Wear color jacket to the Freeform Data Window

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

The border style of the data window column in the PB is only a few simple, if you want the border color, there is no way.

In fact, you can use dynamically created Rectangle, change the border color of the data window column, which is mainly suitable for free format (no need to wear the column Tag value of the outer casing).

Global Type GF_SetBorderColor from function_Objectnd Type

Forward PrototypeSGLobal Subroutine GF_SetBorderColor (DataWindow Adw, Long Al_Bodercolor) End Prototype

Global Subroutine GF_setBorderColor (DataWindow Adw, Long Al_BoderColor); // Rectangle (Band = Detail X = "599" y = "260" Height = "88" width = "288" Name = r_1 brush.hatch = "7" brush. Color = "1627389951" Pen.Style = "0" pen.width = "5" Pen.Color = "8421376" Background.Mode = "1" Background.color = "553648127") Integer istring ls_syntax

For i = 1 to integer (adw.object.datawindow.column.count) if adw.describe ("#" string (i) ". Visible") = '1' and adw.describe (ls_objects [i] ".tag") <> '0' THEN LS_SYNTAX = "Create Rectangle (Band =" Adw.describe ("#" string (i) ". Band") "" Ls_SYNTAX = 'x = " ' String (Adw.describe (I) ". X")) - 4) ' "'Ls_SYNTAX =' Y =" ' string (Adw.describe (" # " String (i) " y ")) - 4) '"' Ls_SYNTAX = 'Height = " String (Integer (" # " String (i) ". HEIGHT ")) 8) '"' ls_syntax = 'width = "' string (Integer (Adw.Describe (" # " String (i) ". Width ")) 8) '"' Ls_SYNTAX = 'Name = RBORDER _' Adw.describe ("#" string (i) ". Name") LS_SYNTAX = 'brush.hatch = "7" brush.color = "1627389951" Pen.Style = "0 "pen.width =" 5 "pen.color =" ' string (al_bodercolor) ' "Background.Mode =" 1 "background.color =" 553648127 ") 'end ifnextadw.modify (ls_syntax) End Subroutine


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