Chapter 2 Process Area - Project Plan

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Project Plan


The purpose of the project plan (PP) is to build and maintain a plan to define project activities.


The project planning process is as follows:

l Develop a project plan

l Appropriate interaction with the relevant people

l Get the commitment to the plan

l Maintenance plan

Plan to define the needs of products and projects.

Planning includes estimating the properties and tasks of the work product, deciding on the needs of the resources, negotiations, producing a progress table, and identifying and analyzing the risk of the project. Establishing a project plan may have to be completed by repeating these activities. The project plan provides a basis for implementing and oversighting project activities that reach a delegation agreement with the project.

The project plan usually needs to be revised as project progress, thus responding to demand and entrusted protocols, error estimates, corrective activities, and changes in the process. Key practice describing planning and program recompaming is included in this process.

The term "project plan" used in the general and special practice in this process area refers to the overall plan of the control project.

Related process domain

For more information on the development needs of defining products and product components, see the demand development process domain. Products and product components demand and changes to these needs are served as the basis for planning and replay.

For more information on management requirements for planning and replay, see the requirements management process domain.

For more information on risk identification and management, please refer to the risk management process.

For more information on converting demand into products and product component solutions, please refer to the technical solution.

For more information on project progress and performance metrics, please refer to the metric and analysis process.

Practice - Target Relation

Continuous hierarchical SG1 Estimation Estimation SG1 Estimation Estimation SP1.1-1 Estimation of SP1.2-1 Estimated Work Products and Task Features Estimation SP1.2-1 Establish Work Products and Estimation of task features SP1.3-1 Definition Project Lifecycle SP1.3-1 Definition Project Lifecycle SP1.4-1 Determines SP1.4-1 Estimation of Workload and Cost Estimation SG2 Development Project Plan SG2 Development Project Plan SP2.1-1 Establishment Budget and Progress Table SP2.1-1 Establishment Budget and Schedule SP2.2-1 Identification Project Risk SP2.3-1 Recognition Project Risk SP2.3-1 Pair (Project) ) Data management plan SP2.3-1 pair (project) data management plan SP2.4-1 program project resource SP2.4-1 program project resource SP2.5-1 plan needed knowledge and skills SP2.5 -1 Program needs knowledge and skills SP2.6-1 Program Office's Intervention SP2.6-1 Program Dynamic People's Intervention SP2.7-1 Establishment Project Plan SP2.7-1 Establishment Project Plan SG3 to obtain the programs SG3 acquires the planned commitment SP3.1-1 review on the project's impact on the project SP3.1-1 review of the project SP3.2-1 Equilibrium work and resources SP3.2-1 balanced work and resources Level SP3.3-1 acquisition of the planned commitment SP3.3-1 acquisition of the planned commitment GG1 reach a specific target GP1.1 Complete basic practice GG2 Institutionalization A managed process GG2 institutionalization A managed process GP2. 1 Establish an organization's policy GP2.1 Establish an organization's policy GP2.2 program process GP2.2 program process GP2.3 Provide resources GP2.3 Provide resources GP2.4 Assign responsibility GP2.4 Assign responsibility GP2.5 Training personnel GP2.5 Trainer GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2.7 Identification and Configuring Conditioner GP2.7 Identification and Controls Related Conditioner GP2.8 Supervision and Control This process GP2.8 supervises and controls this process GP2. 9 Objective Evaluation Status GP2.9 Objective Evaluation Perseverance GP2.10 Taking a higher level management review status GG3 institutionalized procedure with higher level management review status GG3 GP3.1 creates a defined process GP3.1 to establish a defined process C / ML3-5 GP3.2 Collection Improvement Information GP3.2 Collection Improvement Information GG4 Institutionalization A Quantifiable Management Process GP4.1 Establishment Process Quantitative Target GP4.2 Stabilized Subriginal Performing GG5 Institutionalization A Optimization Process GP5.1 guarantees the Roots of GP5.2 Correction Problems to Improve the Roots of GP5.2 Correction

SG1 establishment estimate

The estimate of the project plan parameters has been established and held.

