Several confusion in the ADSL Internet

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

ADSL dials online, and now is big. However, in the days to contact ADSL MODEM, we are not all surfing pleasure, and there is also a confusion that ADSL MODEM inexplicably fails. In the face of a variety of confusion, how should we quickly exclude to ensure that the ADSL MODEM equipment works efficiently? In order to help many netizens levels, quickly drive away the various confuses brought by ADSL MODEM, here, will include a high frequency confusion, and give one answer.

Confusion What can I use to eliminate such a fault?

Answer 1, most of this phenomenon is that the IP configuration parameters used by ADSL Modem have not been released in time; if you want to eliminate the fault, there is a very simple method, that is, start the computer system, and When you dial, you will start the ADSL MODEM, then start the computer system. Of course, if you do not restart your computer, you can also follow the steps below to eliminate the unsuccessful dial-up connection:

Click the "Start" / "Run" command, in the pop-up system Run dialog box, enter the "ipconfig / release" string command (as shown in Figure 1), click the "OK" button, then bind The IP configuration parameters in the network card are released;

figure 1

Then in the System Run dialog box, enter the "ipconfig / renew" string command, and then click the "OK" button so that the computer system will automatically retest the network card configuration parameters, then you can dial it normally.

Confusion 2, all workstations in the LAN are connected to the Internet through the ADSL shared dialing. However, for the same website page, some workstations can be accessed, but some workstations are unable to access, what is going on? How can I eliminate this phenomenon?

Solution 2, how many of this phenomenon is that each workstation sends a TCP / IP data request package to the Internet, the value of the TCP / IP transfer unit of the datagram exceeds the scope of the data frame under the PPPoE protocol, resulting in PPPoE The agreement cannot be accurately sent to the TCP / IP data request package to the specified Internet site, so that the website page naturally cannot be opened. To eliminate this phenomenon, you must restrict the maximum value of the TCP / IP transfer unit of the datagram as follows:

Click the "Start" / "Run" command, in the pop-up system Run Dialog, enter the registry edit command "regedit", click the "OK" button, in the open editing window, expand the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SERVICES / TCPIP / Parameters / Interfaces

In the right sub-window corresponding to the "Interfaces" branch, right-click the blank area, sequentially execute the "New" / "Double-Space" command from the pop-ups, and the newly created double-byte value name Set to "MTU";


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