There are two modes of blocking and non-blocking implementation, and no data is not returned. Non-blocking mode has a timeout, if there is no data back to the timeout, the get () method will trigger an exception, and you can process it in the program.
Get ([block [, timeout])
REMOVE AND RETURN An Item from the Queue. If Optional Args Block IS
True and Timeout Is None (THE Default), Block if Necessary UnTil A
Item Is Available. if Timeout Is A Positive Number, IT Blocks At MOST
Timeout Seconds And Raises The EMPTY EXCETION IF NO ITEM WAS
Available Within Time. Otherwise (Block is false), Return An Item
IF One is immediately available, else raise the empty exception
ON WED, 9 Mar 2005 14:44:48 0800, Carambo <> Wrote:
> Hello everyone:
I now define a queue module, use the PUT () method to add data, then use get () to take the data, if the queue is empty, do you need my own to judge an abnormal?