TRY is used to check an exception that occurs and helps send any possible exceptions.
Catch handles errors in a larger way to control, and you can have multiple CATCH clauses.
Finally's code blocks will be executed regardless of whether abnormalities have caused an exception.
Throw is used to trigger an exception, which can trigger predefined exceptions and custom exceptions.
Program block;
Catch (Exception E)
Exception handling code block;
The code block to be executed regardless of whether abnormalities occur;
The following table gives some common exceptions:
Commonly used in the SYSTEM namespace
Abnormal class name brief description
MEMBERACCESSEXCEPTION access error: Type member cannot be accessed
ArgumentException parameter error: The parameters of the method are invalid
The argumentnullexception parameter is empty: pass an unacceptable empty parameter to the method
Arithmeticexception mathematical calculation error: Due to the abnormality caused by mathematical calculations, the coverage is wide.
ArrayTypeMatchThexception array type does not match
DivideByzeroException is zero
The format of the Formatexception parameter is incorrect
IndexOutofRangeException index is out of range, less than 0 or the index of the last element is large
INVALIDCASTEXCEPTION illegally enforced conversion, triggered during explicit conversion failure
MulticastNotSupportedException is not supported by multicast: combined two non-empty appointments fail
NotSupportedException calls are not implemented in the class
NullReferenceException triggered when references an empty reference object
OutofMemoryException cannot be caused for the new statement to allocate memory, insufficient memory
Overflowexception overflow
StackoverflowException stack overflow
TypeInitializationException Error Initiation Type: Static constructor triggered
NOTFINITENUMBEREXCEPTION 无限 无限 无限: Number is not legal
Define your own anomaly
In addition to predefined abnormalities, we can also create our own exception, the process is relatively simple:
(1) Declare an exception, the format is as follows:
Class ExceptionName: Exception {}
(Ii) Executivity:
Throw (ExceptionName);