CBUILDER's file operation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

The function of file operation is also provided in the BCB, and the functions of these functions are substantially the same, but such functions and BCB relationships are close to the BCB's ANSISTRING and other data types, in this way The file operation is the most convenient, and I will introduce this file in detail below.

In this file operation function provided by BCB, it can be divided into three types, which is: 1, file name function, 2, file management function; 3, file I / O function.

1, file name function

File name functions can operate on the name of the file, the subdirectories, drives, and extensions. The following table lists these functions and its features.

Function description

ExpandFileName () Returns the full path of the file (including drive, path)

Extractfileext () draws extensions from the file name

ExtractFileName () Extract the file name without the path from the file name

ExtractFilePath () extracts the path name from the file name

ExtractFileDir () extracts the directory name from the file name

ExtractFileDrive () extracts the drive name from the file name

Changefileext () changes the extension of the file

ExpanduncFileName () Returns the full path to the file containing the network drive

ExtractRELATIVEPATH () extracts relative path information from the file name

ExtractShortPathname () Transforms file names to DOS 8 · 3 format

Matchesmask () Check if the file matches the specified file name format

Let's introduce these functions below:

(1) ExpadFileName ()

Prototype: extern package anstructing __fastcall expandFileName (const onSition filename);

Function: Return to the full path of the file (including drive, path)

Parameters: filename: file name to handle

Example: ShowMessage (Application-> Exename); // Show your program file name, such as c: /mybcb/sample1.exe

(2 )ExtFileExt ()

Prototype: extern package anstruing __fastcall extractfileext (const onSition filename);

Function: Patting the extension from the file name

Parameters: FileName: The file name (full path) to process

Example: ShowMessage (extractFileExt (Application-> Exename)); // Display ".exe"

ExTractFileName ()

Prototype: Extern package anstruing __fastcall extractFileName (const onSition filename);

Function: Patting the file name without the path from the file name

Parameters: filename: file name to handle

Example: ShowMessage (ExtractFileExt ("c: //winnt//sol.exe")); // Display "Sol.exe"


Prototype: Extern package anstring __fastcall extractFilePath (const onSition filename);

Function: Patting the path name from the file name

Parameters: filename: file name to handle

Example: ShowMessage ("Winnt // Sol.exe")); // Displays "Winnt /"


Prototype: extern package ansistring __fastcall extractFileDir (const ANSISTRING EXTRACTFILEDIR (Const Ansistring FileName); Function: Different from the file name (different from the previous function, excluding the last "/")

Parameters: filename: file name to handle

Example: ShowMessage ("WinntFileDir (" Winnt // Sol.exe ")); // Displays the difference between" Winnt ", pay attention to the previous function


Prototype: Extern package Ansistring __fastcall extractfileDrive (const anstring filename);

Function: Extract the drive name from the file name

Parameters: filename: file name to handle

Example: ShowMessage (ExtractFileDrive ("c: //winnt//sol.exe"))); // Display "C:"

⑺Changefileext ()

Prototype: EXTERN PACKAGE SYSTEM :: ANSISTRING __FASTCALL CHANGEFILEXT (const system :: Ansistring filename, const system :: ansistring extension);

Function: Change the extension of the file name, not to rename the real file, just to process the file name this string

Parameters: FileName: The name of the file to be renamed, Extension: New extension

Example: ShowMessage (CHANGEFILEXT ("C: //winnt//sol.exe", ".ooo")); // Displays "C: /Winnt/SOL.OOO"


Prototype: extern package anstrunce __fastcall expanduncfilename (const onSISTRING FILENAME);

Function: Returns the full path of the file containing the network drive, the format is: // Machine name / shared name / file name

Parameters: filename: file name to handle

Example: ShowMessage ("f: //winnt//sol.exe")); / * If f: is a mapped network drive // ​​NT40 / Winnt, display "//nt40/winnt/sol.exe" * /


Prototype: Extern package Ansistring __fastcall extractrelativepath (const anstring basename);

Function: Patting relative path information from the file name, such as "../ss/ss.asd"

