Fedora Core 2 official version of the problem

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  17

If reproduced, please indicate: http://www.wonyen.net/bbs/mboard.asp 1, the time displayed under the terminal is garbled to modify. Bashrc Add export lc_all = zh_cnexport lang = zh_cn2, default VI and GEDIT can not Correctly displaying several ways of GB2312 encoding files 1). Run gconf-editor, modify the GB23122 settings, add GB23122). Use ICONV -F GB2312 -T UTF8 FileName to transfer 3) before editing 3). Run VI Before opening the file, set: set encoding = GB23124). With GB2312 encoding 5 with GEDIT, KWRITE, Mozilla Composer, or Eclipse Editor, use Emacs3, KDE is very useless, jump out of N more htt IM State System Settings - Server Settings - Server, Disabling Llim Services, HTT IM Status does not come out 4, how to use Hami's May 1 Beautifying the Fedora Core 21) Stop the input method of the FC2 comes # / etc / init. D / IIIM STOP2) Download, install the May 1st Beauty package of Hami. http://download.linuxsir.org/fontconfig/linuxsir-fontconfig-3.2.1.run installation process (which can be completely detached from the keyboard operation): 1, check whether the file has the executable properties. You can directly modify its properties directly or execute CHMOD 755 LinuxSir-fontconfig-3.2.1.run2, and the mouse double-click the file or execute at the shell side: ./ LinuxSir-Fontconfig-3.2.1.run or SH LinuxSir-fontconfig -3.2.1.Run Specific procedure, see the prompt during the installation process. 3) Restart XWindows, everything OK5, we have encountered trouble when conducting some websites, the resolution is particularly slow, and the chance of failure is quite large. The problem is caused by a function called ECN (Clear Block Notification) in the Linux 2.6 core, and ECN allows the router to report network blocking to the user, but when the ECN function is turned on, this will also make some old firewalls to refuse to make a network connection. In order to close the ECN, we have to add "net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0" commands in /etc/sysctl.conf. File. 6, the display is not recognized in FC2. Turn /etc/x11/xorg.conf, if the failed to change / TEC/x11/xorg.conf.backup, you can start, re-adjust the display. 7. How can Konquer in FC2 not display the thumbnail of the image file? How to set up to display the image file directly as before? Select "Show file prompt" in the configuration "Show preview in the file prompt" 8, what is the FC2 RESCUE disk? It is a first aid disk, and the system can be started to start using this disk and then fix it. 9, FAT32 partition automatically loads MOUNT in FSTAB to GB2312 or CP936, and the Chinese folder is displayed as XXX invalid Unicode.

The parameters of the Mount vfat are not used in the mount vfat partition in the FC2 unless there is 10, the FC2 down five input method is required to close the IIIMF-/ etc / rc.d / IIM stop or serviceconf shutdown installation FcitX- FcitX-2.0.2-4 # rpm -e minichinput # rpm -ivh fcitx-2.0.2-4 restart x, you should open FcitX, if not, modify .bashrc then add the following paragraph: #fcitxexport xmodifiers = "@ @ = Fcitx "export xim = fcitx # locale setupexport lc_all = zh_cnexport language = zh_cn # loading fcitxfcitX & 11, how to install Fedoracore2 in VMware 4.5.1? Download ISO in VMware 4.51, install the VMware Tools while installing, then installing the VMware Tools, then change the Pointer Segment of XF86Config: Device "/ dev / infut / mice" and then STARTX can see GNOME2.6 .12, Mozilla is 1.6 version of the version, only e text in the language. To install yourself in the Chinese language package or go to the next Simplified Chinese version of 1.6, you can solve it in the latest Fedora driver, kernel Hacking's 4K Stacks option is canceled, causing NVIDIA's existing drivers that cannot be used normally. (Thank fudaming brothers) There is a solution, download www.kernel.org's official kernel itself compile, then start with this kernel, then install the driver. I am now using 2.6.6 core, 5341 driver. everything is normal. Detailed method: to http://www.kernel.org/ download the kernel source code, I use 2.6.6, the address is http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ Linux-2.6.6.tar.bz2 puts it under the / usr / src directory to extract. Get a directory entry named Linux-2.6.6 (Figure 1), use #make gconfig to configure the kernel, this time it detects the configuration file, if there is no default configuration file. Config, you will use / boot / config-xxxxx As an profile load, this is the default configuration file of the Fedora current kernel. It is recommended that novices do not change because since it has been run correctly, then this profile is valid. A configuration window will appear after loading the configuration file. Contains some options, because Fedora's own kernel is playing a lot of patches, where 4kstacks is not available, so remove it with the official kernel. There is another option to be canceled: config_4stacks = n (no) andconfig_regparms = n (no) inserted, someone can't start the system after compiling the kernel, can't find the root partition, or unloaded, very well solved, the root partition is What format, compile it into the core, do not load it as a module. After the configuration is complete, click the Save button to save, then exit.

