Why didn't we bring more happiness?

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

In the atmosphere of the festival, you must feel more happiness than during the year: You and your loved ones, you bless him (she), you also accept blessings; you and many friends, you will have a greetings; you Smile, you are surrounded by people who are smiling; you enjoy a rare leisure for a year; you feel that it is a very extravagant place to spend a big pen! Of course, you may have begun to feel the rich. Choose anxiety, such as what kind of brand of clothing, where to go to vacation, see which TV channel. In the past few decades, this world has become more and more rich, but people's happiness does not double like wealth. Taking the United States as an example, there has been almost three times that since World War II, 1950 surveys show that about one-third of people say they "very happiness", now this ratio does not change significantly. More wealth does not bring more happiness may explain is "adaptive effect": For the improvement of living standards, people make psychological adjustments, although it makes us happy, then this effect will automatically resolve. The psychologist studied Philip Brickman to study the winners of the lottery. After a short, dizzy carnival, they quickly returned to the previous happiness level. He said, "If all things are judged, they are based on the past experience. It is far from this benchmark. So gradually, even if the most definitely undoubted event will lose influence, because they will be absorbed by themselves In the new benchmark, it has become the judgment criterion for future events. "More wealth does not bring more happiness, but it may be derived from some of our hearts, but they did not know what they realized: involved When we are wealth, most of us is actually relatively happy - only when you get more than others, we will have more happiness. This is the moment of having the most happiness in this year, and we often feel a bad feeling of unhappy feelings because we don't consciously compare their respective wealth and status. In one study, Harvard University students were asked to choose from two options: a. Every year, 50,000 US dollars, while others only have half; b. Every year is $ 100,000, and others are twice . Most of the respondents have chosen A. The sample of this survey is obviously no representation, but it is very intuitive to show people's psychology. In 2004, Professor Qi Qiyuan, a psychologist in Chicago, shows the same law: From the perspective, the per capita monthly income is not directly related, rich in the city is not more happier than relatively poor city. In each city, the income level is directly related to happiness, the higher the income, the more happiness. This phenomenon is also called "keeping up your neighbors", which is the "Reference Anxiety" that sociologists said. When people judge their own property, they ask their own questions. "Is my house not enough?", But "my house is more beautiful than neighbors?" Although people's living standards are constantly improving, But the rich people who are constantly coming will make them feel unsatisfactory. In China, those rich people in the past often hide themselves. Fortunately, wealth is only one of the sources of happiness. After it can meet your basic life, it doesn't have much truly impact on life. In the survey conducted by the "Times" magazine, earning money or spend money, there is no need to take the top ten factors. Those factors are chatting with friends or family, listening to music, praying, helping others. Those who most happy things are not money can be bought, such as love, friends, family, respect, belief in life value, etc.

Psychologists have found that the happiest 10% of the features and the most depressed people do not have characteristics, they are closely related to friends, family members, and wish to spend time with their promises. The most fundamental discovery of scientific research on happiness is that interpersonal features such as friendship, gratitude, and love can bring happiness. "When you are with others, almost everyone feels happier," to study "mental flow" The known psychologist Mihaly CSIkszentmihalyi said. Why is grateful, friendly and other capabilities enhance people's happiness? Because paying you to feel your value for others, it brings me the life. It is generally believed that happiness is actually consisting of three aspects, happy feelings; the degree of investment, that is, the degree of participation of family, work, love and interest; and more powerful services. In fact, the study found that all happiness is a kind of contact with others. Wenfangjun


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