Rose uses documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

table of Contents

1 Overview ... 4

2 terminology ... 4

3 Rose design specification ... 4

3.1 UML Basic Concepts ... 4

3.2 Rose Common View ... 7

3.2.1 Class Diagram ... 7

3.2.2 Object Chart (Class Diagram ... 8

3.2.3 Model (Uses Diagram) ... 8

3.2.4 Timing Diagram (SEQUENCE DIAGRAM) ... 9

3.2.5 Collaboration Diagram (Collaboration Diagram ... 10

3.2.6 status map (statechart diagram ... 11

3.2.7 Activity Diagram (Activity Diagram ... 11

3.2.8 Membrame (Compomnent Diagram) ... 12

3.2.9 Deployment Diagram (Deployment Diagram ... 13

4 appendix ... 13

5 Remarks ... 13

1 Overview

This document describes that the development and designer uniform use ROSE for systematic analysis, design, and explains in detail for common issues that appear in ROSE.

2 terminology

UML: Unified Modeling Language

3 rose design specification

3.1 UML Basic Concept

Composition UML has three basic construction blocks:

1, things (Things)

2, relationship (Relationships)

3, Figure (Diagrams)

Things are important components in UML. The relationship is closely linked together. The figure is a group with many mutually related things.

UML thing

UML has a constant type of things:

1, structural things (Structural Things)

2, action things (Behavioral Things)

3, Grouping Things


These things are the most basic object-oriented building blocks in the UML model. They belong to the most static part of the model, representing conceptual or physical elements.

Structural things

There are seven structured things. The first is class (Class), the class is a collection of objects with the same properties, methods, relationships, and semantics. A class implements one or more interfaces. Class in UML is drawn as a resemble, usually including its name, attribute, and method.

The second is the interface, the interface is a collection of a set of operations that provide a specific service of the class or component. Therefore, an interface describes the external visible action of classes or components. An interface can realize all the actions of the class or component, or only a part. The interface is drawn into a circle and its name in UML.

The third is collaboration, collaboration defines an operation of interaction, is some roles and other elements to work together, providing some cooperation actions, which are larger than the sum of elements. Therefore, collaboration has structural, operating, and dimensionality. A given class may be part of several collaboration. These collaboration representatives constitute the implementation of the system's mode. Collaboration is represented in the UML with a dotted ellipse and its name.

The fourth is use case, and use case is a series of operations that describe a series of operations, and the system is performed to generate a value worth noting. User Case is usually used to organize action things in the model. Use case is implemented by collaboration. In UML, the use case is painted as a solid line ellipse, and there is usually its name. The fifth is the active class, the activity class is this class, and its object has one or more processes or threads. Active class and classes are very similar, just the behavior of the elements represented by its objects, and other elements are existing. The paintings and classes of the active classes in UML are the same, but only the thick lines are used.

Sixth is Component, component is a physical or replaceable system part, which implements an interface collection. In a system, you may encounter different types of components, such as COM or Java Beans. The component is represented by the following figure in UML:

Figure 1-6 Components

The seventy is a node (Node), the node is a physical element, which exists during runtime, represents a calculated resource, usually occupies some memory and processing capabilities. A component collection is generally located in a node, but it is possible to go to another node from a node. Node usually uses the following graphic:

Figure 1-7 Node

Seven elements of class, interface, collaboration, use case, activity class, components, and nodes are the most basic structured things used in the UML model. There are also variations of these seven basic elements, such as roles, signals (some types), process and threads (some activity classes), applications, documents, files, libraries, tables (one of components).


Dynamic things are dynamic parts in the UML model. They are the verbs of the model, representing the action and space. There are two main actions.

The first is INERACTION, Interaction is actions consisting of a series of messages exchanged between a set of objects in a particular context to achieve a specific purpose. Each operation of an object that makes up the action in Interaction is listed in detail, including messages, action order (messages generated), connection (connections between objects). Draw a straight line with an arrow in the UML, usually add the name of the operation.

