Wolf Mobile Development Confidential Directory (2005.03)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Wolf Mobile Development Confidential Directory (2005.03)

When you turn your eyes, you have access to March, and spring is coming. The recent mobile development industry is also a lot, and the 3GSM meeting in France seems to declare the beginning of the 3G era, but China is still not moving. Microsoft also started the year's Mobile2Mark mobile development, this prize is still $ 25,000, but only English software is allowed to participate and must pass LOGO certification, and some developers participate in the competition. In the future, China's Windows Mobile developers can write a winning software worldwide and look forward to the arrival of this day.

Ok, come to recommend this good article.


TOP 1: "XRossone Mobile GDI for the Microsoft .Net Compact Framework"


.NET Compact Framework 1.0 is really unable to meet the requirements of developers, so the various open source library winds rolling, famous OpenNetcf. The class library introduced today is an open source GDI class library, which is completely written with C # code. This means that the class library can be used in .NET 1.1 and .NET CF 1.0. It is also worth mentioning that Xroosone's author is a programmer living in Paris, but from his name xinjie zhang, it should be a Chinese. Haha, guess.

Recommended Index: 4.5

Expert Index: 4.0

TOP 2: "Control and Component Designers"


It is a sinful to let OpenNetcf's Peter Foot. And PETER has brought by OpenNetCF, the production method of the design period control and component. This is also a guide to the most authoritative on the .NET CF design period control. If you want to do some .NET CF control, it is very convenient to use in your own project, then this blog is not seen. This blog is divided into four parts, all in the PETER's Blog.

Recommended Index: 4.0

Expert Index: 4.5

TOP 3: "SQL Server CE Resources"


I remember that some people collected the development articles of Smartphone last year, and the ways to be organized in a book, and the result is widely circulated on the network. This time Microsoft personally shot, organize the SQL Server CE resource in MSDN. This is a very good thing for developers who are not familiar with SQL Server CE.

Recommended Index: 3.5

Expert Index: 1.5

TOP 4: "Art of Reusable Code"


This is an article from the MSDN Chinese website mainly introduces the knowledge of version control in the Windows Mobile development environment. I hope that more and more Chinese articles can be seen in the future.

Recommended Index: 3.0

Expert Index: 2.0


.NET Compact Framework FAQ


This time, it is not a solution to a question, but the FAQ of the .NET CF on the MSDN. Most of these problems are from the Microsoft English News Group, which is also very representative. If you can't find a problem, come here to see it, then ask questions, and you may have better effect. Webcast

This time, a new project is added to Webcast, and many developers learn some new knowledge through WebCast. We introduced some of the Webcast of Microsoft America about .NET CF, may have no way to watch because most of the relationship between time, but you can download the video. WebCast is a good form for developers who want to understand new technologies.

Data Access with SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition and the .NET Compact Framework V2.0 (Level 200)

http://www.microsoft.com/communities/eventdetails.mspx?CMTYSvcSource=MSCOMMedia&Params=~CMTYDataSvcParams^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032269739"/^~arg Name % 3D% 22Providerid% 22 value% 3D% 22A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C% 22% 2F% 5E% 7EARG NAME% 3D% 22LANG% 22 Value% 3D% 22EN% 22% 2F% 5E% 7EARG NAME% 3D% 22Cr% 22 Value% 3D% 22US% 22% 2F% 5E% 7E% 2FCMTYDATASVCPARAMS% 5E

We are currently not known to the upcoming SQL Server 2005 mobile version and .NET CF 2.0. This WebCast introduces you the knowledge in this area.

This Webcast time is GMT, March 16, 2005, 17:00, everyone is converted into Beijing time.

.NET Compact Framework 2.0 (Level 100)

http://www.microsoft.com/communities/eventdetails.mspx?CMTYSvcSource=MSCOMMedia&Params=~CMTYDataSvcParams^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032270463"/^~arg Name % 3D% 22Providerid% 22 value% 3D% 22A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C% 22% 2F% 5E% 7EARG NAME% 3D% 22LANG% 22 Value% 3D% 22EN% 22% 2F% 5E% 7EARG NAME% 3D% 22Cr% 22 Value% 3D% 22US% 22% 2F% 5E% 7E% 2FCMTYDATASVCPARAMS% 5E

There are not many sayings below, people who care about .NET CF 2.0 go to listen. Time is GMT from 19:00 on April 6, 2005.

Author: Microsoft Moible MVP Manning

My Concise Catalog will publish in the 9CBS Wince Development Forum and My Development BLOG: Mobile.Aawolf (http://blog.9cbs.net/aawolf)

Copyright Notice: This article is owned by him, please record the author's name and source.


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