Liu Jiang: Foreign Computer Book Moon Review (2004.4)

zhaozj2021-02-08  542

Foreign computer books

■ Moderator Liu Jiang

In the past month, the overseas computer book market is not shocked. As with the movie world, the music world, the second, March is often the peak period of the book review. When writing this article, the 14th Jolt Award has been announced. "Book: General class" big prize winner is "Waltzing With Bears", Tom Demarco and Timothy Lister (Dorset House), this book is also published,

The speed of introduction is getting faster and faster. Getting the production efficiency award has: "The Art of Unix Programming" (Art) Eric S. Raymond (Pearson / Addison-Wesley Publishing) "Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit" (Lean Software Development) Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck (Pearson / Addison-Wesley Publishing) "Pragmatic Starter Kit" Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, the book Is the author published, interested in peers can contact the author. "Book: Technical Class" big prize winner is "Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide" David Astels (Prentice Hall Publishing). Getting the production efficiency award: "About Face 2.0" (Interaction Design Essence 2.0) Alan Cooper (Wiley Publishing) "Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective" (Source Code Read: Open Source Software Perspective) Diomidis Spinellis (Pearson / Addison-wesley publication) "Agile Database Technology: Agile Database Technology: Agile Software Developer's Efficient Strategy) Scott Ambler (Wiley Publishing) should say that the final result In addition to" Book: Technical "Awards, there are some embarrassments, It is still more convincing. Let me say, blame 2003, a few years, there is not much better place. By this earlier, "Java Developer Journal" has also announced the reader choice award. Since this year's Jolt Award does not set a reader's choice award, two aspects have complemented each other, as if a golden chicken, a hundred flowers. The grand prize winner of "Java Developer Journal" is "Thinking in Java" (Java Programming, Bruce Eckel, Pearson / Prentice Hall), the runner-up to the fourth place is "Java Programming with Ant", "Core J2EE Patterns" (J2EE core mode, Pearson / Prentice Hall), "About Face 2.0".

At the same time. " Net Developer Journal "Reader Choice Award, the big prize winner is" Advanced. NET Remoting "(Advanced .NET Remote Processing, APRESS), the runner-up to the fourth place is" Applied. " Net Framework, "Programming Windows In C #", "Programming ASP. Net "(Jessie Liberty, O'Reilly). It must be noted that the candidates here are not limited to publishing in 2003, so there is a lot of access, so it is well understood. There are many seats that have been published in 2002, and they are also lined up in 2003. So, 2004? What kind of scene will it be in 2004? What is the depression? Or return to Yangchun Weather? From the first quarter of this year and the information I have currently mastered, it should be said that the overall will be stable and may be more practical. The highlight should not be too small. After all, there are many news that have been revised, and there are many plans to publish new books. Jay flying grass, the time of the peanut tree, we are still full of hope, turn crystal ball, plus night view, boldly predict the future. Finally, I can dedicate my top ten heavy books in my mind to everyone, and have the feeling of losing weight. My so-called heavy, the evaluation criteria combines whether it is suitable for the introduction of domestic and international impacts and sales forecasts. Of course, there is a large subjective ingredient and information disaggregation. How to do a large extent, it can reflect the actual situation. Everyone else seeing the benevolence, the wise is intelligent. One of the heavy books "Software Engineering: a Practitioner's Approach, 6 / E" (Software Engineering: Research Method, Sixth Edition) Roger S. Pressman Publisher: McGraw-Hill Expeed Original Published: April 2004 Software Engineering is currently a hotspot in the field of computer book publishing, although it has been overheated, its importance is obviously not ignored in the next few years. At the beginning of this book, in the first edition of this book, it was in the NATO meeting, and the software engineering was still in the original chaotic period. It did not have a wide recognition as a discipline. As a leader in the comprehensive works in this field, this book has been the standard textbooks in various teaching situations since then, cultivated thousands of students and professionals. In a sense, the establishment of software engineering discipline has also been greatly affected by this book. Therefore, each revision of this book can be said to be significant. This revision has a great action and fully reflects the rapid development of software engineering in these years. The most obvious change is to cancel a separate object-oriented portion, and the object-oriented is fully integrated into the books in the book, and UML is generally used, which is basically the content of traditional software engineering. This is comprehensively achieved with the current objective method. The status is comparable. Of course, the extreme programming and other agile methods have more, and the first part even hits the idea of ​​agile method scholars, dividing all processes into agile processes and instructions, which is the same as that of the fore short, IEEE starts to formulate agile methods. They all announced that the agile method began to enter the mainstream.