Many articles introduced the compilation method of the kernel. I will follow this. # Make @grumb after completion, check if the /boot/grub/grub.conf file is modified, joined the new kernel entry, If there is a file, it is confirmed that the new kernel can be selected in the future. Installing the NVIDIA driver or the usual approach (first saving related files) first in the console #init 3 #. / Nvidia * .run modified the configuration file xorg.conf, b Put NV to NVIDIA to / etc / inittab, 3 (Command Line) To 5 (XWindows) 14, installed FC2, why can't I start WinXP? FC2 is the primary partition? If it is the primary partition, guide the Win partition to be activated, plus root noverify (hd0, 0) makeactiveChainLoader 1 can also change the hard disk mode to your BIOS to change the hard disk mode for LBA15, make installation of Fedora Core 2 to start floppy disk method (thank weihe_duoduo) First, make a Mandrake Linux boot disk, which is the startup disk written with the HD_GRUB.IMG image file (I use the Cooker version, the file is in / cooker / i586 / images). Then, the content of the Menu.lst file in the boot disk is changed. Contents of the file before the change is not the root: timeout 0default 0title Mandrake Installroot (hd0,4) kernel / cooker / i586 / isolinux / alt0 / vmlinuz ramdisk_size = 128000 root = / dev / ram3acpi = ht vga = 788automatic = method: disk , partition = HDA5, Directory = / Cooker / i586 / isolinux / alt0 / all.rdz here, I explain this file (only if we need to change). "Title" is to indicate the description of the task you have to complete, do not change it. "Root (HD0, 4)" is where your mirror file is placed there. "HD0" indicates which hard disk is placed, "4" indicates which area placed on this hard drive. "Root (HD0, 4)" indicates that the file is placed in the fifth partition of the first hard disk, ie HDA5, which corresponds to the "partition = HDA5" behind. If the file is placed in the sixth partition of the first hard disk, it should be expressed as "root (hd0, 5)", ie HDA6; if it is the fifth partition of the second hard disk, it should be expressed " Root (HD1, 4) ", ie HDB5. "Kernel / Cooker / I586 / ISOLINUX / ALT0 / VMLINUZ" and "Directory = / COOKER / I586 / ISOLINUX / ALT0 / ALL.RDZ" are the main files to be loaded after startup. The place we have to change is this. First, extract the VMLinuz and initrd.img in the ISOLINUX directory in the first CD of Fedora Core 2 to a directory, such as / fedora; then "kernel / Cooker / i586 / isolinux / alt0 / vmlinuz "Change to" kernel / fedora / vmlinuz ", change" Directory = / Cooker / i586 / isolinux / alt0 / all.rdz "to" Directory = / Fedora / Initrd.img ". Other settings don't change. In this way, a boot disk that can be started from the floppy disk to install Fedora Core 2.

16. How to install three ISO files in the same directory, such as: g: / fedora, extract the dosutils directory of Fedora's first CD ISO file with Winiso or WinRAR, such as placing it in a g: / fedora directory, Use the Windows 98 boot disk to enter DOS, do not load the optical drive. Switching the directory to dosutils, running Autoboot to start installing. Then let you choose the installation method, select the hard disk installation, then let you choose the storage path of the ISO file, select the partition, then fill in the directory name, such as: Select / dev / hda8, fill in Fedora. Note: Linux also as a file all the equipment. The device connected to the PRIMARY MASTER corresponds to the device named HDA. The device connected to the primary slave is HDB, and the secondary master is HDC, and then the secondary slave is HDD. The / dev directory is where Linux stores device files. The hard disk is connected to the primary master, so it is HDA, and the partition is in the back plus digital representation. Since Linux retains 1-4 as the main partition, the first logical partition of the extended partition is used to represent, D disk Generally, HDA5, the above G drive is HDA8. Tip: Fedora hides the Selection of Reiserfs partition format. If the disc is installed, enter LinuxReiserfs after Boot, you can select the partition to the reiserfs format when installing, as shown. If you are a hard disk installation, you can enter Autoboot Reiserfs. Sometimes, because the installer does not support your graphics card, you can use text mode to install, in Boot: Enter Linux text, you can enter. 17, what should I do without dosutils? Create a Dosutils folder copy initrd.img and vmlinuz to the folder, then copy the loadllin.exe file of Fedora1 to the same directory. Self-built a batch file Autoboot.bat Class is as follows loadinglin vmlinuz initrd = init.img ramdisk_size = 9216 can also download: http://download.Fedora.Redhat.com/pub/Fedora/linux/core/1/i386 / OS / DOSUTILS / 18, how to install the VMLinuz and Initrd.img files from the ISOLINUX directory via GRUB. I usually install it with GRUB ~~ If there is no other Linux system is guided by GRUB, download a grub fordos , Type: grub> kernel (hd0, x) / filepath / vmlinuzgrub> initrd (hd0, x) /filepath/initrd.imgrub> boot19, use Fedora2 Browse LAN without having to configure SMB like previously, only need to be in the control center - Set up in the local area network browsing. The coolest domain browsing and local browsing are closely combined. 20. The Chinese input method cannot be called on the GB18030 FC2. LS / USR / LIB / X11 / LOCALE Reproduces GB18030, Simplified Chinese Locale only zh_cn, zh_cn.gbk and zh_cn.utf-8, no wonder I say in GB18030 The FC2 does not adjust the input method. GBK's Locale is absolutely ok, just uninstalling all IIIM programs, no export lc_all = zh_cn, export lang = zh_cn, Chinese input method can also be tounted normally.

