PureftPD installation configuration concise statement

zhaozj2021-02-11  237

1 Download http://sourceforge.net/projects/pureftpd/ The latest version is pure-ftpd-1.0.16a.tar.bz2

Here is also a graphics management interface software KCMPureftPD, interested in download

2 Installation Unpacking to any directory, such as / usr / local / tar -xjf pure-ftpd-1.0.16a.tar.bz2 mv pure-ftpd * PureSRC CD PURESRC prefabricated: ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / Pureftpd --with-lightuage = Simplified-Chinese --with-everything

Note: --With-EyeryThing is to install all the features --with-language = Simplified-Chinese is a prompt language -prefix is ​​a mounted target directory. In addition, if you need to be specified here if you need to connect to a MySQL connection. This article does not involve.

Compilation and installation: make install-strip

3 Establishing User PureftP The default is to use Linux users, such as login with root, and more. It also uses its own Virtual UserS system. The system is independent of Linux. Enter the installation execution directory CD / usr / local / pureft / bin Create a FTP User and Group: GroupAdd FTPGroup UseRadd -g ftpGroup -d / dev / null -s / etc ftpuser establishes the first virtual user: ./pure-pw useeradd FTPU -U fTPUSER -D / USR / local / TESTROOT

Description: ftpu is the username, -U ftpuser is its actual Linux user, -d specifies the starting directory and is locked in this directory. If you don't lock, use -D if you need different permissions, you can create new Linux users and groups.

Create user database: ./pure-pw mkdb /usr/local/pureftpd/pureftpd.pdb

Description: Every MKDB should be performed each of the addition or modifying the user database in the future, and does not need to restart ftp after execution.

4 establish a run statement

The theory of PureftPD is that the command line execution parameter is more effective than using the conf file. Although the software provides support for .conf files simultaneously,. . I have to execute the Perl file, blame.

CD / usr / local / pureft / sbin ./pure-ftpd -a -b -c 1 -c 50 -e -g -i 2 -l unix -l puredb: /usr/local/pureftpd/pureftpd.pdb -p 4000: 50000 -R -W

Note: The meanings here: -A Disables the number of IP connections to the root directory -B background Run-C multi-C multi-C network renovation of anonymous users -g disable file to change the name -i idle timeout time (Minute) -L This is a more important parameter, the purpose is to illustrate the way of identity authentication. This will use the default Linux user and virtual users. If you need to use MySQL, add the set -P setting port here. Mode port -R prohibits users from using CHMOD -W enable FXP protocol

The above is some of the parameters that I need, more parameters, please refer to the Readme file

Start, start, test the user root and ftpu, everything OK ..

5 automatically start

PureftP supports a variety of start-up methods, and it is the easiest type: vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local Add CD / USR / local / pureftpd / sbin ./pure-ftpd -a -b -c 1 - C 50 -E -G -I 2 -L unix -l puredb: /usr/local/pureftpd/pureftpd.pdb -p 40000: 5000 -r -wreboot, everything OK

6 After the work:

Below you can create a user.

For different directories or files, Chown FTPUSER DIR and CHGRP FTPUSERS DIR can be used to assign permissions.

In this way, the files and directories can be operated in FTP.

7 others

Pureftpd also provides a configuration manager for a graphical interface. Can be downloaded at the same time in Sourcefouge. Unfortunately, I am remote Telnet, I can't use it. See the picture should be good. You can try it without imaging the command line.

to sum up:

Writing this article is an experience after a day after a day. I always do not understand the configuration and user authorization mechanism. I have to change PureftPD, I didn't expect the effect. Very easy to use.

Another experience is that Linux really TMD is not human. Please forgive me here to swear. However, it is indeed, which is much more operability than Windows, Linux .... No wonder can not be popular.

9CBS startup. Reprint, please inform ipecloud@sina.com. It is forbidden for commercial purposes without permission.


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