Another place worthy of attention is that the paragraph of the introduction to the web software project is significantly increased (a total of five chapters), it should be said that it is very close to the actual project (with the popularity of the C / S architecture, the N-layer architecture, currently purely web Web The program development is difficult to find), after all, the name of this book emphasizes the word "practice". Of course, the book in the market has an enemy, which will also launch a new version in the first half of this year, which is the "Software Engineering" seventh edition (Software Engineering ", a professor, the University of Lancaster, USA (Pearson / Addison Wesley). It is very suitable than these two books than these two books. Although there are difficulties, it is more interesting. Sommerville's history has also been more than 20 years. The author mentioned in the new preamble to the first edition is done on the PDP11 terminal worth $ 50,000. At the sixth version, Sommerville has blended traditional and object-oriented objects, which is more advanced than Pressman. Of course, this is related to Sommerville attaches the basic software process rather than the process form. In his eyes, the software process of management consisting of demand statutes, design, development, and verification, the software process of management is not allowed to leave the kernel. Therefore, although this book also fully reflects the importance of agile methods (Sommerville believes that agile methods and UML's widespread application are the main progress of these year software engineering), but the total structure has not changed, and the components increased mainly involves software architecture. And components-based software engineering, etc. Tong Yan said outside the poem, two books are not only competitive, but also on the peripheral assistance. The website is less, the supporting websites of the two books are excellent software engineering teaching and research resources, while Pressman's content is more abundant, and there is a personalized service for students, teachers and professionals, and has a matching CD and supporting Case. At the same time, two books have been deeply imposed on SweBok (software engineering knowledge system). In this sense, software engineering is now recognized as a discipline, it should be no problem. Two "Exceptional C Style" Herb Sutter Publisher: Pearson / Addison Wesley Exception Original Published: In June 2004 this is the third of Herb Sutter Exception Series ("Exceptional C ", "More Exceptional C ") this. I speculate that it will be the continuation of the first two, which is based on CoMP. LANG. C . The gotwa refining and extension on Moded is probably # 63 to # 86 (the first two books are # 1 to # 30 and # 31 to # 62, so that the SUTTER's book will be sourced.) The content will involve generic, standard libraries, templates, abnormal safety, memory management, optimization, and more. In fact, the book is selected, and it is expected to continue publication of the book for this year's C .

There is also two C top masters Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu ("Modern C Design" author's embedded "C Coding Standards" (C programming specification), the publishing date is slightly later. This should not be a book of Pu generic speaking code, we look forward to there will be more programming practices and master experience. In addition, recent Matthew Wilson, very active Matthew Wilson, which will also join Bjarne Stroustrup, "C In-Depth" series, which will be added to the "IMPERFECT C ", as the new author of "C / C User", and he developed Several well-known libraries such as Stlsoft are actively involved in the development of D language designed to eliminate C / C language, and write a lot of technical articles, and his new book is very worth looking forward to. Other Cay Horstmann ("Java core technology" author) and Timothy A. BUDD ("BIG C " written by the author of the object-oriented programming ", of course, this is a textbook. Three Heavy Books "Photoshop CS WOW! Book "Linnea Dayton, Jack Davis Publisher: Pearson / PeachPIT expects the original publication time: June 2004 This book is a representative of the graphic image. Although from the introduction perspective, this field is difficult, but as long as the refining is a flaming gold, it is still able to get out of gold. From the perspective of overseas list, graphic images will still occupy a lot of seats. The mainstream software such as Photoshop and Flash is just a short term, and this year should not form a big boom. It is necessary to pay attention to instance books such as Killer Tips. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design With Applications, 3rd Edition (Object - Oriented Analysis and Design and Its Applications, Third Edition) GRADY BOOCH Publisher: Pearson / Addison Wesley Expected Original Published: June 2004 This is a classic book, the author's components, the status of the former version and the unique writing style (the comics in the book are very interesting, I suggest you find a look at it) make it a heavyweight The choice, no suspense is no controversial, to know, 2002 Big Red Daddy Robert Martin "Agile Software Development" initial surgery is just some chapters written for this book. Therefore, there is only one problem with the rest: Can it be as scheduled? At the same time, there is also the work of the "UML User Guide", "UML User Guide", "UML Reference Manual", and "Unified Development Process", and "Unified Development Process".