/ etc / sysconfig / i18n file: Source: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- # lang = "_cn.utf-8" # Supported = "zh_cn.utf-8: zh_cn: en" # sysfont = "latarcyrheb-sun16" lang = "zh_cn.gbk" supported = "zh_cn.gbk: zh_cn: en" sysfont = "latarcyrheb-sun16" 21, loading After fedora2, the OpenOffice comes with the system also visible. If you have used the "May 1" beautification package, you will replace the Tahoma font into SIMSUN in Oo. Don't change anything else. If you haven't used it, you change several fonts directly to Ar Pl Sungtil in the preference - "Font -". 22. How to load NTFS format under FC2? http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/rpm/fedora2.html determines the kernel according to uname -a, and then download it on the installation. Chinese FAQ Handle HTTP: //LINUX-NTFS.SOURCEFORGE.NET/INFO/NTFS-EN.HTML23, FC2 How to add / delete a package via ISO file? Mount -o loop iso / mnt / cdrom can browse the contents of the ISO file, or you can use the System-Config-packages command. 24, my FC2 can't use GNOME, log in to GNOME and stop after entering the user password. Turn ~ .gnome2 / session-manual priority = 31 to priority = 5025, please ask the XMMS1. http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/attachment.php?s=&postid=63765426, how to make your beautification bag after your beautification (Fedora 2), how to set it? This problem can be modified /etc/x11/xorg.conf (I didn't install Fedora2, I don't know if the file is written) because Fedora changes the X system from the original XREE86 with xorg (specific reason can be discussed), configure The file has also made a corresponding change. And of course, I didn't consider the situation of Fedora 2. (Put / etc / x11 / xf86config as a configuration file) section "Files" RGBPATH "/ USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / RGB" FontPath "/ usr / sharser / fonts / simsun" # 加 加1 "endsection27, uninstall Mozilla English version installation Chinese version method to http://people.linux.net.cn/holywen/ download 1.6 Chinese version 1.rpm -e mozilla2.tar ZXVF Mozilla-i686-PC-Linux- GNU-1.6-zHCN-INSTALLER.TAR.GZ3. Enter Mozilla-Installer4 ../ Mozilla-Installer5. Create a desktop starter: Make you install in / usr / local / mozilla folder In the command: / usr / local / Mozilla / Mozilla6. The logo is in the icons of your installation path.

28, how to install the font at will? 1. Create a / usr / share / fonts / local / directory 2. Copy the new font file to / usr / share / fonts / local / 3. Use the following command to update the font information: TTMKFDIR -D / USR / Share / FONTS / local / -o /usr/share/fonts/local/fonts.scale1) Copy fonts.dir.2) ChkFontPath --Add / USR / Share / Fonts / local / 4. Using the following command To restart the XFS Font Server Service XFS Reload, you can. Want to say what font can. The following 29-36 Thank the aaccdd brothers http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid = 10991229, add XDSL connection: Graphics tool # system-config-network, new XDSL> Fill in the network card, supplier, account, password; use adsl-setup # adsl-setup, follow the prompts to fill in step; Welcome To . the ADSL client setup First, I will run some checks onyour system to make sure the PPPoE client is installed properly ... LOGIN NAMEEnter your Login name (default root): (fill in the account name) INTERFACEEnter the Ethernet interface connected to the ADSL modemFor Solaris, this is likely to becomething like, it will will be ethx, where 'x' is a number. (DEFAULT ETH0): (Net card interface for net, default eth0) Do you want the link To Come Up on Demand, or Stay Up Continuously? if you want it to come up on demad, Enter the iDle Time in secondsafter which the link should be dropped If you want the link tostay up permanently, enter 'no' (two letters, lower-case.) NOTE:.. Demand-activated links do not interact well with dynamic IPaddresses You may have some problems with DEMAND-ACTIVATED LINKS.Enter The Demand Value: (is dial on demand, or continuous connection; Dial, fill in idle time, such as 60 (second); default continuous connection) DNSPLEASE Enter the IP address of Your ISP's Primary DNS Server.if Your ISP Claims That 'The Server Will Provide Dynamic DNS Addresses', ENTER 'Server'