The second is state machine, and the state machine consists of a series of objects. In the state in the UML is shown below:

Pattern 1-9 state

Interaction and state machines are the most basic two dynamic event elements in the UML model, and they are usually connected to other structural elements, primary classes, objects.


The grouping things are part of the organization in the UML model, which can regard them as a box, and the model can be decomposed. There is only one group of groups, called packages.

Package is a mechanism for grouping organizational elements. Structural things, action things or even other grouping things may be placed in a package. Unlike components (existing in runtime), packing is purely a conceptual thing, only in the development phase. In the UML, the package is used as shown below:

Figure 1-10


Comments are the interpretation of the UML model. UML is shown in the following figure:

Figure 1-11 Comment

Relationship in UML

There are four relationships in UML:


The dependency is another class in a class, and a class must be used to implement an additional class.

2. Association

The association relationship is represented by a straight line, and the side can indicate the relationship between the connection associated object, and the constraint condition can be indicated next to it. 3. Generalization

Figure 1-14 generalization

4. Realuzation

Figure 1-15 Implementation

3.2 Rose Common View

3.2.1 Class Diagram (CLASS DIAGRAM)

There are three types in the UML, namely the boundary class, the Entity Class, the Control class (CONTROL CLASS).

The purpose of distinguishing between them is to facilitate design analysts to better establish effective system models.

The boundary class is located at the boundaries of the system and the outside world, the form, the dialog box (Dialog box), the report (REPORT), and the class that represents the communication-based protocol (such as TCP / IP) class, directly interacting with external devices, Classs directly with external systems interacts are examples of boundary classes.

The following is how they are in the Rose diagram:

The physical classes save information to be placed in a persistent storage. The so-called persistent storage is a database, file, and the like that can be permanently stored data.

The following is how they are in the Rose diagram:

The control class is a class responsible for other classes.

The relationship between the class plus them constitutes a class diagram, and the class maps can include interfaces, packages, relationships, and other modeling elements, or examples of objects, chains, etc., objects, and relationships between them are object-oriented The most basic element in technology.

3.2.2 Object Diagram (Class Diagram)

Object figures represent a set of objects and their contacts. The object map is a snapshot of the system's detailed state at a certain time, often used to represent an instance of a complex class diagram.

The object map cannot be represented directly in Rose 2003, and can only be replaced by another figure .s

3.2.3 Model Illustration (Use Case Diagram)

The definition of the use: The use case can be seen as a certain type of thing or an implementation that is implemented by the system.

To draw an example of example, we must pay attention to the following features of the example:

(1) Use an example to view the system function outside the system, it does not consider how these uses are implemented inside.

(2) Use examples describe some of the visible needs of users, corresponding to a particular user objective. Use cases can facilitate user understanding requirements.

(3) Theoretically, all the use cases in the software system can be described, but in the actual development process, the use case analysis only needs to be described important, interactive process.

The use case is a diagram showing a set of cases, participants, and the relationship between them.

Participants are things other than systems, need to use the system or interact with the system, may include people, equipment and external systems.

It is the icon in ROSE:

There is also more version (STEREOTYPE) to be selected so that the example diagram can be more intuitive performance in front of the designer.

General external system

It is to be used, as long as it is easy to understand, it is allowed.

The relationship between use:

(1) Association Relationship (2) Underline Relationship (3) Contains Relationship (4) Extended Relationship

The specific meaning of these three relationships can be defined in the UML basic concept.

Note: (3) The relationship between the relationship refers to the relationship between the two use cases, one of which includes the behavior of another use case.

(4) Extended relationships contain the designer's custom relationship.

Relationship Type Description Indicates the relationship between symbolic association participants and use cases

The relationship between generalization participants or use

Contains the relationship between the use example << Include >>

The relationship between extensions << extend >>

Drawing case map notes:

(1) Creating the use case of the appropriate size granularity, pay attention to the size of the particle size when creating the example, can't use too much use case, make it difficult to understand, for a small and medium-sized system commercial 10 ~ 20 use cases is suitable. (2) The description of the use case is the main part of the use case, which is a detailed description with a text sequence, typically using a comment in the ROSE map model to indicate the text description of the use case.