Ivar Jacobson, which is called "Father of Use", tells the new version of "Object-Oriented Software Engineering: a Use Case Driven Approach" (Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using Case Drive Engineering: A Software Engineering: Method for Using Example Drivers) It will be in 4 Publishing month. In a sense, use cases of importance of actual projects or even UML. The components of this book are visible. Five "Delphi of Heavy Book". Net Developer's Guide (Delphi.Net Developer Guide) Xavier Pacheco Publisher: Pearson / SAMS Expected Original Published: April 2004 Delphi's situation is greatly different from both sides of the Pacific, and there are current and foreseeable in the future. When many Delphi books are sold well, North America's Delphi publishers can only be described with freezing points. Mainstream publishers have almost all give up this market, left to some small publishers to compete. One very active Delphi author is like the top developers in the Borland season, they have been scattered. Danny Thorpe, who has been shocked by a "Delphi Component Design" (Delphi component design), has now provoked technology girders in Borland, and of course there will be no time to write. The author of Charlie Calvert ("Delphi Unleashed" and other books will cover the Kylix works. Eric Harmon (Delphi CoM, Database), which is good at writing specialized themes, has also been so long. Diligent Marco Cantu ("Delphi7 entry to the author) Author) has just clearly said that there will be no new Mastering Delphi 8 for. Net, this is a very bad news. Is it unable to support such a famous master? Ray Lischner ("Delphi Technical Manual" author) has already had a side, write C , writes SQL, and even writes Shakespeare, but Delphi is not encountered. Other, Alan C. Moore, Bob Sawert, John Ayres can't bring us too much expectations. The authors of the new Eastern Europe or Russian blood are still too tender. Fortunately, SAMS is advised, this fruitful master - "Delphi Developer Guide" will continue to advance with the times. Among the original authors, Steve Teixeira seems no longer worrying, and the Xavier Pache, left nickname, should not be disappointed. The legend Xavier Pacheco also has a plan for "Applying Design Patterns with Delphi", I don't know when it will be implemented. Heavy Books of Six "Effective Enterprise Java" TED Neward Publishers: Pearson / Addison Wesley Expected Original Publishing Time: Javaone Conference Effective? Yes, this is a new product of the Scott Meyer series and is also follow-up of Joshua Bloch "EffectiveJava". As we all know, Java is currently in practical applications, the maximum amount of enterprise application development. The current J2EE book is a lot, but the boutique is very difficult.

TedNeward is a span. NET and J2EE two worlds and more exclusive experts can pass Scott Meyer, obviously, is not small. Check if the old end will know, he is the famous developer's brain library developmentor, and has developed a lot of large projects, and the actual experience is rich. His latest work is O'Reilly published "C # in a nutshell" and "Shared Source CLI Essentials" (on the open source version of .NET), the famous work should be Manning "Server-based Java Programming", it seems National Defense Industry Press publishing Chinese translation. Of course, now the most shine radiopes on his head should be the most popular community of J2EE technology. The Server Side. The editor of COM. What makes me feel strange is why TED NEWARD does not follow THSERVERSIDE. COM tradition, put the manuscript publicly reviewed online? Is it the style system of AdDison Wesley? However, from the "chapter" on the Internet, this is a typical "Item" organization, divided into "architecture", "rendering" (ie, is also), "safe" , "Status Management", "System", "Process" and "Communication" sections. TED NEWARD is informed of two platforms, so it is more objective and fair, and many religious gas is less. It is worth noting that he is a long-term opponent of EJB. When you write "Server-Based Java Programming", he will sprinkle hundreds of thousands of words without mentioning EJB. At the same time, he has very calmly understanding the technology of people who are caught by P2P and XML. I believe there are many similar thoughts in the book. Of course, as J2SE1.5 is launched, we also have more expectations for Java books. Seven "The Art of Software Testing, 2 / E" (Art, Second Edition) Glenford J. MYERS Publisher: Wiley expects the original publication time: October 2004 is a super classic revision. The first version of this book is the foundation of software testing, published in 1979. After 25 years, I am afraid that I don't want to follow the "Moon Myth", "program design psychology" get a anniversary version? However, in fact, the specific techniques in the book may have not been applicable, but the principle of basic principles is still ignorant, because in practice, we have not done more. If I don't make a mistake, the number of books of the book is not small, and before retirerating, I prescribed a famous electronic company. We all know that hardware detection and quality have always been harder than software, maybe we have the opportunity to borrow hill stone? Eight "Refactoring to Patterns" (from the reconstruction to pattern) JOSHUA KERIEVSKY Publisher: Pearson / AddIn Wesley Expected original publication time: July 2004 From the cover, this book is Martin Fowler and Kent Beck One of the "Signature Series" (Signature Series), which has been published and the five books that will be published are not waiting for the leisure generation, and the awards have been awarded, and they fully prove the Martin Fowler's experience.