(All Lower-case) Here.if You Just Press Enter, I Will Assume You Know What You AreDoing and Not Modify Your DNS Setup.Enter The DNS Information Here: (Domain Name Resolution Server, you can fill in server, automatic search; fill address) PASSWORDPlease enter your password: Please re-enter your password: (enter the password and confirm) USERCTRLPlease enter 'yes' (two letters, lower-case) if you want to allownormal user to start or stop DSL connection (default yes. ): (user control, Yes to allow ordinary users to start, to close the connection; default yes) FIREWALLINGPlease choose the firewall rules to use Note that these rules arevery basic You are strongly encouraged to use a more sophisticatedfirewall setup; however, these will provide basic.. security. If youare running any servers on your machine, you must choose 'NONE' andset up firewalling yourself. Otherwise, the firewall rules will denyaccess to all standard servers like Web, e-mail, ftp, etc. If youare using SSH, the Rules Will Block Outgoing SSH Connections Whichallocate a Privileged Source Port.The FireWall Choices Are: 0 - None: This Script Will Not set Any Firewa . Ll rules You are responsiblefor ensuring the security of your machine You are STRONGLYrecommended to use some kind of firewall rules.1 - STANDALONE:. Appropriate for a basic stand-alone web-surfing workstation2 - MASQUERADE: Appropriate for a machine acting as an Internet Gateway for a lanchoose a type of firewall (0-2): (firewall rules, 0- no, 1-basic workstation, 2-local area network gateway; general choice 1) Start this connection at boot timedo you want to start this connectO AT boot time? please enter no or yes (default no): (Whether to start with the system, if the month yes) ** Summary of what you entered ** Ethernet interface: Eth0User name: ********* Activate- ON-Demand: Nodns Addresses: Supplied by ISP '

s serverFirewalling: STANDALONEUser Control: yesAccept these settings and adjust configuration files (y / n) (whether to accept the settings, and adjust the configuration file) Adjusting / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-ppp0Adjusting / etc / ppp / chap-? SECRETS AND / ETC / PPP / PAP-SecRSCONGRATULATIONS, ITHOULD BE ALL set up! type '/ sbin / ifup ppp0' to bring up your xdsl link and '/ sbin / ifdown ppp0'to bring it down.type' / sbin / ADSL-STATUS / ETC / SYSCONFIG / NETWORK-Scripts / IFCFG-PPP0'to See The link status. (Configuration is completed, started XDSL connection / SBIN / IFUP PPP0, close / sbin / ifdown ppp0; view status / sbin / adsl- STATUS / ETC / SYSCONFIG / NETWORK-Scripts / IFCFG-PPP0) 30, establish sound devices: / dev / Sound / Mixer / dev / Sound / Midi / dev / Sound / DSP # cd / dev / # mkdir Sound (established directory) # CD Sound # ln -s ../mixer mixer # ln -s ../dsp DSP # ln -s ../midi midi # chmod 777 Mixer DSP MIDI31, install ENCON: Such software I am standing on the hard disk To download it to Northern Daily Network E.pku.edu.cn, http://rpmfind.net/ Search, there is # rpm -ivh zhcon-0.2.3-1.i386.rpm32, compile installation OpenQ: Download Page http://openq.linuxsir.org/cgi-bin/wiki/moin.cgi/_cf_c2_d4_d8 Download OpenQ-0.3.TBZ and QQ-VER-0.3.0-P2.Tar.bz2 Decomposition # TAR XJVF OpenQ-0.3. TBZ # tar xjvf QQ-VER-0.3.0-P2.TBZ Replace OpenQ / GAIM / SRC / Protocol / QQ Directory # CP -R QQ-VER-0.3.0-P2 / OpenQ-0.3 / GAIM / SRC / Protocol / QQ / compilation 2.3 * Install OpenQ Main Program 3. CD Gaim 4. ./configure --prefix = / OPT / OpenQ (set according to Installation) 5. Make 6. sudo make install * Install QQ smile 7. mkdir -p ~ / .gaim / smileys 8. CP -R QQ2003III ~ / .gaim / smileys * Install QQ Show 9. CP -R QQSHOW ~ / .Gaim * Install the IP address file, (can be installed to any directory, But be sure to set it in "preference") 10. CP QQWRY-20040330.DAT ~ / .Gaim / QQ emoticon: http://www.loveqq.com/qqip query DAT20040515: http://www.showqq. COM / DOWNLOAD / QQDOWN_138.HTM33, installation J2SDK: Java 2 SDK Standard Edition 1.4.2 for Linux Huajun's download page:

http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/11537.htm# chmod 777 J2SDK-1_4_2-Linux-i586.bin # j2sdk-1_4_2-linux-i586.bin # CP J2SDK1.4.2 / / usr / local / established connection : # Ln -s /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2/jre/bin/java / usr / local / bin / java Add JAVA plugin to Mozilla # ln -s /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2/jre/plugin/i386 /ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-1.6/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so For Konqueror Add JAVA Plug-in Konquer> Settings> Configuring Konquer> Java and JavaScript - Java Executers: / usr / local / J2SDK1.4.2 / JRE / BIN / JAVA makes Java display Chinese fonts: # 修 / /usr/lOcal/j2sdk1.4.2/jre/lib/font.properties Save As /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2/jre/lib/font. Properties.zh_cn.

Source: ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- # @ (#) font.properties.linux 1.7 02/03/07 ## Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ## Component Font Mappings # Serif.0 = -b & H-Lucidabright-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * --P - * - ISO8859-1Serif. 1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0 (replaced with SIMSUN) Serif.Isteric.0 = -b & H-Lucidabright-Medium-i -NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1serif.italic.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312 .1980-0Srif.Bold.0 = -b & h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1serif.Bold.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-r -NORMAL - 0-0-0-0Srif.Bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal - * -% D - * - * - P- * -iso8859-1serif.bolditalic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0SANSSERIF.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-medium-r- Normal-Sans - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1SANSSERIF.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-00-GB2312.1980 -0sansserif.italic.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-medium-i-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 Sansserif.italic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-Normal - 0-0-0-0-0SANSSERIF.BOLD.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-r-Normal -SANS - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1SANSSERIF.BOLD.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312. 1980-0Sansserif.bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1SANSSERIF.BOLDITALICIUM-R SIS -NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Monospaced.0 = -b & h-lucidatypeWriter-Medium-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1MONOSPACED.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0- C-0-GB2312.1980-0MonOced.italic.0 = -b &

H-lucidatypewriter-medium-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1MONOSPACED.ITALIC.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0 -0-c-0-GB2312.1980-0Monospaced.Bold.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1Monospaced.Bold.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0- 0-GB2312.1980-0Monospaced.bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-i-normal-sans - * - % D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1MONOSPACED.BOLDITALICCITALIC.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-Normal - 0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Dialog.0 = -B & H-Lucidasans-Medium-r-Normal-Sans - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1DIALOG.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - 0-0-0 -0-c-0-GB2312.1980-0Dialog.italic.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-medium-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1DIALOG.ITIC.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0-0- 0-GB2312.1980-0Dialog.Bold.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-r-normal-sans - * - % D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1DIALOG.BOLD.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-0Dialog.BoldiTalic .0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1DIALOG.BOLDITALICIUM-R-Normal - SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal --0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Dialoginput.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859- 1DIALOGINPUT.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Dialoginput.italic.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-i-Normal-Sans - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1DIALOGINPUT.ITALIC.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0-0-0- GB2312.1980- 0DIALOGINPUT.BOLD.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1DIALOGINPUT.BOLD.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-Normal --0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0Dialoginput.bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1DIALOGINPUT.BOLDITIC.1 =

-misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0 # Missing Glyph Character # default.char = 274f # Component Font Character EncoDings # fontcharset.serif.0 = sun.io.CharToByteISO8859_1fontcharset.serif.1 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbolfontcharset.sansserif.0 = sun.io.CharToByteISO8859_1fontcharset.sansserif.1 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbolfontcharset.monospaced.0 = sun.io.CharToByteISO8859_1fontcharset.monospaced.1 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbolfontcharset.dialog.0 = sun.io.CharToByteISO8859_1fontcharset.dialog.1 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbolfontcharset.dialoginput.0 = sun.io.CharToByteISO8859_1fontcharset.dialoginput.1 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbol # Exclusion Ranges # # Xfontset information # fontset.serif.plain = / - b & h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.serif.italic = / - b & h-lucidabright- Medium-I-Normal - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.serif.Bold = / - B & H-Lucidabright-Demibold-r-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.serif.bolditalic = / - b & h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.sansserif.it Alic = / - b & H-Lucida-Medium-I-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.sansserif.Bold = / - B & H-Lucida-bold-r-Normal-Sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.sansserif.bolditalic = / - b & h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859 -1FontSet.sansserif.plain = / - b & h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.monospaced.italic = / - b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium- R-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Monospaced.bold = / - b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1FONTSET.MONOSPACED.BOLDITALIC = / - B & H-Lucidatypewriter-bold-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Monospaced.Plain = / - B &

