Flash Control Use Reference Manual

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Flash control

Commonly used functions are generally:

1. Control directly by the jump function of Gotoframe. You need to detect whether you can jump with FrameLoaded before jump. Flash production is calculated from 1, and the function is calculated from 0.

2, modify the parameters with the setvariable function, and then perform the function of the target frame with TCALLFRAME. The purpose of parameterization control. (The specific control is completed in Flash.)

Flash control method:

Function Name Specification SetZoomRect [Function]: SetzoomRect (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) [Syntax]: Parameters: Left integer, left coordinates of the rectangular area. TOP integer, upper coordinates of the rectangular area. Right integer, right coordinates of the rectangular area. Bottom integer, down coordinates of the rectangular area. 【Description】: A rectangular area of ​​the enlarge film. The unit of coordinates is TWIPS (1440 units per inch) (72 episodes per inch). ZOOM [function]: zoom (percent) [grammar]: Parameters: percent integer, scaling factor. [Description]: Scales the window based on the scaled factor specified by Percent. ZOOM (50) zoom in on the window in the window. ZOOM (200) shrinks half of the object in the window. ZOOM (0) The recovery window is the original size. But you can't have the size of the object in the current window. PAN [Function]: PAN (X, Y, MODE) [Syntax]: Parameters: x Integer, horizontal coordinates. Y integer, vertical coordinates. [Description]: Browse the location of the specified X and Y coordinates of the movie already enlarged. Mode Specifies the value of x and y coordinates to the pixel point or the percentage of the window. Mode is 0, x and y are coordinates of pixel points; MODE is 1, X and Y are window percentage boundaries. Browse the boundary of the movie that is not enlarged. Play starts playing movies. STOP stops movies that are playing. Back and one frame back. If the movie is playing, performing this method will cause the movie to stop playing. Forward moves in one frame. If the movie is playing, performing this method will cause the movie to stop playing. ReWind returns the first frame of the movie. StopPlay stops movies that are playing. Gotoframe [function]: gotoframe (framenumber) [grammar]: Parameter: framenumber integer, frame number. [Description]: Activate the frame of the current movie specified by FraMenumber. If the specified number of frames is not available, the player will jump to the last frame available and stop, and causing unpredictable results during the playback process. At this time, you need to call the PercentLoaded () method to check if it is enough to call the gotoframe () method. The parameters of Framenumber start from 0; that is, Framenumber is 0 indicates the first frame of the movie, 1 represents the second frame, and so on. CurrentFrame [Syntax]: Return Value: Integer, current frame number. [Description]: Take the current frame number of movies that is playing. Isplaying [Syntax]: Return Value: Boolean, if the movie is playing, return true; otherwise returns false. [Description]: If the movie is playing, returns true. PercentLoaded [Syntax]: Return Value: Integer, the percentage of movie loading; effective value is 0 to 100. [Description]: Returns the percentage of the Flash player already loaded. FrameLoaded [Function]: frameloaded (Framenumber) [Syntax]: Return Value: Boolean, if the frame specified by the parameter is already loaded, return true; otherwise false.

[Description]: Judge whether the frame specified by the framenumber is already loaded. LoadMovie [function]: loadmovie (LayerNumber, URL) [Syntax]: Parameters: LayerNumber Integer, movie to be loaded with the layered. URL string, the path to the Flash movie to be loaded, the URL or material identification name. [Description]: Movies loaded by the URL identifier to the layer specified by the LayerNumber. Setvariable [function]: setvariable (variablename, value) [Syntax]: Parameters: Variablename string, variable name. Value string, variable value. [Description]: Set the value of the value specified by the VariableName specified for the value specified by value. GetVariable [function]: getVariable (varName) [Syntax]: Return Value: string, variable value. Parameters: VarName string, variable name. [Description]: Returns the value of the Flash variable specified by VarName. If the variable does not exist, return empty. TGOTOFRAME [function]: tgotoframe (target, framenumber) [Syntax]: Parameters: Target string, target timeline. Framenumber integer, number of frames. [Description]: Jump to the frame specified by FrameNumber on the target timeline. TGOTOLABEL [Function]: Tgotolaabel (Target, Label) [Syntax]: Parameters: Target string, target timeline. Label string, frame label. [Description]: Jump to the specified frame label specified on the target timeline. TcurrentFrame [Function]: TcurrentFrame (Target) [Syntax]: Return Value: Integer, Current Frame. Parameters: Target string, target timeline. [Description]: Returns the current frame of the target timeline specified by Target. The number of frames starting from 0, that is, 0 represents the first frame, 1 represents the second frame, and so on. TcurrentLabel [Function]: TcurrentLabel (Target) [Syntax]: Return Value: String, Current Frame Tag; If there is no current frame label, return empty. Parameters: Target string, target timeline. [Description]: Returns the current frame label of the target timeline specified by Target. If there is no current frame label, return an empty string. TPLAY [Function]: TPLAY (TARGET) [Syntax]: Parameters: Target string, target timeline. [Description]: Play the target timeline specified by Target. TSTOPPLAY [Function]: TSTOPPLAY (TARGET) [Syntax]: Parameters: Target string, target timeline. [Description]: Stop playing the target implementation line specified by Target.

