Win32 AWSTATS installation BY Emerald Green College - Green Institute
I. Introduction to AWSTATS
Download awStats
III. Install awStats
Four. Download and use cronolog
5. Set the httpd.conf profile of apache
Six. Set awStats
7. Update awStats
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
I. Introduction to AWSTATS
What is awning
awstats is a free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically. this log analyzer works as a cgi or from command line and shows you all possible information your log contains, in few graphical web pages. it uses a partial information file to be able to process large log files, often and quickly. it can analyze log files from all major server tools like apache log files (ncsa combined / xlf / elf log format or common / clf log format), webstar, iis (w3c log format) and a lot of other web, proxy, wap, streaming servers, mail servers and some ftp servers. take a look at this comparison table for an idea on features and differences between most famous statistics tools (awstats , ANALOG, Webalizer, ...). AWSTATS IS A Free Software Distributed Under the gnu general public license. You can have a look at this license chart to know what you can can't do. as awesteats Works from the commit line But Also as a cgi, IT CAN Work with Major W EB Hosting Provider Which Allow Perl, CGI and Log Access.
You Can Browse awning on demos from Web Has Been Disabled On Demos To See a Sample of Most Important Information AWSTATS Shows you ...
1. Demo for Web Server log files
2. Static demo for ftp log file
3. Static demo for mail log file* ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------- * - /
2. Download awStats
-------------------------------------------------- - Note: Since the topic is labeled, 嘻嘻, then naturally, according to my method. ----------------------------- -------------------------
I am downloading AWSTATS-6.4.EXE self-installation version.
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
III. Install awStats
1. Run awStats-6.4.exe
2. Installation Directory I am set to: J: / AWSTATS /
3. # ----------------------------------- ---- Do you want me to build a new awning impound install [y / n]? # --------------------- ------------------------------ Choose Y
4. # ----------------------------------- ---- Your Web Site, Virtual Server or Profile Name: # ----------------------------------- ---------------- Enter the domain name of your website, my:
5. Then follow the ENTER key to complete the basic installation.
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
Four. Download and use cronolog
Win 32 Version (Zip file)
-------------------------------------------------- - Note: The cronolog function is mainly used to cut off the Apache log in the days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------
1. Unzip the cronolog-1.6.1-win32 zip package.
2. Copy cronolog.exe to Apache's bin directory, I copy to: # ----------------------------- -------------------- C: / Program Files / Apache Group / Apache2 / bin / # ---------------- -----------------------------------
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
5. Set the httpd.conf profile of apache
1. Open the httpd.conf file.
2. Tell the previous log file case, and my previous log is:
# ------------------------------------------------- - Customlog logs / access_log.log compon env =! Image-request # ---------------------------------- ----------------- Add a # 字 注 注掉, example: # --------------------- ------------------------------ #CustomLog logs / access_log.log common env =! image-request # ----- ----------------------------------------------
3. Redefine logging file example: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Customlog "| bin / cronolog.exe logs / access_% y% m% d.log" combined env =! Image-request # ----------- ----------------------------------------
4. Set the virtual directory for awStats, I am installed in J: / AWSTATS / Example: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- # AWSTATS Alias / AWSTATSCLASSESS "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CLASSES /" Alias / AWSTATSCSS "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CSS / "Alias / AWSTATSICONS" J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / ICON / "Scriptalias / AWSTATS /" J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CGI-BIN / "
5. Summary Apache httpd.conf setting # -------------------------------------- ----------- ####################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ######################## 免 请 图片 图片 图片 图片 s 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 在 中 s s s 在 中 s s Request setEnvif request_uri /.png image-request setENVIF request_uri /.jpeg image-request
## Record the request to use English to a log, and record non-English requests to another log #setnvif accept-language "en" eNGLish
#Customlog logs / English_log.log common env = English #Custom Logs / Non_ENGLISH_LOG.LOG COMMON ENV =! English #Custom Logs / Access_log.log Common Env =! Image-Request
#CustomLog logs / access_log.log common env =! image-request #customlog "logs / access_log.% y% m% D" combined env =! image-request ################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################# ######################################################## BIN / CRONOLOG.EXE LOGS / Access_% Y% M% D.Log "combined env =! image-request
######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ###### # AWSTATS Alias / AWSTATSCLASSESS "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CLASSES /" Alias / AWSTATSCSS "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CSS /" Alias / AWSTATSICONS "J: / AWSTATS / Wwwroot / icon /" Scriptalias / AWSTATS / "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CGI-BIN /"
6. If you set it, restart Apache # ------------------------------------- ------------ Net Stop Apache2 Net Start Apache2 # ------------------------------- --------------------
7. If all goes, there should be such a format log display # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Access_20050309.log # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- - Note: C: / Program Files / Apache Group / Apache2 / Logs ---------------------------------- ------------------