Project planning parameters include all information required for projects to implement the necessary plans, organizations, personnel equipments, guidance, coordination, reporting, and budgets.

The estimate of the planning parameters should be based on a reliable basis, so that people slowly build confidence, believe that the plan to support according to these estimates is capable of supporting project objectives.

It is estimated that the factors to consider when these parameters include the following:

l Project demand, including product needs, the needs of the Organization, customer needs and other needs of the project;

l project range

l Identified tasks and work products

l Technical pathway

l Select the project lifecycle model (for example, a waterfall model, incremental model or spiral model)

l Attributes for working products and tasks (for example, size and complexity)

l Progress plan

l Convert work products and task properties to model or historical data

l Methodology (for example, model, data, algorithm) required for determining the required materials, skills, work hours, and cost of estimates the estimated basic principles and support data documentation is a manager review and commitment plan and as a project progress maintenance plan. needs.

SP1.1-1 estimates the scope of the project

Establish a detailed expand architecture (WBS) from the highest level development to estimate the scope of the project.

Work Decomposition Structure (WBS) develops with the project. Initially, a top-level work decomposition structure (WBS) can serve the initial estimate. The development of a work decomposition structure (WBS) will divide the entire project into a group of inter-associated manageable components. Typically, the Work Decomposition Structure (WBS) is a product orientation structure that provides a plan for identification and organization of logic units that will manage managed, and these logic units are called "Work Pack". Work Decomposition Structure (WBS) provides a reference and organizational mechanism for marking results, progress, and responsibilities, which are used as a fundamental framework for programming, organization, and control projects.

Typical work product

Task description

2. Work package description

3. Work Decomposition Structure (WBS)

Child practice

1. Develop a working decomposition structure (WBS) based on the product architecture.

Work Decomposition Structure (WBS) provides a plan for the work supported by the work. Work Decomposition Structure (WBS) should allow the following identification:

l Identified risks and their mitigation tasks

l Task for delivering and supportive activities

l Skills and knowledge collections

l Tasks for developing the required support programs (eg, configuring management planning, quality assurance programs and verification programs)

l Non-developed integration and management tasks

2. Fully identify work products in order to explain the assessment of project tasks, responsibilities, and progress.

Top Work Decomposition Structure (WBS) helps the measurement project workload under conditions, organizational roles, and responsibilities. In the Work Decomposition Structure (WBS), the number of details is increasing to help develop a practical schedule, which minimizes the required management reserves.

3. Identify work products (or work product components) that will be available from the project.

For more information on obtaining work products from a source other than the project, please refer to the supply protocol management process domain.

4. Identify work products that will be reuse.

SP1.2-1 Estimation of establishing work products and task features

Establish and maintain the estimate of the characteristics of work products and tasks.

Size is the main input of many models used to estimate workload, cost and progress. These models can also be used as inputs such as connectivity, complexity, and structures.

An example of a work product that needs to be performed is as follows: l Delivery and unpaid work Products L Document L Operating System and Support Software

Size metrics include the following example: l Functional number L function point L encoded source code row L class and object number L demand number L Interface Number 1 L P-number L Input and Output Quantity L Technical Risk Number L Data Quantity

These estimates should be consistent with the project demand to determine the workload, cost and progress of the project. Each scale attribute should be attached to the difficulty and complexity.

Typical work product

Technical pathway

2. Scale and complexity of tasks and work products

3. Estimation model

4. Property assessment

Child practice

1. Decide the technical pathway of the project.

Technical Ways specify the top-level strategy of product development, including decisions of architecture, such as distributed or client / server types; development status or determined technologies that will be applied, such as robotics, composites or artificial intelligence; and look forward to Functional ranges in the final product, such as insurance, security and bioengineering. 2. Use the appropriate method to determine the properties of work products and tasks that will be used to estimate resource requirements.

