Clear the hateful search for ...

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Transfer from [DUDU]


Each time you open the IE, the default home page address is "about: blank", which appears on the "Search for ...".

Processing method: 1. Open IE, click Right click on the page and select View Source File.

2, in the first line, you will see "", 43% 3A% 5C% 57% 49% 4E% 4E% 54% 5C% 73% 79% 73% 74% 65% 6d% 33% 32% 5C% 6F% 68% 70% 2E% 64% 6C% 6C ".

3, pass Decrypts the above encrypted content, paste the content just now in decryption, such as: The above content decryption results are C: /Winnt/System32/ohp.dll.

4. Run the regedit, open the registry, search for ohp.dll from the head in the registry, as long as you find it.

5. After restarting the computer, search for the ohp.dll file in "C: / Winnt" or "C: / Windows" and delete it.

6. After restarting the computer, IE will return to normal.


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