Summary of Win2003 + Eclipse + Tomcat + Lomboz

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Recently, in the past few days, I also refer to some of the posts on the Internet. I finally succeeded Eclipse Tomcat Lomboz. The following is written in my configuration process. If there is anything wrong, please advise.

First, download the tools and plugins required (for the version of this machine)



JAKARTA-TOMCAT-5.0.16 (can also be other versions, preferably 4.0 or more)



Second, unzip and install each component

1, install JDK to C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01

2, install or decompress Tomcat to C: / Tomcat 5.0

3, configure environment variables

I, new system variable java_home, value C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01

II, new system variable ClassPath,

Value.; C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01/lib/dt.jar; C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01/lib/tools.jar; C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01/jRE/Lib/rt.jar; C: / Tomcat 5.0 / Common / lib / servlet-api.jar

(Note: No less, it represents the current path)

III, the new system variable Catalina_Home, the value is C: / Tomcat 5.0 (optional)

IV, editing system variable PATH, add value C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01/bin

Enter http:// localhost: 8080, press Enter to see the lovely kitten, indicating that your Tomcat is successful.

4, decompress Eclipse-SDK-3.0-Win32 to D: / Eclipse

5. Emf-sdo-runtime-2.0.1 and Lomboz 301 are extracted into the Plugins or Features directory corresponding to Eclipse. Note that you don't have to make your catalog.

6. Start Eclipse, select Windows-> Preferences, when you do not see Lomboz in the pop-up window, first quit Eclipse, then delete the org.eclipse.Update folder below the eclipse directory Configuration, then restart Eclipse Yes.

Third, configuration

1, configure the Java environment

Start Eclipse, click on Windows-> Preferences, select in the pop-up window

Java-> Installedjres, at this time, you can see a project in the window, the name is J2Re1.4.2_04. Click the "Add" button on the right, add a JRE, entered in the dialog box:


JRE NAME: Enter a name at will

JRE Home Directory: C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01

Other no setup, click OK to add a JRE.

After you have changed it back to the java-> build path in the Preferences dialog, click Build Path, in the panel of the right, we select this Folders below below, and two Source Folder Name and Output Folder Name We do not modify, save as system default, but the following AS JRE LIBRARY USE: We have to choose this for JRE_LIB Variable, cannot be the default JRE Container, and finally click on the Apply button below. Don't forget this step, otherwise it's all white. 2, configure Lomboz

I selected Lomboz in the Preferences window, set JDK Tools.jar = C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01/lib/tools.jar, and other remaining defaults. Then expand Lomboz Select Server Definitions, select Apache Tomcat v5.0.x in Server Types (this is set according to the configuration on my machine, if you installed other versions of Tomcat, you have to choose the corresponding Options), the main settings are as follows:

Properties tab

Application Server Directory: C: / Tomcat 5.0


Port: 8080

ClassPath Variable Name: Tomcat_home

ClassPath Variable: C: / Tomcat 5.0

Then click the Apply button.

Server ClassPath tab: Add the following library


$ {classpathvariablename} /bin/bootstrap.jar

$ {classpathvariablename} /common/servlet.jar

$ {classpathvariablename} /common/jasper-runtime.jar

$ {classpathvariablename} /common/jsp-api.jar

Then click the Apply button.

Client ClassPath tab: This is empty, nothing.

Project ClassPath: Tab


$ {classpathvariablename} /bin/bootstrap.jar

$ {classpathvariablename} /common/servlet.jar

$ {classpathvariablename} /common/jasper-runtime.jar $ {classpathvariablename} /common/jsp-api.jar

Then click the Apply button.

The Server ClassPath: and Project ClassPath: Settings are the same.

II, enter D: /eclipse/plugins/com.ObjectLepse/plugins/com.ObjectLearn.jdt.j2ee_3.0.1/servers, edit file Tomcat50X.server (different files opened according to the installed Tomcat version, 4.0 or above needs to edit Tomcat410.server files) , the

-Djava.endorsed.dirs = "$ {serverrootdirectory} / bin; $ {serverrootdirectory} / common / endorsed"

Change to

-Djava.endorsed.dirs = "$ {serverrootdirectory} / common / endorsed"

There are two places, they must be modified. After the modification, save, exit, restart Eclipse, this step is important, it is recommended to do it, you can solve a lot of inexplicable problems. III, call up the Lomboz menu

Start Eclipse, then click Windows-> Customize Perspective, first select the Lomboz J2EE Wizards in the left panel in the SHORTCUTS tab in the presentation, then put on the option in front of the option appearing in the panel on the right. .

Then change the Submenus: value in this SHORTCUTS tab, select the show view, then select Lomboz J2EE in the left side of the panel that appears, and also put it on the box in front of it.

Finally, switch to the Commands tab, select Lomboz Actions on this page, while also putting them in front of them.

Thus, after everything, Eclipse and Lomboz's environment are configured, you can develop a variety of programs.

to sum up:

The above is my configuration process, referring to some netizens, especially grateful to me, everyone will replace the related path of JDK and Tomcat when configuring it.


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