H-Lucidatypewriter-Medium-r-Normal-Sans - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Dialog.italic = / - B & H-Lucida-Medium-I-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1FONTSET.DIALOG.BOLD = / - B & H-Lucida-bold-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * --P - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Dialog .boldital = / - b & h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Dialog.plain = / - b & h-lucida-medium-r-normal- SANS - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Dialoginput.italic = / - b & H-Lucidatypewriter-Medium-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1FONTSET.DIALOGINPUT.BOLD = / - B & H-Lucidatypewriter-bold-r-Normal-Sans - * -% D - * - * - - M - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Dialoginput.Bolditalic = / - B & H-Lucidatypewriter-bold -R-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1FontSet.Dialoginput.plain = / - b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * -m - * - ISO8859-1FONTSET.DEFAULT = / - B & H-Lucida-Medium-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1FileName.-Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-r -NORMAL - 0-0-0-0- C-0-GB2312.1982-0 = / usr / share / fonts / zh_cn / trueType / simsun.ttc (Add SIMSUN Font Location) 34, Compile Monkey Audio Plugin for XMMS Download Page: http://supermmmx.org/linux/mac / (Thanks to the work of Supermmx Heroes) Download libXMMS_MAC-0.2.0.tar.gz Mac-3.99-Linux.tar.gz decompiled: # tar xzvf libXMMS_MAC-0.2.0.Tar.gz # tar xzvf mac-3.99- Linux.tar.gz # cd mac-3.99 # ./configure found less NASM, in FC2-I386-Disc2.iso, loaded # rpm -ivh nasm-0.98.38-2.i386.rpm # make # sudo make Install # cd plugin # ./configure finds unable to find XMMS-Config, found XMMS-Devel installed in FC2-I386-Disc4.iso # rpm -ivms-wevel-1.2.10-2.p.i386.rpm # Make # Sudo make install now can enjoy the beauty of APE ^ _ ^ 35, install RAR for Linux 3.30: Official Download Page: http://www.win-rar.com/index.php? AID = Download & Lang = ENG Huajun Software Park: http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/3.htm decompressed installation:

#TAR Xzvf rarlinux-3.3.0.tar.gz # cd rar / # make, you can use the # RAR command to compress / extract the RAR file 36, install the APT software warehouse (refer to Fedora Wiki) Fedora Core 2 Howto page: http : //www.fedora.us/wiki/FedoraHowTo How to use the APT-GET: http://www.fedora.us/wiki/FedoSourceSfedora Mirror List: http://www.fedora.us/wiki/FedoRamirrorListApt,. 15cnc6-0.fdr.11.2.i386.rpm Download address: http://download.Fedora.us/Fedora/Fedora/2/i386/rpms.stable/apt-0.5.15cnc6-0.fdr.11.2.i386. RPM Graphics Front End Synaptic, Download Page: http://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/download.html No fr2 SYNAptic, can be compiled later, synaptic-0.48.2.tar.gz: http: // Savannah. Nongnu.org/download/synaptic/synaptic-0.48.2.tar.gz runs APT-GET: # APT-Get Source: ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- This appears to be the first time you are running APT.Before you can use apt for software installation you need toselect some software repositories first.Choose the repositories you want to use from the list below: 1 Fedora Core2 Fedora Extras3 Macromediawhen Finished Choose 'c' to Continue Or Choose 'Q't Repository SEL Ector without Changing Anything.Enter Your Selection (s) in A Comma-Separated List: 1, 2, 3 (First run, which warehouse is used, choose it; enter the number, comma separation; over, press "C "key,

