VC ++ Programming FAQ Solution Twelve

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Q: Is CFILE use buffer?

Tell me if CFILE uses a buffer to handle files?

A: CFILE does not use the I / O buffer routine of the run library. In this sense, CFILE does not use buffers.

However, it is possible that the operating system uses a buffer when processing a file. If you don't need a buffer, you can

The unique way to set up file_flag_no_buffering.cfile in this mode is CFILE :: attach ().

Q: DAO's password?

I created an MFC application using the database. Use the class template to generate CDaorecordSet to open

Database (not through ODBC), but how do I open a database with password protection?

A: Try the following code:


Assert (pdbengine! = Null);

Colevariant Varusername (strusername, vt_bst);

Colevariant Varpassword (strpassword, vt_bst);



A2: You can use the cdaodatabase Open method to open:

MyDaodatabase-> Open ("c: /mydatabasefile.mdb", false, false, "; pwd = mypassword");

BTW: Don't forget the PWD = front;

Q: How do I know when clistbox scroll?

A: Every time you draw a list box, you have to reload an item, get DC color from the parent window by message WM_CTLCOLOR. Because

This time you can scroll by WM_CTLCOLOR to verify whether you scroll.

Hbrush cparentdlg :: onCTLCOLOR (CDC * PDC, CWND * PWND, UINT NCTLCOLOR)

// is the control _the_ list box we're intended in?

IF (nctlcolor == ctlcolor_listbox && pwnd-> getdlgctrlid () == IDC_LIST)


// if the top index change, The List Box Has Been Scrolled

INT ITOP = ((ClistBox *) PWND) -> gettopIndex ();

IF (ITOP! = m_itopold)


// Keeps Tracking of the top index change

m_itopold = ITOP;

// Process Scroling





Return Hbr;

Using this method can do not have to generate a inheritance class in order to achieve this function.

Q: How to deal with the inactivity of the viewport?

Is there any way to make ClistView a style similar to a WM_DIASBLED or a background color.

A: What you have to do is to process the WM_SETFOCUS message of ClistView, then call in TreeView

SetFOCUS, so ListView will never get focus.

AFX_MSG Void CmylistView :: OnsetFocus (CWND * PoldWnd);


// assuming m_pwndtreeView Points to the Valid TreeView // on The Left Side

m_pwndtreeview-> setfocus ();


A2: Overloads PretranslateMessage, then returns true when the message is WM_LBUTTONDOWN or WM_RBUTTONDOWN.


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