Write a class of file directory commonly used

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Write a class of file directory commonly used



Today, I have organized some common components written before and found that a class for the operation of the file directory is more useful, so it has been modified him. Some methods are to see some netizens in the community. , Including files and subdirectories, moving directory files, and subdirectories, generating XML tree files, etc.

Using system;

Using system.io;


Namespace zhzuo



/// FileDirectoryUtility class, method does not contain exception processing


Public Class FileDirectoryUtilityUtility



/// path splitter


Private const string path_split_char = "//";


/// Constructor


Private fileDirectoryutility ()




/// Copy all files of the specified directory, not contain files in subdirectories and subdirectories


/// Original directory

/// Target directory

/// If true, it means that the same name file is overwritten, otherwise it is not overwritten

Public Static Void CopyFiles (String Sourcedir, String Targetdir, Bool Overwrite)


CopyFiles (Sourcedir, Targetdir, Overwrite, False);



/// Copy all files for the specified directory


/// Original directory

/// Target directory

/// If true, override the same name file, otherwise it is not overwriting

/// If true, contains the directory, otherwise it does not include

Public Static Void CopyFiles (String Sourcedir, String Targetdir, Bool Overwrite, Bool Copysubdir)


// Copy the current directory file

FOREACH (String SourceFileName in Directory.Getfiles (SOURCEDIR)


String TargetFileName = path.combine (targetdir, SourceFileName.Substring (SourceFileName.lastIndexof (path_split_char) 1);

File.exists (targetfilename))


IF (OverWrite == True)


File.setttributes (targetfilename, fileattributes.normal); file.copy (SourceFileName, TargetFileName, Overwrite);





File.copy (SourceFileName, TargetFileName, Overwrite);



// Copy subdirectory

IF (CopySubdir)


FOREACH (String SourceSubdir in Directory.GetDirector)


String targetsubdir = path.combine (targetdir, SourceSubdir.substring (SourceSubdir.lastIndexof (Path_Split_CHAR) 1);

IF (! Directory.exists (Targetsubdir))

Directory.createDirectory (Targetsubdir);

CopyFiles (SourceSubdir, Targetsubdir, Overwrite, True);





/// Cut all files of the specified directory, do not include subdirectory


/// Original directory

/// Target directory

/// If true, override the same name file, otherwise it is not overwriting

Public Static Void MoveFiles (String Sourcedir, String Targetdir, Bool Overwrite)


Movefiles (Sourcedir, Targetdir, Overwrite, False);



/// Cut all files for the specified directory


/// Original directory

/// Target directory

/// If true, override the same name file, otherwise it is not overwriting

/// If true, contain the directory, do not include

Public Static Void MoveFiles (String Sourcedir, String Targetdir, Bool OverWrite, Bool MoveSubdir)


/ / Mobile current directory file

FOREACH (String SourceFileName in Directory.Getfiles (SOURCEDIR)


String TargetFileName = path.combine (targetdir, SourceFileName.Substring (SourceFileName.lastIndexof (path_split_char) 1);

File.exists (targetfilename))


IF (OverWrite == True)


File.setttributes (targetfilename, fileattributes.normal); file.delete (TargetFileName);

File.Move (SourceFileName);





File.Move (SourceFileName);



IF (movesubdir)


FOREACH (String SourceSubdir in Directory.GetDirector)


String targetsubdir = path.combine (targetdir, sources ");

IF (! Directory.exists (Targetsubdir))

Directory.createDirectory (Targetsubdir);

Movefiles (SourceSubdir, Targetsubdir, Overwrite, True);

Directory.delete (SourceSubdir);





// / Delete all the files of the specified directory, do not include subdirectory


/// Operating directory

Public static void deletefiles (String Targetdir)


Deletefiles (Targetdir, False);



// / Delete all files and subdirectories of the specified directory


/// Operating directory

/// If true, the operation of the subdirectory

Public Static void deletefiles (String Targetdir, Bool Delsubdir)


FOREACH (String FileName in Directory.Getfiles (Targetdir))


File.setttributes (filename, fileAttributes.Normal);

File.delete (filename);


IF (DelsubDir)


DirectoryInfo Dir = New DirectoryInfo (Targetdir);

Foreach (DirectoryInfo Subdi in Dir.getdirectories ())


Deletefiles (Subdi.Fullname, True);

Subdi.delete ();





// Create a specified directory



Public Static Void CreatedIRectory (String Targetdir)


DirectoryInfo Dir = New DirectoryInfo (Targetdir);

IF (! Dir.exists)

Dir.create ();



/// Create a subdirectory


/// directory path /// subdirectory name

Public static void createDirectory (String Parentdir, String SubDirname)





/// Delete the specified directory


/// directory path

Public Static Void deletedIRectory (String Targetdir)


DirectoryInfo Dirinfo = New DirectoryInfo (Targetdir);

IF (Dirinfo.exists)


Deletefiles (targetdir, true);

Dirinfo.delete (TRUE);




/// Delete all subdirectories of the specified directory, not including deletion of the current directory file


/// directory path

Public Static void deleteSubdirectory (String Targetdir)


FOREACH (String Subdir in Directory.getdirector))


DeletedIRectory (Subdir);




// / Generate XML documentation and files in the specified directory


/// root directory

/// Return to XMLDocument object

Public static xmldocument createXML (String Targetdir)


XMLDocument myDocument = new xmldocument ();

Xmldeclarative Declaration = MyDocument.createxmldeclaration ("1.0", "UTF-8", NULL);

MyDocument.Appendchild (Declaration);

Xmlelement RootElement = MyDocument.createElement (targetdir.substring (targetdir.lastIndexof (path_split_char) 1));

MyDocument.Appendchild (RootElement);

FOREACH (String FileName in Directory.Getfiles (Targetdir))


Xmlelement CHildElement = MyDocument.createElement ("file");

ChildElement.innertext = filename.substring (filename.lastIndexof (path_split_char) 1);

RootElement.Appendchild (childlement);

FOREACH (String Directory in Directory.GetDirector))


Xmlelement CHildElement = MyDocument.createElement ("Directory");

ChildElement.setttribute ("name", Directory.substring (Directory.lastIndexof 1));

RootElement.Appendchild (ChildElement);

Createbranch (Directory, ChildElement, MyDocument);


Return myDocument;



/// Generate an XML branch


/// subdirectory

/// Parent directory XMLDocument

/// Xmldocument object

Private Static Void Createbranch (String Targetdir, XmLelement XMLNode, XmLDocument MyDocument)


FOREACH (String FileName in Directory.Getfiles (Targetdir))


Xmlelement CHildElement = MyDocument.createElement ("file");

ChildElement.innertext = filename.substring (filename.lastIndexof (path_split_char) 1);

XMLNode.Appendchild (childlement);


FOREACH (String Directory in Directory.GetDirector))


Xmlelement CHildElement = MyDocument.createElement ("Directory");

ChildElement.setttribute ("name", Directory.substring (Directory.lastIndexof 1));

XMLNode.Appendchild (childlement);

Createbranch (Directory, ChildElement, MyDocument);





The entire class is relatively simple, there is no way to find the relevant finding file directory; there is no processing for exceptions, I think if there is an abnormally thrown or better outside this class. If you have any netizens, please contact me, or leave a message on Blog. In addition, when testing this class, I found a bug, I didn't know the bug and .NET Framework1.1 of the Windows system.


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