Parameters: BaseName: Benchmark file name; destname: target file name

Example: ShowMessage ("D: ///source////1.123", "D: //Source//ASM//Dz.asm")); / * Display "../asm/dz.asm "* /


Prototype: Extern package anstring __fastcall extractShortPathName (const onString filename); Function: Convert file name to DOS 8, 3 format

Parameters: filename: file name to handle

Example: ShowMessage ("E: // Program files // Dual Wheel mouse // 4dmain.exe")); / * Display "E: /PROGRA ~ 1/Dualwh ~ 1/4dmain.exe" * /

⑾matchesmask ()

Prototype: Extern package bool __fastcall matchesmask (const onging filename);

Function: Check if the file matches the specified file name format

Parameters: filename: The name of the file to be processed; Mask: File name format, support wildcard

Example: ShowMessage (Matchesmask ("lxf.exe", "*.? X?)); // Show" True "

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

2, file management function

Such functions include setting and reading various operations related to the drive, subdirectories, and files, which lists the common functions of such operations and their functions.

Function function

CreateDir () Creates a new subdirectory

Deletefile () Delete file

DirectoryExists () judgment if the directory exists

DiskFree () gets the residual space of disk

Disksize () Get disk capacity

FILEEXISTS () determines if the file exists

Filegetttr () Get file properties

FilegetDate () Get the date of file

GetCurrentDir () Get the current directory

RemoveDir () Delete Directory

SetCurrentDir () Sets the current directory

Let's introduce these functions below:

(1 )createdir ()

Prototype: Extern package bool __fastcall createdir (const system :: Ansistring Dir);

Function: Create a subdirectory, if you successfully return true, otherwise returning false

Parameters: Dir: The name of the subdirectory to be established

Example: Create ("ASM"); // Create a subdirectory called ASM in the current directory


Prototype: extern package bool __fastcall deletefile (const system :: aNSISSTRING FILENAME);

Function: Delete files, return false if it successfully returns true, otherwise return false

Parameters: FileName: The file name to delete

Example: IF (OpenDialog1-> Execute ()) deletefile (OpenDialog1-> filename);

CA2Directoryexists ()

Prototype: Extern package bool __fastcall directoryexists (const system :: ansistring name);

Function: Check if the directory exists, if there is a returns, return false

Parameters: Name: Directory to be detected

Example: if (! Directoryexists ("ASM")) CreateDir ("asm"); // If the ASM is not existed, it creates the ⑷DiskFree ()

Prototype: Extern package __int64 __fastcall diskfree (byte driving); BYTE DRIVE

Function: Detect disk remaining space, return value in byte, if the specified disk is invalid, return -1

Parameters: drive: The code of the disk, 0 means the current disk, 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C Based on this class

Example: ShowMessage (DiskFree (0)); // Displays the remaining space of the current disk


Prototype: extern package __int64 __fastcall disksize; Byte Drive

Function: Detect disk capacity, return value in byte, if the specified disk is invalid, return -1

Parameters: drive: The code of the disk, 0 means the current disk, 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C Based on this class

Example: ShowMessage (DiskFree (0)); // Displays the capacity of the current disk

⑹fileexists ()

Prototype: Extern package bool __fastcall fileexists (const onging filename);

Function: Detecting the file exists, if there is a returning true, return false

Parameters: filename: The file name to be detected

Example: IF (FileExists ("aaa.asm")) deletefile ("aaa.asm");

⑺filegetttr ()

Prototype: extern package int __fastcall filegettttr (const anstruing filename);

Function: Get file properties, if an error returns -1

The return value is as follows, if returned $ 00000006 indicates a file with an implicit and system properties (4 2)

Constant value meaning

Fareadonly $ 00000001 Read-only file

FAHIDDEN $ 00000002 implied file

Fasysfile $ 00000004 System file

Favolumeid $ 00000008 Volume

Fadirectory $ 00000010 Directory

Faarchive $ 00000020 Archive file

Example: IF (Filegetttr ("LLL.TXT") & 0x2) ShowMessage ("This is a file with hidden properties");

There is a FileSetattr () corresponding to this, please refer to the help system

⑻filegetdate ()

Prototype: Extern package int __fastcall filegetdate (int Handle);

Function: Returns the number of seconds of the file to 0:00 pm at 0:00 to 1-1

Parameters: Handle: The file handle opened with fileOpen ().