Determining the size and complexity method should be based on effective model and historical data.

The method used to determine the attribute gradually converted our understanding of the product characteristic relationship into attributes, making it increasing.

The current method example is, for example, the number of logical gates in the integrated circuit design L software code line and function point L system engineering demand quantity / complexity L Standard residential room number of square meters

3. Estimate the properties of work products and tasks.

4. Estimate the workload required by the project, machine, raw materials, and methods required.

SP1.3-1 Defining Project Life Cycle

Define the life cycle phase of the project, determine the plan workload.

A project lifecycle is determined to provide estimates and decisions for the planned cycle. These phases are often defined for supporting various logical decision points, and must make important commitments based on resources and technical pathways on these decision points. These decision points provide an incident that has been planned, and in these events, the project improves and determines future scope and cost.

For software engineering for software, the identification of the project is typically include a software development model selection and refining, which clarifies the dependence and appropriate order of software project activities.

For system engineering as the current state of the product, the expected future phase, the interrelationship between each stage and the impact identifies the main product stages (eg, conceptual research or development). Adjustment Schedule Parameters Describes the interrelation and influence between each stage.

The life cycle of the project consists of the need to be defined, depending on the scope of the demand, the estimation of the project resource, and the type of the project. Large projects may contain multiple phases, such as concept research, development, production, operation and disposal. Inside these stages, the sub-stage may be required. A development phase may include sub-stages such as demand analysis, design, production, integration, and verification. According to the development of the strategy, there may be some intermediate stages for creating prototypes, increasing capabilities, or each cycle for spiral models.

Understanding the Project Lifecycle is critical to identify the scope of the plan and the initial development of the plan, and is also re-developing the timing and standard (important milestones).

Typical work product

1. Project life cycle

SP1.4-1 determines the estimation of workload and cost

Based on the basic principles of judgment, estimate the workload and cost of project work products and tasks.

Estimation of workload and cost is typically based on the results of model, activity, and other planning parameters based on models or historical data. Estimated confidence based on selected model theory and data characteristics. Sometimes you cannot get available historical data, such as no precedent, or the type of task is not suitable for the available model. If no one has built a similar product or component, a certain job is (some degree) no precedent. If the development group has never constructed such a product or component, this work has no precedent.

There is a greater risk without the precedent, requires more research to develop estimated reasonable basis, and require more management backup. When using these models, the uniqueness of the project must be documentated to ensure that any assumptions made in the initial plan phase have been commonly understood.

Typical work product

Estimate theory

2. Project workload estimation

3. Project cost estimation

Child practice

1. Collection of models or historical data that will be used to convert work products and task properties into workers and cost estimates.

For software engineering in software engineering, many parameterized models have been developed to help estimate costs and progress. It is not recommended to use the use of these models as the sole source of estimation, because the historical project data of these models may not fit your project. A variety of models and / or methods can be used to ensure estimated high confidence. Historical data includes the cost, workload, and progress data of the previously implemented project plus appropriate proportional data to calculate different scale and complexity.

2. Estimate the workload and cost, contain support facilities requirements.

Support facilities include project development and support.

For software engineering, consider key computer resources in host environments, test environments, target environments, or any combination thereof. Computer resource estimation typically includes: l The key computer resource resource of identified software items L will establish the estimation of critical computer resources on allocated requirements.

