About AC

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  17

I spent nearly 12 hours today. Sourcecodes of Anjuta-2.0.

During the configuration process, there is always an error that AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX does not define.

I have a nine cattle and two tigers, and finally understand the matter.

It turns out that there is no library file that Libiconv installed on my machine. In particular, the library will generate a series of * .m4 files after compiling from the source code.

These files are other Aclocal dependencies from the source code generating program.

AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX is defined in the lib-prefix.m4 file.

The * .m4 file generated after compiling libiconv (these files in ./m4 directory), copy to your ACLocal to retrieve it. Usually / usr / share / aclocal or / usr / local / share / aclocal directory.

In my / Downloads / Applications / Anjuta / ./configure .... is configured.

At this point, the configuration work is complete.

I believe that for other open source projects, especially the source code for autogen.sh's script, if I encounter my problem today, I can process this idea.


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