3.2.4 Time Sequence Diagram (SEQUENCE DIAGRAM)

The timing chart is shown in the order of participating objects between the objects and objects of the object.

The timing diagram is a two-dimensional graphic, in the order of the horizontal direction in the timing chart, generally placing the main participants on the left side of the figure, indicating that the person's participant is placed on the left. The vertical direction is a timeline, and the broken line below an object represents an object lifeline, which is only exists in its lifeline.

The following figure is the three naming methods of the object:

The format of the message in the timing chart:

One: Call message (Procedure Call)

After the call message is passed to the recipient, the sender stops the activity, waiting for the recipient to give up or return control.

It uses the following icon:

Two: Asynchronous Message (Asynchronous)

When the sender of asynchronous messages sends the message to the recipient, continue its activities, do not wait to return messages or control.

It uses the following icon:

Three: Return Message (Return)

Return message indicates that the process call returns.

4: Blocking the message

Blocking message refers to the message sent by the message sender to the recipient, if the recipient cannot receive immediately

Five: Timeout News

Timing chart considerations:

1 Represents the loop sending of the message:

2 Represents constraints:

3.2.5 Collaboration Diagram (Collaboration Diagram)

The collaborative map emphasizes the organization of the object participating in interaction, and it is different from the timing chart in that it emphasizes the spatial relationship between the objects, which uses the serial number to represent the order of the message.

Timing diagrams and collaboration maps are equivalent in semantics, and between the two can be converted to each other, but both cannot replace each other because they emphasize different aspects.

3.2.6 Status Picture (STATECHART DIAGRAM)

The status refers to a certain condition or condition in the lifecycle of the object, during which the object will meet certain conditions, perform certain activities or wait for some events. All objects have a state, and the state is an object to perform a series of activities. When an event occurs, the status of the object will change.

An object has the following sections: status name, enter the exit action, internal transfer, sub-status, and delay events, can be freely added in the picture below:

You can add the action executed in this state after entry / after ENTRY.

In EXIT / after adding the action executed by the state;

The action performed when this state is added after DO /.


The status diagram is often used to describe a behavior within its life cycle, pay attention to an object. If it is to analyze the use case, or it is understood that the multi-threaded application, or the multi-thread application, or the like, the corresponding active diagram is used to correspond to the corresponding active map.

3.2.7 Activity Diagram (Activity Diagram)

The activity represents the execution of the tasks in a process, which can represent the execution of the statement in a algorithm process.

In structured analysis and design, developers use flowcharts to describe an algorithm, and can use activity diagrams in UML to replace flowcharts, and the functionality of the active diagram contains flowcharts.

The active map is mainly used to describe the workflow of one use case in the example.

Two methods representing the branch in the activity diagram:

(1) (2)

If you want to indicate concurrency execution, you can use bifurcation and conjunction.

3.2.8 Members (Compomnent Diagram)

The component diagram is one of the two graphs modeling the physical aspects of the OO system, mainly describing the relationship between the software in the entire system.

The component is a practical file, which can be the following centralized type: deployment components: DLL file, exe file, COM object, CORBA object, EJB, dynamic web page, database table, etc.

Work product components: source code file, data file, etc.

Execution member: The component obtained after the system is executed.

The following is an example of using a component map model:

The relationship modeling of the source code file, the source file relationship of the POP3 module

3.2.9 Deployment Diagram (Deployment Diagram)

The deployment diagram is used to display the topology and communication paths running on the system.

Deployment diagram is described by architect designers, network engineers, system engineers, etc.

Nodes are physical elements that exist in representative resources at runtime, and nodes are divided into two types: processor and devices.

The hardware component of the program can be executed when the processor is executed, and the device is a hardware component without computing power, such as modem, terminal, and the like.

The deployment map in ROSE is limited to the entire system component, it is recommended to use Visio to describe the hardware architecture of the system.


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