Examples of key computer resources for software engineering include: L memory, disk, and network capability L processor capability L Communication channel capability L Workstation capability l Peripheral capabilities

Examples of software engineering software engineering facilities include: l host computer, peripheral, and network L software test computer and peripheral L target computer environment software L software engineering environment (such as software tools)

3. Use models and / or historical data to estimate workload and cost.

Workload and cost input for estimation usually include:

l Expert or expert group provided by the judgment estimation (such as Delphi method)

l Risk, including the range without precedent

l Keys and roles required to perform jobs

l need for products and product components

l technical path


l Estimation of working products and expected changes

l Exterior cost product costs

l Selected project survival cycle model and process

l Survival cycle cost estimation

l The ability to work in the engineering environment

l The skills and employees required to perform the work.

l needed knowledge, skills and training

l-needed facilities (such as office and conference space and workstation)

l needed engineering facilities

l Ability to manufacturing process

l travel

l Tasks required, work products, hardware, software, personnel, and confidential levels of working environment

l Service Level Agreement for Call Center and Authorization Work

l Directly and often expense

SG2 development project plan

As the foundation of the management project, the project plan has been established and held.

The project plan is a formal, approved document, used to manage and control the implementation of the project. It is based on project requirements and has been estimated.

The project plan should consider all the phases of the project survival cycle. Project planning should ensure that all plans affecting the project are consistent with the project's overall plan.

SP2.1-1 Establish budget and schedule

Establish and maintain project budget and schedule.

The budget and progress of the project is based on the estimated estimation, and to ensure the budget allocation, the complexity of the task, and the dependence of the task is appropriately processed.

It has been proven that the progress of event driver and resource resource is effective to handle risks. Before you start an event, you can determine the results you need to confirm, you can provide the flexibility of the event, and the common understanding of the expected situation, better observations of the project status, and more precise understanding of the project task.

Typical work product

Project progress

2. Relation of progress

3. Project budget

Child practice

1. Identify the main milestones.

Frequently set milestones to ensure that specific delivery is done by milestones. Milestones can be based on events or by calendar. If the calendar is based on the calendar, once the milestone date agrees, it is often difficult to modify it.

2. Assumption of identifying progress.

When preparing progress, it is usually necessary to make a hypothesis for a specific activity. These assumptions are often made of matters that are less estimated to estimate the estimated data. Identify these assumptions provide insight into the confidence (uncertainty) of the entire progress. 3. Identify constraints.

It is necessary to identify the flexibility of the restriction management selection as soon as possible. These matters can often be revealed for engineering products and tasks. These properties may include task work period, resources, input, and output.

4. Identify the dependency of the task.

Typically, the project's task can be done in a predetermined order that makes the shortest duration of the project. This requires the order of identifying the task to identify the best order.

Examples of tools that can help determine the best sequence of task activities include: l Key Path Method (CPM, Critical Path Method) Program Evaluation and Review Technology (Pert, Program Evaluation and Review Technique) L Resource Resource Constation

5. Define budgets and progress.

Establish and maintain project budget and progress usually include:

l Define the commitment or expected availability of resources and facilities

l Determining the time phase of the activity

l Determine the decomposition of subordinate progress

l Define the dependence between activities (premise or subsequent relationships)

l Define the activity and milestones determined by time to support the accuracy of progressive metrics.

l Identify milestones delivered to users

l Define the appropriate activities

l Define the time lapse of the right milestone

l Depending on the level of retention of progress and budget confidence definition management

l Use the appropriate historical data to verify the progress

l Defining progressive funding needs

l Depending on the assumptions and reasons of project groups

6. Establish a corrective action criterion.

It has established guidelines for determining those factors that have important deviations in the project plan. In order to determine when corrective actions should be taken, it is necessary to establish a basis for estimating various matters and issues. Corrective action may require amendment, possibly include amending the original plan, establish a new protocol, or slow down the activities in the current plan.

SP2.2-1 Identification Project Risk

Identify and analyze project risks.

For more information on risk management activities, see the risk management process.

For more information on risk supervision activities, please refer to the risk specific practice of the project supervision and control project in the control process.

The risk is identified or discovered and analyzed to support the project plan. This particular practice should extend to all plans that have an impact on the project to ensure that all relevant officers have appropriate coordination relationships in recognized risks. Risk identification and analysis in the project plan usually include:

l Identify risk

l Analyze risks to determine their impact, the possibility of occurrence, and the time range that may have problems

l Distinguish risk priority

Typical work product

Identified risks

2. Risk impact and probability

3. Risk priority

Child practice

Identify risk.