TCallFrame [function]: tcallframe (target, framenumber) [grammar]: parameter: Target string, target timeline. Framenumber integer, number of frames. [Description]: Execute the action of frames specified by FraMenumber on the timeline specified by Target. Tcalllabel [Function]: Tcalllabel (Target, Label) [Syntax]: Parameters: Target string, target timeline. Label string, frame label. [Description]: Perform the Action of the frame tag specified by Label on the target timeline specified by Target. TSETPROPERTY [Function]: TSETPROPERTY (TARGET, Property, Value) [Syntax]: Parameters: Target string, target timeline. Property integer, attribute index. Value string, attribute value. [Description]: Target Timeline specified for Target, set the value of the property specified by the property value VALUE. Property is an integer corresponding to the attribute of the desired set. TgetProperty [Function]: TgetProperty (Target, Property) [Syntax]: Return Value: String, attribute value. Parameters: Target string, target timeline. Property integer, attribute index. [Description]: Take the value of the property specified by the property to Target. Property is an integer corresponding to the attribute of the desired set. TSETPROPERTYNUM [Function]: TSETPROPERTYNUM (TARGET, Property, Value) [Syntax]: Parameters: Target string, target timeline. Property integer, attribute index. Value integer, attribute value. [Description]: Set the attribute value of the target timeline specified by the target. Property specifies the properties to be set, Value is the value to be set. TgetPropertynum [Function]: TgetPropertynum (Target, Property) [Syntax]: Return Value: Floating Point, Attribute Value. Parameters: Target string, target timeline. Property integer, attribute index. [Description]: Take the value of the target timeline specified by Target, take the value of the property specified by Property. Property is an integer corresponding to the attribute of the desired set. The properties of the Flash control:

Function name tells the DeviceFont Type: Boolean. Description: Equipment font. LOOP Type: Boolean. Description: Cyclic play. Menu Type: Boolean. Description: Whether to display the right-click menu when browsing. Play Type: Boolean. Description: Play the status. BGCOLOR Type: String. Description: Background color, format "#rggbb", where RGB is hexadecimal red, green, blue color value. MOVIE Type: String. Description: Flash movie path, URL or material identification name. Quality Type: String. Note: The quality of the playback of Flash movies can be one of the following values, low, high, autof, autohigh, best. Salign Type: String. Description: Aligned, it can be one of the following values: L, R, T, B, TL, Tr, BL, BR. Scale Type: String. Description: The display ratio can be one of the following values: Showll, Noborder, ExactFit. WMODE Type: String. Description: Window mode, can be one of the following values: Window, Opaque, Transparent. Flash control Event:

Function Name Mingling OnreadyStateChange [Function]: OnReadyStateChange (State) [Syntax]: Parameters: State integer, where 0 = is loaded, 1 = Not initialization, 2 = loading, 3 = Interaction, 4 = end. [Description]: An event issued when the control is ready. Onprogress [Function]: Onprogress (Percent) [Syntax]: Parameters: Percent integer, download percentage. [Description]: The event sent when Flash movie is downloading. FSCommand [Function]: fscommand (command, args) [grammar]: parameter: command string, command. ARGS string, parameter. [Description]: Events sent when FSCommand Action in the Flash movie are executed. Use this event to respond to the Action of a frame or button in the flash movie.


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