Java Desktop Network Components (JDNC): https://jdnc.dev.java.net/
Skinnable Look and feel for 1.5 (synth): http://java.sun.com/J2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/swing/plaf/synth/package-summary.html
About SYNTH: http://www.javadesktop.org/articles/synth/index.html
Xswt: http://xswt.sourceforge.net/
A Remoting RCP GUI framework based on XSWT: http://www.retrogui.com/cgi-bin/wiki_remoterichgui.pl
Overall, JDNC and XSWT functions are similar, and the difference is that the former serves Swing and serves SWT.
RIB (Reflexive User Interface Builder)
IBM's Dongdong, is said to support AWT / SWING, but also support SWT!
Home address: http://alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/rib
Here are articles: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library-combined/J-RIB/