Risk identification includes potential issues, disasters, threats, weaknesses, etc. that identifies possible impact on work and plan. Risk must first be described first, and they may be analyzed later. When you identify risks, standard methods are used to define risks. Risk identification and analysis tools can be used to help identify possible problems.

Examples of risk identification and analysis tools include: l risk classification L Risk assessment l Check single L structure interviews l Brainstorm L performance model l Cost model l Network analysis l Quality factor analysis

2. Put risk documentation.

3. Review and obtain the recognition of the integrity and correctness of the risk of documentation.

4. Revise the risk appropriately.

Where to fix the identified risk includes: l When l risk changes when l risk has disappeared when l is disappeared, and the project environment has changed (project) data. Management plan

Plan for project data management

For integrated products and process development to build an integrated team, if there are multiple integration teams, project data includes data internally developed and used within a particular team, as well as data that can span the integrated team boundaries.

Data is a variety of forms of documentation required to support a project in all aspects (such as management, engineering, configuration management, finance, logistics, quality, security, manufacturing, and). Data may adopt any form (such as reporting, manual, notes, chart, drawings, specifications, files, or letters). Data may exist in any medium (eg, print or drawn on different materials, photos, electronic storage, or multimedia). Data may be delivered (such as the project's contract data requirements), or it is also possible to deliver (eg, informal data, compromise research and analysis, internal meeting minutes, internal design review documentation, lessons, And action arrangements). A variety of forms of distribution of data can be employed, including electronic delivery.

A more common or standard data requirement should be added, and data requirements are established in the data items that need to be created and the contents and forms of data items. Unified data items and form requirements are conducive to the understanding of data content and help consistently manage data sources.

The reasons for collecting each document should be clear. This task includes analysis and verification items and non-contractual data requirements, and non-contractual data requirements, as well as the data provided by customers. It is often not clear how to use this data when collecting data. The data is cost, so it should only be collected only when needed.

Typical work product

Data management plan

2. Managed main data list

3. Data content and format description

4. Data requirements for demand and suppliers

5. Private requirements

6. Confidentiality requirements

7. Confidential procedure

8. Data acquisition, regeneration, and release mechanism

9. Timetable for collecting project data

10. Project data list

Child practice

1. Establish requirements and procedures to ensure private property and confidentiality of data.

Not everyone has the need for access to project data or must be authorized. The relevant procedures must be established to determine what data can be accessed in a suitable visit.

2. Establish archive data and access the archived data.

The information accessed should be an understandable form (eg, electronic or output from the database or the output of the computer) or reproduce the initial generation.

3. Determine item data that needs to be identified, collected and distributed.

SP2.4-1 Program Resources

Plan for the completion of the project necessary.

For integrated products and process development to build integrated teams, project resources must take into account the personnel of the integrated team.

The project resource (labor, mechanical / equipment, materials, and methods) and quantity required to execute project activities are defined according to the initial estimate, and provide additional information that can be used to extend the WBS used in the management project.

Early top-level WBS developed early as an estimation mechanism usually extension, decomposes these top-level WBS into a working package that represents a single work unit that can be independently allocated, executed, and tracks. This division is divided into assigning management responsibilities and provides better management. Each work package or work product in the WBS should get a unique identifier (eg, numbered) to track. WBS may be based on demand, activity, working products, or combinations thereof. A dictionary that describes each working package in WBS should be a supplement to WBS.

Typical work product

WBS work pack

2. WBS Task Dictionary

3. Human demand based on project scale and scope

4. Key Facilities / Equipment List

5. Process / workflow definitions and charts

6. Program management requires a single child practice

1. Determine the process demand.

You must identify, define and negotiate the process of administering, defining and negotiating processes to ensure effective operation of these processes during project execution.

