Terminal (6) - Suggestions and References

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

let's move!

At this moment, I hope that you have believed that XML is the best way to move and operate structured data. If you haven't used XML yet, what should you start? Here are some suggestions:

Make sure you want to convert what data is converted into XML. Usually this is data that needs to be moved from one system to another, or must be converted into different formats. Learn if there is an existing XML standard. If you are studying very common data, such as procurement orders, medical records, or stock quotes, it is likely that someone has defined the XML standard for those data. Understand whether your existing tool supports XML. If you are using the latest version of a database package, a spreadsheet, or other data management tool, your existing tool (or its upgrade version) is likely to use XML as an input or output format. Learn how to build an XML-based application. You need to understand how your data is stored now, how to convert it, and how to integrate your XML development work with existing applications. Benoît Marchal's Working XML column is a great place to start; you can find the latest list of all these column articles at http://www 106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-wxxmcol/. Add appropriate standards. Consider adding organizations such as the World Wide Web Association (W3C), as well as the industry-specific organization like hr-ml.org. Members of these organizations will help you track events in the industry, and make you have the opportunity to shape the future of XML standards. Avoid the tricks of proprietary products. It is important to use only standard technologies in development work; resisting you to the temptation of so-called improved suppliers. One of the advantages of XML is that you have complete control over data. Once it is limited by a proprietary data format, you lose great control. Contact the JStart team. If you think your business can use the JStart agreed model, please contact the team for what you may get? Follow developerWorks. Our XML zone has thousands of pages involving a variety of XML themes, including DTD and mode development, XML programming, and creation of XSLT style sheets.


Here are some references that can help you start: DW XML zone is a "one-stop store" of XML reference materials. See www-106.ibm.com/developerWorks/xml to get the content of XML you have always wanted to understand. XML Tools: DeveloperWorks has a series of "Fill Your XML Toolbox" articles that describe XML programming tools for various languages:

C / C : Please refer to Rick Parrish article in Www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-ctlbx.html (DeveloperWorks, 2001). Java: Please refer to Doug Tidwell's article in Www-106.ibm.com/developerWorks/library/java-xml-toolkit/index.html (DeveloperWorks, 2000) Perl: Please refer to Parand Tony Darugar's article on www-106.ibm.com/developerWorks/library/perl-xml-toolkit/index.html (DevelOperWorks, 2001). PHP: Please refer to Craig Knudsen's article on www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/php-xml-toolkit.html (DevelOperWorks, 2000). In addition to these articles, please review David Mertz in its "Charming Python: Revisiting XML Tools for Python" article in its "Charming Python: Revisiting XML Tools for Python" article. XML Tutorial: Do tens of Tens of Tens of XML themes in DeveloperWorks; see http://www-105.ibm.com/de veloperworks / education.nsf / dw / xml-onlinecourse-bytitle to get the latest list. IBM's JStart team: JStart team uses new technologies (such as XML Web services) to help customers build solutions at very low cost. As a return, those customers agree to let IBM will publish their projects as a case study. For more information, see IBM.com/software/jstart. XML standard: Below is the alphabetical list of all XML standards mentioned in this tutorial. DOM, document object model:

Core specification: w3.org/tr/Dom-level-2-Core/ event specification: w3.org/tr/Dom-level-2-Events/ style specification: w3.org/tr/Dom-level-2-Style / Traversal and Scope Code: w3.org/tr/Dom-level-2-traversal-Range/ View Specification: w3.org/tr/Dom-level-2-views/hr-xml.org, Human Resources XML Association ( HUMAN RESOURCES XML consortium): hr-xml.org jaxp, Java API (Java API for XML Parsing) for XML parsing: java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/ JDM, does not represent any abbreviation form: jdom.org/ SAX, Simple API (Simple API for XML) for XML: SAXPROJECT.ORG/ SMIL, Synchronized MultiMedia Integration Language: www.w3.org/tr/smil20/ SOAP, used to represent simple objects SIMPLE Object Access Protocol, but now official does not represent any abbreviated form: w3.org/tr/SOAP/ SVG, scalable vector graphics: www.w3.org/tr/svg/ UDDI, Unified description, discovery, and integration, and integration protocol: UDDI.ORG WSDL, Web Services Description Language: w3.org/tr/wsdl (no slash symbol) XLINK, XML Linking Language: w3.org/tr/xlink/ XML, the most basic standard: w3.org/tr/REC-XML XML digital signature: w3.org/tr/xmldsig- Core / XML Encryption: w3.org/tr/xmlenc-core/ XML Name Space (XML Namespaces : W3.org/tr/Rec-xml-names/ DTD and mode XML repository: Xml.org/xml/registry.jsp XML Schema:

Part 0 - Getting Started: w3.org/tr/xmlschema-0 Part 1 - Documentation Structure: w3.org/tr/xmlschema 1 Part 2 - Data Type: w3.org/tr/xmlschema-2 XPath, XML Path Language: w3.org/tr/xpath XPointer, XML Pointer Language: www.w3.org/tr/xptr/ xsl-fo for formatting Extensible Stylesheet Language for Formatting Objects: w3.org/tr/xsl/ xslt, Extensible Stylesheet Language: w3.org/tr/xslt (there is no slash Symbols) For more information on JDOM, see the following developerWorks article: Simplify XML Programming with Jdom (DeveloperWorks, May 2001, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-jdom/index. SHTML) Converting from Dom (developerWorks, April 2001, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/xml/tips/x-tipcdm/index.shtml) Converting from Sax (DeveloperWorks, April 2001, http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/xml/tips/x-tipcsx/index.shtml) Using JDom and Xslt (DeveloperWorks, March 2001, http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks/ CN / XML / TIPS / X-TIPJDOM / INDEX.SHTML)


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