"Q" exit) Choose the geographically nearest mirror (s) for use with: Fedora Core1 Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana, USA2 University of Southern California, USA3 Kernel.org, San Francisco California, USA4 University Aachen, Germany5 Technical University Chemnitz, Germany6 University of Applied Sciences Esslingen, Germany7 London, Great Britain8 Multikabel NV Alkmaar, The Netherlands9 Romanian Education Network, Iasi, Romania10 SdV Plurim Mao dia, Strasbourg, France11 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic12 SunSite RedIRIS, Madrid, Spain13 University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii, Usawhen Finished Choose 'C' to Continue Or Choose 'Q't Repository Selector WITHOUT CHANGING Anything.Enter Your Selection (s) in A Comma-Separated List: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (Select the nearest mirror, this is coming; University, Bloomington Indiana, USA2 University of Southern California, USA3 Kernel.org, San Francisco California, USA4 University Aachen, Germany5 Technical University Chemnitz, Germany6 University of Applied Sciences Esslingen, Germany7 London, Great Britain8 Multikabel NV Alkmaar, The Netherlands9 Romanian Education Network, Iasi, Romania10 SdV Plurim Mao dia, Strasbourg, France11 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic12 SunSite RedIRIS, Madrid, Spain13 University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii, USAWhen finished choose 'c' to continue or choose 'q'to quit repository selector without changing anything.Enter your selection (s) in a comma-separated list: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (select additional software warehouse, method is the same; It's too greedy to measure the speed, you can choose when you use it.

You can modify /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mirror-select.list to implement or act-get mirror-select mirror (s) for use with: Macromedia1 USA West, University of California At Santa Cruz2 USA East, Rutgers University, New Jersey3 Europe, Centro de Comunicaciones CSIC / RedIRIS, Madrid Spain4 Pacific, University of HawaiiWhen finished choose 'c' to continue or choose 'q'to quit repository selector without changing anything.Enter your selection (s IN A Comma-Separated List: 1,2,3,4 (Macromedia's warehouse, the same) Writing Source List Entries ... Note: /etc/apt/sources.list moved to /etc/apt/sources.list. Backup !! DONE.GET: 1 http://ruslug.rutgers.edu fedora / 2 Release [505b] get: 2 http://download.Fedora.us Fedora / 2 / i386 Release [2145B] get: 3 http: //mirrors.usc.edu fedora / 2 / i386 Release [2137b] get: 4 http://sluglug.ucsc.edu fedora / 2 release [505b] get: 5 http: //ftp-stud.fht-sslingen. De fedora / 2 / i386 Release [2145B] get: 6 http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de fedora / 2 / i386 release [2137b] get: 7 http: // macromed Ia.Rediris.es Fedora / 2 Release [505B] -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ... Now, start the download list. At the speed of seeing situation, I am not very fast here anyway :-( Import GPG Key: # CD / ETC / APT / GPG / (Import from Redhat Fedora GPG Key) # mount / mnt / Wine / FC2 / FC2-I386 -disc1.iso / mnt / cdrom / -o loop # rpm - IMPORT / MNT / CDROM / RPM-GPG-Key # rpm - IMPORT / MNT / CDROM / RPM-GPG-Key-Beta # rpm - IMPORT / MNT / CDROM / RPM-GPG-Key-Fedora # rpm - IMPORT / MNT / CDROM / RPM-GPG-key-fedora-rawhide # rpm - IMPORT / MNT / CDROM / RPM-GPG-Key-Fedora-Test # RPM - IMPORT / MNT / CDROM / RPM-GPG-Key-Rawhide can of course also import from Fedora.us website: # wget http://www.fedora.us/fedora-gpg-key# rpm - IMPORT FEDORA- GPG-KEY imports GPG Key in other websites.

Such as rpm.livna.org # wget http://rpm.livna.org/rpm-livna-gpg-key# rpm - IMPORT RPM-LIVNA-GPG-Keyapt-Get Install Synaptic: # apt-get install synaptic37, Fedora2 Installing Helix Player 1.0 And RealPlayer 10 software can be downloaded here: https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/1, this two software adds files such as MP3, Flash, MPEG-4, as for the advantages and disadvantages Experience. 2, the installation first guarantees MOZILLA 1.4 and GCC 3.2 or higher. 3, use .bin file installation method: (take Helix Player 1.0 as an example) download: https: //helixcommunity.org/download.php/405/hxplay- #CHMOD A X hXPLAY- #. / hXPlay- followed by prompt, after installation Nphelix.so and nphelix.xpt files are copied into the Mozilla Plugins folder if it is installed in / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins, other users are in ~ / .mozilla / plugins. To run Mozilla, you can load the plug-in HELIX DNA PLUGIN. Run ~ / .hXPlayerrc 4, use .rpm file installation method: (take RealPlayer 10 as an example) Download: https: //helixcommunity.org/download.php/392/RealPlayer- Log in with root # rpm -i realplayer- run # ~ / .realplayerrc38, how to download DVD isowget, Prozilla This software can not download> 4G files correctly, but LFTP will DVD ISO is complete. 39. In the DIA, enter the Chinese solution, first, open the config file in the user's home directory. FCITX directory, modify the "Open / Close Input Method", change to the following: Open / Close input method = Ctrl_space shift_space modifies the "Half-Wiele", changed to the following: Half-angle = Ctrl_shift_space TERNPRL, turn the full half of the hotkey to ctrl_shift_space, plus a hot button of the open / close the input method plus a shift_space. Then restart Fcitx. Now you can open the input method with the Control_Space key and the Shift_Space key. DIA blocks the Ctrl key, then you can use Shift Space to open the input method.