2. Determine the needs of personnel.

The items of the project depends on the tasks, roles, and duties to decompose project requirements to achieve project requirements distributed in WBS work packages.

Personnel demand must take into account the knowledge and skills required for each identified position, as defined in specific practices of "plan needed by the plan".

3. Determine the facilities, equipment and component requirements.

Most projects are unique in a sense, requiring certain unique assets to complete the purpose of the project. The timely identification of these assets and the success of the project is critical to the success of the project.

Messages that require delivery cycles require early determination to determine how to handle them. Even if the assets needed are not unique, a list of all facilities, devices, and components (such as computer applications, software applications, office space, etc.) can be inspected, can inspect a working range that is often overlooked.

SP2.5-1 plan needs knowledge and skills

The knowledge and skills required to implement the project.

For more information on the knowledge and skills that need to be incorporated into the project plan, please refer to the organization training process.

Knowledge transfer to the project includes training for project personnel and acquisition from external sources.

Personnel demand depends on knowledge and skills that may be used to support project execution.

Typical work product

Skills require a list

2. Employee allocation and employment plan

3. Database (such as skills and training)

Child practice

1. Identify the knowledge and skills required to execute the project.

2. Evaluate the knowledge and skills already have.

3. Select the mechanism for providing the required knowledge and skills.

Examples of mechanisms include: L internal training (organizational grade and project-level) l External training L employee allocation and employment L acquired external skills

According to the availability of training experts, the progress of the project and the business goal are determined as the required

Knowledge and skills choose internal training or external delivery.

4. Incorporate selected mechanisms into the project plan.

SP2.6-1 Program Office's Intervention

The intervention of a confirmed manner has been planned.

For integrated products and process development to build an integrated team, the interventional plan of the intervention will plan to the integrated team level.

By identifying the types and functions required in the project to determine all phases in the project survival cycle, and describe their correlation and role in their and specific project activities. An axis represents a manian, and the other axis indicates that the two-dimensional matrix of the project activity is a simple way to identify the work. The correlation between the activities of the crew and the specific project phase and the intended role can represent the intersection of the active axis and the intercourse of the interpretation of the project stage.

In order to generate a function of the entries, the related hazard must be carefully selected. For each primary activity, identify the activities affected by the activities and a tribute to perform the skills required to perform the event. The list of related officers will change as the project is changed. However, it is important to ensure that the relevant officers in the survival period of the survival period have received early input on demand and design decisions on them.

Examples of materials that should be included in the plan of the role of the manner include: l All related handicides List Lanner Intervening Principle L Related Role and Responsibilities in the project, dividing the Lanners in accordance with the project survival cycle The relationship between the relationship between the related officer's relative importance of the project, according to the project survival cycle, the resource (such as training, materials, time, funds), to ensure the role of the people, the function of the function, ","

The implementation of this particular practice is based on the sharing or exchange of information of specific practices for the previous "knowledge and skills".

Typical work product

1. Those who intervene

SP2.7-1 establishing project plan

Establish and maintain all the contents of the project plan.

For system engineering system projects, the plan is described in detail in the entire project's activities and work products.

Examples of the plan used by the US Department of Defense-related groups include: l Integrated overall plan - an event-driven plan describes an important achievement of the project and the pass / fail guidelines for its business and technology, and will The achievements are linked to a key project event. l Integrated overall schedule - an integrated, networked multi-layer project task schedule, which is described in the relevant overall plan, which is necessary to complete the work. l System Engineering Management Plan - Plan for the integrated technology in the project. l System Engineering Overall Plan - An event-driven schedule, compiling key technical achievements, including metricable guidelines for each item. In order to successfully complete these achievements in order to pass the predetermined event. l System Engineering Details - A detailed, time-oriented schedule, linking specific dates and milestones and system engineering overall progress. For software engineering in software, plan documentations are often referred to as: L Software Development Plan L Software Project Plan L Software Plan

Note The documentation of all relevant plan mathematics is to implement or support items, teams, and organizations to achieve common understanding, agreement and performance. The plan is set for projects, all aspects of definition work, reasonably combined with the following: Project survival cycle; technical and management tasks; budget and progress; milestones; data management; risk identification; resources and skill requirements; Identification and intervention. The description of the infrastructure includes the responsibility and power relationship of project members, management and support organizations.

