One of self-learning: fade in fade (copy)

zhaozj2021-02-11  217

Option expedition

Public Sub IntervalX (Byval INTI AS Integer) IF INTI> 0 THEN SLEP (INTI) 'Made in the time interval of illegitinal inti seconds End SUB

Public Sub ShowTransparency (SrcDC As Long, _ ByVal SrcX As Long, _ ByVal SrcY As Long, _ ByVal SrcHeight As Long, _ ByVal SrcWidth As Long, _ DestDC As Long, _ ByVal DestX, _ ByVal DestY, _ ByVal DestHeight As Long _ Byval destwidth as long, _ byval NLEVEL AS BYTE) DIM LRPROPS AS RBLENDPROPS DIM LNBLENDPTR AS LONG

Lrprops.tblendamount = NLPROPYMEMORY LNBLENDPTR, LRPROPS, 4 Alphablend Destdc, Destx, Desty, Destwidth, Destheight, _ SRCDC, SRCX, SRCY, SRCWIDTH, SRCHEIGHT, LNBLENDPTREND SUB

Public Sub CopyPicturex (Byval Sourx As Long, _ Byval DCDEST As Long, _ Byval Destx As Long, _ Byval Desty As Long, _ ByVal Destwidth As Long, _ Byval Destheight As Long, _ BYVAL DESTHEIGHT AS long ) 'dcsour -> DCDEST

Bitblt DCDest, DestX, Desty, Destwidth, Destheight, Dcsour, SOURX, SOURY, SRCCOPY

End Sub

Public Sub ScreenCls ()

'Refreshing Desktop InvalidateRectasany 0, Byval 0 &, True

End Sub

Private sub flow_load ()


Picture2.height = Picture1.Height Picture2.width = Picture1.width

L = (Screen.Width / Screen.twipsPixelx - Picture1.Scalewidth) / 2 t = (Screen.Height / Screen.twipsPerpixely - Picture1.ScaleHeight) / 2

CopyPictureX GetDC (0), l, t, Picture2.hdc, 0, 0, Picture2.ScaleWidth, Picture2.HeightFor i = 0 To 150 Step 7 IntervalX 150 - i DoEvents ShowTransparency Picture1.hdc, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleHeight, _ Picture1.ScaleWidth, Getdc (0), L, T, _ Picture1.ScaleHeight, Picture1.scaleWidth, i Next i

IntervalX 1000 For i = 0 To 150 Step 7 IntervalX 150 - i DoEvents ShowTransparency Picture2.hdc, 0, 0, Picture2.ScaleHeight, _ Picture2.ScaleWidth, GetDC (0), l, t, _ Picture2.ScaleHeight, Picture2.ScaleWidth i Next I


Unload me End Sub


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