It is also a refactor, it is a model, and the trendy words, the best-selling elements are all, can you still fire? The earliest prototype of this book is an article published by the author in "Software R & D" magazine, telling the story that he has been fascinated by a fire into the magic. It should be said that this theme is that the learning model and the majority of developers who have their essentials are very urgent. The discipline is reviewed online, and the author has been professing many developers in various conferences and training, and has accumulated rich experience. The quality of the book is not doubt. I hope that there will be more books that describe software architecture, framework and patterns. Book of Books "21st Century Compilers" (21st Century Compiler) ALFRED V. AHO and other publishers: Pearson / Addison Wesley expects the original publication time: October 2004 This book is a representative of classic textbooks that may be revised this year. Of course, in all computer textbooks, this book is absolutely classic - the famous "Dragon Book" is also. It seems to be the nasal ancestors of such animal comics as a computer textbook. This revision is also for nearly 10 years from the previous version. The author's lineup is still unprecedented: AHO Zeng Ren Bell Laboratory Vice President Jeffrey D. Academician of Ullman, Stanford University, academician of the American Academy of Engineering; and the last authors, this newly added, is the Chinese female professor of Stanford University, Monica Lam (Lin Qianling). Of course, we will not let us down: describe the new data stream analysis method, emphasize the optimization of code, explain the real-time compilation and garbage collection of languages ​​such as Java. Heavy Book 10 "Code Complete 2" Steve McConnell Publisher: Microsoft Press Expected Original Published: The first time I heard that "Code Complete" is revised in June 2004, I am surprised to use my mostwered adjective. . For developers 10 years ago, this book is a real Bible, "a book in hand, don't don't have him." The author Steve McConnell is the representative of the Golden Times and Charles Petzold, Richard Stevens et al. He is also a Microsoft Press, which has continuously launched "Debugging The Development Process", "Dynamics of Software Development", "Software Project Survival Guide", etc. (that is, the "Microsoft Classic Series" that has been launched by Machinery Industry Press Huazhang Company. One of the representatives of the golden age. Since then, I served as the editor of the "IEEE Software" magazine. The idea and consciousness in the book, so far, the programmers using various languages ​​still have a lot of practical value. On the "Software R & D Conference (SD WEST 2004)", Steve McConnell has a report that the book has been developed, and the development of software research and development, including language, tools, and environmental progress, incremental development. Test is the first, pay attention to the architecture, agile methods, etc., it is believed to be reflected in the revision of this book. The prediction here will inevitably hang a leakage, the most difficult place is that some important works cannot be determined whether this year can be published.

Obviously, Bruce Eckel's Thinking Series, "Thinking In C #", "Thinking In Patterns", "Thinking In Enterprise Java", and more. In addition, as it is. NET development, C will make some extensions in order to keep their own position on Microsoft platforms, which is also the purpose of Herb Sutter and Stan Lippman and other Microsoft C teams are currently working closely with Bjarne Stroustrup. Corresponding to this, Stan Lippman's "C Primer" already has a revision plan, and Bjarne's masterpieces are not completely impossible. and. NET, Java, Linux, and open source software, many technologies are in the rapid development stage, software engineering is more way to learn Spring and Autumn Warring States, in which case we have more expectations this year and the future, it should not Don't need the marginal dream. Source of manuscript: "Chinese Reading News" reproduced please indicate the source


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