Baidu hard drive search
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Function introduction Baidu hard disk search is a hard disk search software that Baidu launched, which extends from the network to the user's personal computer, helping users quickly find the information you want from the massive information of PC, including files, electronic Mail, instant messaging information, and web browsing history, etc., with the following features: Find your email, document, web browsing history, etc .; no matter whether it is online, you can view the browsed webpage; search method and Baidu Search as simple as you search!
How to use the Guide How to install Baidu hard drive search software? Baidu hard drive search can be downloaded at After the download is complete, double-click the installation file to complete the installation according to the prompt. Baidu hard disk search software can be installed anywhere in the computer. For security reasons, install Baidu hard drive search software requires a computer administrator privilege.
Can I use Baidu hard drive after installation? After the installation is successful, Baidu Hard Disk Search software automatically runs and indexes files in the local hard drive. Since then, each time you start your computer, Baidu hard drive search software will automatically run. After the installation is complete, you can use Baidu hard drive search software to search the file in this unit, but in order to get better search effects, we recommend that you search after the Baidu hard drive search software completes its initial index.
How to start or exit Baidu hard drive search software?
After completing the installation of Baidu hard drive, select the "Run Baidu Hard Disk Search" check box to run Baidu hard drive search software. Alternatively, "Programs" can also be selected in the Start menu, and click Baidu Hard Disk Search to open the program in the Baidu Hard Disk Search program group. By default, Baidu hard disk search will automatically run when your computer is started. If you want to exit the program, in Baidu hard drive search software tray area icon, as shown: Click the right mouse button to open the Baidu hard disk search menu, select "Exit" in the pop-up menu (such as right).
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How do I use Baidu hard drive to search for a file? There are three ways to open Baidu hard drive search window: 1. Double-click the Baidu hard disk search tray area icon as shown on the right; 2. In the Baidu hard disk search tray area icon shown in the figure, click Right click, select "Search Hard Drive "3, click on the flag of Baidu hard drive search on any page, as shown below:
Baidu hard drive search method and search mode is as simple as in Baidu online! You only need to enter the content you need to query in the search box, type the key, or the mouse click on the hard disk search button on the right side of the search box, you can get the content that is most in line with the query requirements.
The following figure is the "Baidu" search results page, the selection is as follows: A: Search results statistics. Statistics on the search results by the type, click the appropriate link to view the search results of this type. B: Search results Title. Click on the title to open the result page directly. C: Search results. Through a summary, you can judge whether this result satisfies your needs. D: Snapshot. "Snapshot" is the backup of the web page. If the original web history can't open, you can view the snapshot browsing page.
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How do I configure Baidu hard drive search software? In the Baidu hard disk search tray area icon shown in the figure above, click "Settings" to set the Baidu hard disk search software in the browser, please refer to the description in the settings page.
Search with Baidu hard drive I need to connect to the Internet? You don't need to connect to the internet to use Baidu hard drive search, but some of them will not be available, such as: Automatic update, search for the Internet.
How to avoid some files being searched? If you don't want your partial file to be used by Baidu hard drive search software index and retrieve, you can set it in the Baidu Hard Search Settings page. There are two settings: Method 1: Setting in the Baidu Hard Disk Search Settings page Cancel the corresponding file type method 2: In the Baidu Hard Disk Search Settings section, enter the file path to filter, Baidu hard disk search software will not index files in these paths. Correspondingly, these files cannot be searched. Baidu Company guarantees that all your personal information will not be sent back to Baidu companies or other websites, and provide high security to ensure your personal information security. Can others search for the file in my computer using Baidu hard drive search software? If other users in this unit do not have administrator privileges, you cannot search for Baidu hard drive search software. In addition, you can set your password to enhance the security of your system.
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What is the "password" in the tray area icon? How to use a password prompt? In order to increase the security of the system, you can create a password using the option to "use the password" in the tray area, so when you need a hard drive search, you will prompt you to enter your password. Alternatively, you can use a password prompt function. The password prompt is only used to assist the memory password. The program interface is as follows:
What if I forget your password? If you forget your password, you can retrieve your password through the Password prompt.
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How to stop index? If you want to stop Baidu hard disk search software to the index of your computer file, you can select "Suspend Index" in the Baidu hard disk search software tray area menu, as shown in the following figure (left). If you want to restore an index of your computer file, select Continuous Index, Baidu Hard Disk Search will continue to index files in your hard drive.
After pause the index, Baidu hard drive search tray area icon is grayed, as shown on the right:
How to delete Baidu hard drive search software from your computer? In the start menu, select "Program" -> "Baidu Hard Disk Search", click "Uninstall" to remove Baidu hard drive from your computer. You can also use the Add / Remove Programs to "Control Panel" to uninstall Baidu hard drive search software.
common problem
Where to download to Baidu hard drive search software? How to use Baidu hard drive to affect your computer's running speed? How to view a file snapshot or web history (cache)? What browser I can use to query the result of the hard disk search? How will search results will be sorted? Can I change the number of rips displayed per page in the search results page?
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