Typical work product

1. Overall project plan

SG3 acquires the commitment to the plan

The commitment to the project plan has been established and has been maintained.

In order to receive effectiveness, the plan needs to be responsible for the implementation and support plan.

SP3.1-1 reviews the impact on the project

Looking back all the projects that have an impact on the project to understand the responsibility of the project should be committed.

For integrated products and process development to build an integrated team, their integrated work plan is distributed among the programs that need to be reviewed.

The planned in other process domains typically contains information similar to the requirements in the overall project plan. These programs can provide additional detailed guidance and should be compatible and supported overall project plans to determine who has power, duties, obligations, and control. All programs that affect the project should be reviewed to ensure the scope, purpose, role, and relationships required for project success. Among these plans, many are described in the "Plan Procedure" general practice in each process area.

Typical work product

1. Review record of various programs affecting the project

SP3.2-1 balanced work and resources level

Balanced Project Plan to adapt to work and availability, estimated resources.

For integrated products and process development to build an integrated team, special attention is required to pay special attention to the distributed integrated team environment, as well as resources of multiple integrated teams in one or more projects.

In order to obtain the commitment of the relevant manner, coordinate the gap between the estimated and available resources is

Off. Generally, more resources are generally negotiated by lowering or postponing technical performance requirements.

Now improve productivity, obtain external resources, adjust the skills combination, or revisions

All methods that affect projects or progress are coordinated.

Typical work product

1. Revised methods and related estimated parameters (such as better tools, usage parts)

2. Budget after re-negotiation

3. Revision progress

4. Revisions list

5. Renewal of people after re-negotiation

SP3.3-1 acquisition of the programs

A commitment to implement and support the completion of the project is achieved.

For integrated products and process development to build integrated teams, the integrated team plans to receive team members, interface teams, projects, and team selection will be accepted by the owner of the standard process of the application.

Get commitments include intervention of all related techniques inside and outside the project. Individuals or groups that make commitments should believe that work can be completed within cost, progress, and performance constraints. Typically, temporary commitments are sufficient to work, and allow research to enhance confidence, so that it can achieve a full level. Typical work product

1. Documentation request for commitment

2. Documentation commitment

Child practice

1. Identify the needs of the need for consultation with the relevant officers.

WBS can be used as an inspection order to ensure that you have promised all tasks.

The intervention of the intervention should be determined to determine all the parties that need to make a commitment.

2. Putting all organization-level commitments - including complete temporary-documentation to ensure proper signing level.

Commitment must be documentation to ensure a common understanding and tracking and maintenance. temporary

Commitment should be accompanied by a description of the risk associated with the relationship.

3. Appropriately review the internal commitment with high-level management.

4. Appropriately review the external commitment with high-level management.

Management may have necessary insight and power to reduce risks associated with external commitments.

5. Identify the commitment between project elements and interfaces between other projects and organizational units, thereby allowing them to be supervised.

A clear interface description constitutes the basis of commitment.

General practice of goals

GG1 Completes a specific target by converting identifiable input work products to identifiable output work products, process support and enables specific target implementations of the process domain. GP1.1 performs basic practice of basic practice to perform basic practices for analysis and decision-making processes to develop work products and provide services that meet special goals of process areas. Just suitable for continuous

GG2 institutionalization a managed process

The process is subjected to a managed process.


GP2.1 establishes an organization's policy

Establish and maintain a tissue policy for plans and execute metrics and analysis processes.