8. If everything is completed, the set of Apache is set, then it is set to set AWSTATS.
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
Six. Set awStats
1. Enter J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CGI-BIN / directory
2. Open awStats.Model.conf, copy the contents of awStats.Model.conf to files. --------------------- ------------------------------ Note: I have a blank in after installation. -------------------------------------------------- -
3. Find the logfile string, set to: # --------------------------------------- ------------ logfile = "c: / program files / apache group / apache2 / logs / access_% YYYY-24% MM-24% DD-24.Log" # ----- ----------------------------------------------
4. Press Ctrl F in to find the Sitedomain string, add site domain name, example: # -------------------- ------------------------------- Sitedomain = "" # ------- --------------------------------------------
5. Find the HostaliaSS string, add site root domain name, I don't, so let it become the default.
6. Find DIRDATA strings, my settings: # -------------------------------------- ------------- Dirdata = "# ------------------------------- --------------------
7. Find loadplugin = "decodeutfkeys", remove the front # character, example: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- # loadplugin = "decodeutfkeys" loadingplugin = "decodeutfkeys" # ------------------- --------------------------------
8. The setting of awStats has completed the most, then it is updated, you want to use Perl. --------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Note: Don't specify the included file in the include Include "". ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
7. Update awStats
1. Command line How to enter the bin directory of the Perl installation directory, for example I: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ C: / Perl / bin> # ----------------------- ----------------------------
2. Run the following command update, for example: # ------------------------------------- ------------ Perl j: /awstats/wwroot/cgi-bin/ -config = # ------------ ---------------------------------------
shown as: ----------------------------------------------- ---- C: / Perl / bin> Perl J: /awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/ -config = GI.2288. Org Update for config "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CGI- BIN / AWSTATS.GI.2288.ORG.CONF "with data in log file" C: / program files / apache group / apache2 / logs / access_2005030 8.log "... Phase 1: First bypass old records, Searching New Record ... Direct access after last parsed record (after line 52) Jumped lines in file: 52 Found 52 already parsed records Parsed lines in file:. 0 Found 0 dropped records, Found 0 corrupted records, Found 0 old records, Found 0 new Qualified records.c: / perl / bin> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
3. There will be a text file for an in J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CGI-BIN.
4. Completed ...
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
Additional: There is a doc directory in the awStats directory, with reference information, slowly see, there are many uses, I am also familiar.
Even AWSTATS Address:
/ ************************************************** *************** / * * Author: Emerald
TXT file:
Win32 AWSTATS installation BY Emerald Green College - Green Institute
I. Introduction to AWSTATS
Download awStats
III. Install awStats
Four. Download and use cronolog
5. Set the httpd.conf profile of apache
Six. Set awStats
7. Update awStats
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
I. Introduction to AWSTATS
What is awning
awstats is a free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically. this log analyzer works as a cgi or from command line and shows you all possible information your log contains, in few graphical web pages. it uses a partial information file to be able to process large log files, often and quickly. it can analyze log files from all major server tools like apache log files (ncsa combined / xlf / elf log format or common / clf log format), webstar, iis (w3c log format) and a lot of other web, proxy, wap, streaming servers, mail servers and some ftp servers.take a look at this comparison table for an idea on features and differences between most famous statistics tools (awstats , ANALOG, Webalizer, ...).
AWSTATS IS A Free Software Distributed Under The GNU General Public License. You Can Have a Look At this license chart to know what you can can / can't do.
AS AWSTATS Works from the Command Line But Also As A CGI, IT Can Work with Major Web Hosting Province Which Allow Perl, CGI and LOG Access.
You Can Browse awning on demos from Web Has Been Disabled On Demos To See a Sample of Most Important Information AWSTATS Shows you ...
1. Demo for Web Server Log Files
2. Static Demo for FTP log files
3. Static Demo for Mail log file
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
Download awStats
-------------------------------------------------- -
Note: Since the topic is labeled, he is naturally carried out by my method.
-------------------------------------------------- - I am downloading AWSTATS-6.4.EXE self-installation version.
/ - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- *
III. Install awStats
1. Run awStats-6.4.exe
2. Installation Directory I am set to: J: / AWSTATS /
# ------------------------------------------------- -
Do you want me to build a new awkock config / proifle file
# ------------------------------------------------- - Choose Y 4. Your Web Site, Virtual Server or Profile Name: Enter your website domain name, my: 5. Then follow the ENTER key to complete the basic installation. / - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- * Four. Download and use cronolog Win 32 Version (Zip file) -------------------------------------------------- - Note: The function is mainly used to truncate the Apache log in the days. 1. Unzip the cronolog-1.6.1-win32 zip package. 2. Copy the bin directory of cronolog.exe, I am copying to: C: / program files / apache group / apache2 / bin / / - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- * 5. Set the httpd.conf profile to open the file. Take later the previous log file For example, my previous log is: Customlog logs / access_log.log compon env =! image-request Add a # character comment in front, an example: #customlog 3. Redefine logging files Example: /access_%Y%M%D.log "combined to set the virtual directory for awStats, I am installed in J: / AWSTATS / # Alias / awwwtatsclasses "J: / wwwroot / classes / awStatscss / css / awormsicons / icon /" Scriptalias / cgi-bin / " > Options Execcgi ALLOWOVERRIDE NONE ORDER ALOW, DENY ALLOW FROM ALL Directory> # ------------------------------------------------- - 5. Summarize the settings of apache httpd.conf # ------------------------------------------------- - ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ############ ## Avoid requests to the image appear in the access log Setenvif Request_uri /.gif Image-Request SetENVIF Request_uri /.jpg Image-Request SetENVIF Request_uri /.png Image-Request SetENVIF Request_uri /.jpeg Image-Request ## Record the request to use English to a log, and record non-English requests to another log #setnvif accept-language "en" eNGLISH #customlog logs / English_log.log compon env = 中文 = #CUSTOMLOG logs / Non_ENGLISH_LOG.LOG Common env =! 中文 = #customlog logs / access_log.log compon env =! Image-request #customlog logs / access_log.log compon env =! Image-request #customlog "logs / access_log.% y% m% D" combined env =! image-request ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ############ Customlog "| bin / cronolog.exe logs / access_% y% m% d.log" combined env =! image-request ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ###### # awStats Alias / awStatsClasses "J: / awStats / wwwroot / classes /" Alias / awStatsCSS "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CSS /" Alias / AWSTATSICONS "J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / ICON /" Scriptalias / awStats / "J: / awStats / wwwroot / cgi-bin /" Options Execcgi ALLOWOVERRIDE NONE ORDER ALOW, DENY ALLOW FROM ALL Directory> ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ###### # ------------------------------------------------- - 6. If you set it, restart Apache # ------------------------------------------------- - Net Stop Apache2 Net Start Apache2 # ------------------------------------------------- - 7. If all goes well, there should be such a format log display in Apache's log directory. # ------------------------------------------------- - Access_20050309.log # ------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------- - Note: C: / Program Files / Apache Group / Apache2 / Logs -------------------------------------------------- - 8. If everything is completed, the set of Apache is set, then it is set to set AWSTATS. / - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- * Six. Set awStats 1. Enter J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CGI-BIN / directory 2. Open awStats.Model.conf, copy the contents of awStats.Model.conf to file. -------------------------------------------------- - Note: I have blank in after I installed. -------------------------------------------------- - 3. Find the Logfile string and set to: # ------------------------------------------------- - Logfile = "c: / program files / apache group / apache2 / logs / access_% YYYY-24% MM-24% DD-24.LOG" # ------------------------------------------------- - 4. Press Ctrl F in the file to find the SitedOndomain string, add site domain names, for example: # ------------------------------------------------- - Sitedomain = "" # ------------------------------------------------- - 5. Find the HostaliaSS string, add site root domain name, I don't, so let it become the default. 6. Find DIRDATA strings, my settings: # ------------------------------------------------- - Dirdata = "." # ------------------------------------------------- - 7. Find loadPlugin = "decodeutfkeys", remove the front # character, example: # ------------------------------------------------- - # LoadingPlugin = "decodeutfkeys" LoadPlugin = "decodeutfkeys" # ------------------------------------------------- - 8. The setting of awStats has completed the most, then it is updated, to use Perl. -------------------------------------------------- - Note: You don't need to specify the included file in the include "." -------------------------------------------------- - / - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- * 7. Update awStats 1. Command line How to enter the BIN directory of the Perl installation directory, for example, my: # ------------------------------------------------- --C: / perl / bin> # ------------------------------------------------- - 2. Run the following command update, for example: # ------------------------------------------------- - Perl J: /awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/ -config = # ------------------------------------------------- - shown as: -------------------------------------------------- - C: / perl / bin> Perl j: /awstats/wwroot/cgi-bin/ -config = GI.2288. Org Update for config "j: /awstats/wwrowroot/cgi-bin/" WITH DATA in log file "C: / Program files / apache group / apache2 / logs / access_2005030 8.log "... Phase 1: first bypass old records, searching new record ... Direct Access After Last Parsed Record (after line 52) Jumped Lines In File: 52 Found 52 Already Parsed Records. PARSED LINES IN FILE: 0 Found 0 Dropped Records, Found 0 Corrupted Records, Found 0 Old Records, Found 0 New Qualified Records. C: / perl / bin> -------------------------------------------------- - 3. There will be a text file for an in J: / AWSTATS / WWWROOT / CGI-BIN. 4. Completed ... / - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- * Additional: There is a doc directory in the awStats directory, with reference information, slowly see, there are many uses, I am also familiar. Even AWSTATS Address: / ************************************************** *************** / * * Author: Emerald * * HomePage: * * SEO-GI: * * Sitename: Green College - Green Institute * * Date: 2005-3-9 23:06:50 * / ************************************************** *************** /