INT i = fileopen ("c: //autoexec.bat", fmopenread);

ShowMessage (FilegetDate (i));

FileClose (i);

There is filesetdate () corresponding to this, please contact the help system

⑼getcurrentdir ()

Prototype: extern package ansiString __fastcall getcurrentdir ();

Function: Get the current directory name: showMessage (getcurrentdir ());

⑽removedir ()

Prototype: Extern package bool __fastcall removedir (const anstring dir);

Function: Delete the directory, return false if you successfully returns true, otherwise return false

Parameters: Dir: Directory to delete

Example: IF (DIECTORYEXISTS ("ASM")) Removedir ("ASM");


Prototype: Extern package bool __fastcall setcurrentdir (const anestring dir);

Function: Set the current directory, return false if you returned to true, otherwise returns false

Parameters: DIR: Directory name to switch to

Example: setcurrentdir ("c: // windows");

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3, file I / O function

Such functions complete the read and write related to the file, this type of operation and C based on I / O file operations, the following table lists the common functions of such operations and its functions.

FileOpen () Opens the file

FILECLOSE () Close file

FileRead () read file

Fileseek () file positioning

FileWrite () write files

FileCreate () creates a file

These functions are described in detail below.

(1) FileOpen ()

Prototype: Extern package int __fastcall fileopen (const anstring filename, int mode);

Function: Open the file, if you have returned its handle, or return -1

Parameters: FileName: The file name to open; mode: Opened mode, with the value as follows, "or" ("|") operator connection.

Constant value description

-------------------------------------------------- -----------

FmopenRead 0 opens read-only attributes

FMOpenWrite 1 Open only attribute

FmopenReadWrite 2 opens with read / write properties

FMShareCompat 0 is compatible with FCB mode (there is corresponding DOS function call in assembly, "Interesting self-contained information)

FMShareExClusive 16 sharing method: Open in exclusive way, before closing, others can't access

FMSharednywrite 32 Sharing Method: Refusing to write access

FMSharedenyRead 48 sharing method: refusing to read access

FMSharednynone 64 sharing method: unlimited, allow reading and writing

Example: int i = fileopen ("c: //windows//win.ini", fmopenreadwrite | fmshareExClusive;

(2) FileClose ()

Prototype: Extern package void __fastcall fileclose (int Handle);

Function: Close the open handle.

Parameters: Handle: Handle to close

Example: FileClose (i);

CD, FileRead ()

Prototype: Extern package int __fastcall fileRead (int Handle, Void * Buffer, INT Count); Function: Read file, return the number of bytes actually read, the handle must first be created by FileOpen or FileCreate.

Parameters: Handle: The handle to read; buffer: Saving the buffer of the read data; Count: Want to read the number of bytes

Example: Char Str [400]; FileRead (HND1, STR, 400);

⑷fileseek ()

Prototype: Extern package int __fastcall fileseek (int Handle, int offset, int origin);

Function: Mobile file read pointer, successfully returns the location of the file pointer, failed to return -1

Parameters: Handle: Associated handle; Offset: Moved; Orgin: Mobile Betmark, 0 = File Head, 1 = Current location, 2 = file end.

Example: ShowMessage (Fileseek (HND1, 0, 2)); // Get the length of the file

⑸filewrite ()

Prototype: Extern package int __fastcall filewrite (int Handle, Const Void * Buffer, INT Count);

Function: Write the file, return the number of bytes that actually written, the handle must first be created by FileOpen or FileCreate.

Parameters: Handle: Handle to be written; buffer: Store buffer written in data; Count: Want to write bytes

Example: char str [] = "i love you"; FileWrite (HND1, STR, STRLEN (STR));

⑹filecreate ()

Prototype: extern package int __fastcall filecreate (const onSition filename);

Function: Create a file. Successfully returns its handle, otherwise returns -1

Parameters: filename: The name of the file to create

Example: if (! Fileexists ("kc.c")) HND1 = FileCreate ("kc.c");


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