Detailed detail

This policy establishes the expectation of the estimated planning parameters to make internal or external commitments, as well as organizational expectations for the development of management projects.

Ability to perform

GP2.2 planning process

Establish and maintain a plan for executing a project plan process.

Detailed detail

The implementation of the project plan process is different from the project plan described in the specific practice in this process. This general practice requires the plan to fully plan all specific practices in this process, from the scope of estimation projects until the commitment to the project plan. In other words, the project programs required by specific practices should comprehensively plan the project work itself.

GP2.3 provides resources

Provide sufficient resources for performing a project planning process, developing work products, and providing a procedure.

Detailed detail

Project plan work may require special expertise, facilities and equipment. Special knowledge in the project plan may include:

l Experienced estimator

l Scheduling

l Technical experts in the application field (such as product areas and technologies)

The resources provided include the following tools: L spreadsheet program L Estimation model L project plan and progress package

GP2.4 allocation responsibilities

Assign the execution process, develop work products, and provide the responsibility of the project plan process service.

GP2.5 Trainer

People must train and support the project planning process.

Detailed detail

The training topic example is as follows: l Estimation L Budget L Negotiation L Risk Identification and Analysis L Data Management L Programming Program

Guide (process)

GP2.6 management configuration

Place the work product specified during the project plan under the appropriate configuration management level.

Detailed detail

Working products stored under configuration management, as follows: l Work Decomposition Structure L Project Plan L Data Management Plan L Conditioner Intervening Program

GP2.7 identifies and contains related dry people

Control plan, identify and include related organizers related to the project planning process.

Detailed detail

This general practice is different from the intervention of the project itself programmed by the project itself in specific practices in this process.

From high-level managers, project managers, project function managers (such as system engineering, software engineering, other subjects), software engineers, system engineers, manufacturing engineers, logistics, suppliers, customers, and other subjects, or those who affect projects Related people. An activity of a person, is, for example,: l Establish an estimate of the integrity and correctness of the review project risk and solve the problem l to evaluate the data management plan L to establish project plan l to evaluate project plans and resolve work and resource issues

GP2.8 supervision and control process

According to the planned supervision and control project planning process, the process is implemented and appropriate corrective activities.

Detailed detail

The metrics method for monitoring and control is, for example, the number of times the number of revisions, the cost, progress, and workload changes each time plan

Verification (process)

GP2.9 objective evaluation persistence

Description, rules, procedures, and objective assessment of the project planning process, and deal with relevant matters without this implementation.

Detailed detail

Review examples are as follows: l Establish an estimation L Development Project Plan L Gets the commitment to the project plan

Work products review examples, as follows: l WBSL project plan L Data Management Plan L Conditioner Intervention Plan

GP2.10 with higher level management review status

Review the activities, status, and results during the project planning process with a higher level, and solve the problem.

Editor Press: GG3 and its practices are not applied to the maturity level 2 stage, but applied to the 3 and more stages. Just suitable for hierarchical

GG3 Institutionalization A defined process process is subjected to a defined process. Executive Ability GP3.1 creates a defined process to establish and maintain a description of a defined project planning process. Boot (procedure) to perform GP3.2 Collection Improvement information Collect work products, metrics, metrics, and improved information stems from planned and executive project planning processes, so that future use and improvements in the organization process and process areas. Continuous / Maturity 3-5 GG4 Institutionalization An integrated managed process is institutionalized as an integrated managed process. GP4.1 creates integration targets for the process to establish and maintain integration targets for the project planning process to clarify quality and process execution based on customer needs and business goals. The GP4.2 stabilization sub-process performs the performance of a stable one or more sub-processes to determine the ability of the project planning process to achieve the established quality and process implementation goals. GG5 Institutionalization A Optimized Process is an optimized process. GP5.1 ensures that the continuous process improvement ensures continuous project planning process improvement during the relevant business goals of the organization. The root cause of GP5.2 corrects the root causes of defects and other problems in the project plan. Just suitable for continuous


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