker program. He helps ensure that all information entering the personal computer terminal does not fall into the hacker on the network. In the event of an end user, it is possible to improve the security level by configuring NPROTECT in websites that provide e-commerce, imported trade, and electronic trade. How does NPROTECT work? NPROTECT is a server-side-based solution and is automatically started when any network applications need to be protected. NPROTECT is loaded into memory, so the end user does not need to install any application, as long as NPROTECT starts, it will begin to reject the hacker tool and virus invasion! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - How do I work below: When the user logs in, NPROTECT starts. The browser confirms and automatically installs the security module to the user's personal computer. Scan hacker tools and viruses Notification users The current security status If there is a hacker tool and virus try to delete a hacker tool to lock the hacker tool until the computer or NProtect is closed. Available Koreans, add this online game. I can only say: "Hey!" ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- A few ways to avoid the scan of NP: First, the FPE article is developed by the Taiwanese, hehe. Named, no way to call it so good! 1. First install a FPE, huh, ← This is nonsense! 2. Do not delete the installer, follow: Start → Run → regedit → HEKY_LOCAL_MACHINE → Software → JAW → FPE open! (Q: What is the use? A: Modified!) 3. Run the FPE, then enter 'jaw' in the search (a certain home '') is usually 6 addresses, and then all selected: 313131c313131 (meaning 111 Multi-input 31 on both sides is 1111!) Don't turn FPE! (Off is over!) 4. Modify the registry, turn the JAW, FPE (FPE is all changed) in the registry, and the FPE is closed.

(What bird language doesn't know! Haha) 5. Restmented the FPE's folder to 1112000 (originally FPE2000 Sapphoid), modify the fpe.exe to 111.exe 6. Then reinstall the FPE and copy the DLL file to You have modified the FPE file directory! (Oh!) 7. Open the FPE into the game! Haha ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- Second, the task manager paragraph Bill Gates, can also send it on this! (Q: What is something? Answering Windows comes! Oh !!) 1. First use shortcuts Ctrl Alt Delete /. Open Task Manager 2. View the process, general junk point online games will have multiple processes . You will kill it! 3. What should I do if there are not many processes? BIN This is the same, the official lander and private service lander, the official lander and the private service are called BIN to enter the game. After the lander is opened, it is updated. Click to run the game, kill the lander process in a few seconds (this depends on how your own computer is configured, it may be 2 seconds, may be 10 seconds! Anyway no more than 15 seconds) This will close screen NP! Oh, I can make a mess! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

Third, the direct articles are directly related to anything! How to do it? Follow my glasses to sprinkle! "Feng Shen Bang" knows? (A: I don't know! Answer: Go to death!) It protects, the official has been published, but some people say "Feng Shen Bang" is not NP, (Note: NP is now the protected synonymous!) Don't listen to those People! First, run the lander (updated) enters the game. Close the game entered with the lander of the lander is immediately running Game.exe huh, no np. FPE is waiting for something. Magic superimposed, free weight, etc. can be achieved! Another is that the DAT file or bin file is directly modified to EXE. Ha ha! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

Fourth, how to do the programming articles (VB, VC, Delphi, etc.!) Oh, I don't know how to edit VC and Delphi. *** I like VB? VB can simply realize the message sent by virtual NPROTECT. If you don't say it! One sentence virtual NPROTECT message (you don't mean not saying!) -_-! Oh, this is ...! The code is not written, trouble. Just like using WPE these principles

3. Skating the NP scan can now simulate! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Need VB API function: keybd_event ← Function Simulates keyboard action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Related API Declaration: Keybd_Event ↓ Private Declare Sub KeyBD_EVENT LIB "User32" (BYVAL BVK AS BYTE, BYVAL SCAN AS BYTE, BYVAL DWFLAGS AS Long, Byval Dwextrainfo As Long ) ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- Required control: Timer (Interval is not empty) ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Code: private declare sub keybd_event lib "user32" (Byval Scan as Byte, Byval DWFLAGS AS Long, Byval Dwextrainfo As long) private sub timer1_timer () Call KeyBD_EVENT (82, 0, 0, 0) analog Press "R" keys end SUB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Other simulation: Method 1: Appactivate Stitle SendKeys "5" Method 2: Appactivate Stitle SendKeys VBKEY5 Method 3: SendMessage Hwnd, WM_KeyDown, VBKEY5 , 0 & SendMessage Hwnd, WM_KEYUP, vbKey5, 0 & FOUR: AppActivate sTitle keybd_event 53, 0, 0, 0 keybd_event 53, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 method five: PostMessage lHwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, vbKey5, 0 & PostMessage lHwnd, WM_KEYUP, vbKey5, 0 &

4. Add Express ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Require VB API function: getasynckeyState ← Judge function to specify the status of the virtual key when the function is called --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Related API declarations: getasynckeyState ↓ private declare function getasynckeyState lib "user32" (Byval Vkey As Long) AS Integer Private Function Myhotkey (vkeycode) as boolean ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- Required control: Timer (Interval is not empty) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Code: Private Declare function getasynckeystate lib "user32" (byval vkey as long) (vkeycode) AS Boolean myhotKey = (GetasyncKeyState (Vkeycode) <0) End Function 'then detects in the TIMER event in the loop or Timer: private sub time1_timer () if myhotkey (vbkeya) and vbkeycontrol kiln' ctrl a end 'Close Endiff' where VBKEYA is Keyboard "a" constant, other keys can be found in F1. End Sub ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- Other Methods: For example, "Ctrl A" is exited! 'Can set the form's keypreview property to True, then add code in the form_keydown event: Private Sub Form_KeyDown (Keycode As Integer, Shift As Integer if Keycode = ASC ("a") and shift = vbctrlmask the unload me 'If the Ctrl A button is pressed and exits END SUB

5. Tall the analog keyboard, let me talk about the mouse.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Need VB API function: mouse_event ← Simulate a mouse event -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- Related API Declaration: Mouse_Event ↓ Private Declare Sub Mouse_Event Lib "User32" (Byval DX As Long, Byval Dy As Long, Byval CButtons As Long, BYVAL DWEXTRAINFO As Long) --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- defined variables: Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = & H2 Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = & H4 Const MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = & H20 Const MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = & H40 Const MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = & H1 Const MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = & H8000 Const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = & H8 Const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = & H10 -------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- MouseEventf_leftdown ' The left mouse button Press the mouseEventf_leftup 'mouse loosen MouseEventf_rightdown' mouse button Press MouseEventf_rightup 'mouse button to release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Code: private declare sub mouse_event lib "user32" (byval dx as long, byval Dy As Long, BYVAL DY As Long, BYVAL CBUTTONS As Long


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