40. Install FC2 from hard drive in Linux system - LILO # mount -o loop /where/is/your/fc2cd1.iso / mnt / cdrom # cp -r / mnt / cdrom / isolinux / boot / reference lilo.conf In the Zhongyuan Linux section, add the following three behaviors: image = / boot / isolinux / vmlinuz lab2installinitrd = / boot / isolinux / init.img # lilo # reboot Select "FC2Install" on the LILO boot screen appeared Note: Your FC2 ISO cannot be placed on the partition to be installed, and cannot be placed on the NFS partition 41, solve the FC2 with CMI8738 external PCI sound card without sound FC2 PCI external sound card (such as CMI8738 sound card) Useless, although the sound card is prompted when the sound card is detected, but it is no sound. Try the following method: Open the "K Menu" - "Control Center" --- "Sound System" - "Hardware", select "Full-duplex" is OK! 42, FC2 Samba uses the starting LISA service, you can access it normally in LAN browsing, and directly support the Chinese file name! Method: Konqueror Enter: SMB: // PcName Access PCNAME Machine, SMB: / Access Working Group 43, installing English FC2 English, how to enter the IIIM service in Chinese, uninstalling minichinput, then installing the fcitx package You can enter Chinese, and add lc_type = zh.cn.gbk in the I18n file. 44. If you enter a text after entering text in the Konquer address bar, you are used to entering the text after entering text in the Konqueror address bar. Enter Google for search. After installing FC2, I found that I can't do this, and I couldn't find the URL. Check the settings of Konqueror and find that the default search is "None" and is reset to google. 45. After using a 51 beautification package, it is good, that is, XMMS can't recognize the font, and Java's console cannot display Chinese.

Section "Files" # RGBPATH is The Location of the RGB Database. Note, this is the name of the # file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db"). There is normally # no need to change the Default . # Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together) # By default, Red Hat 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of # the X server to render fonts.RgbPath "/ usr / X11R6 / lib / X11 / rgb" Fontpath "/ usr / share / fonts / simsun" # add this line.fontpath "UNIX /: 7100" or put XMMS fonts plus fixed-SiMsun-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - * - * - 100 - * - * - C - * - GBK-0, FIX46, originally FC2, re-installed XP, booting the RESCUE boot with FC2 and then GRUB then install (hd0, 1) / boot / grub / stage1 d (HD0 (HD0, 1) / boot / grub / stage2 p (hd0, 1) /boot/grub/Menu.list **** (HD0, 1) is the partition you Linux. Can (HD0, then press Tab, list all partitions, see you is that. Looking back to Linux plus Title WindowsRootnoverify (HD0, 0) CHAINLOADER 147, Fedora Core 2 Restart Hard Drive Close problem !! Compile the kernel, remove the ACPI option ........... (By default is hook) 48, FC2 KDE starts to initialize the peripheral device, the sound card begins with noise to run KMix, then Close IEC958 ! input output radio button 49, apt upgrade fc2, the following error appears rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recoveryerror: db4 error (-30978) from dbenv-> open: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recoveryerror: can not open Packages Database IN / VAR / LIB / RPM Rebuilding RPM DB RPM --RebuildDb50, Fedora 2 does not normally browse Chinese in the IRC (XChat is connected to dev.linuxsir.org, you can see Chinese, but after entering the chat room, others The speech is garbled. Where should I set this problem?) Modified / etc / sysconfig / i18n file: lang = "zh_cn.gbk" supported = "zh_ch.gbk: zh_hk.utf-8: zh_hk: en: EN: en_cn: en: en_tw.utf-8: en_tw: en: en_us.utf-8: en_us: en "sysfont =" latarcyrheb-sun16 "changed LANG's UTF-8 to GBK, in Supported Increase a zh_ch.gbk, exit, and register it normally.

51. Problems need to pay attention before installation: Installation requirements: CPU - text installation P200 or better graphic installation PII400 or better hard drive - minimum installation 620M server 1.1G desktop 2.3G Workstation 3G completely installed 6.9G memory - text installation Minimum 64M graphics installation minimum 192M recommended 256MFC2 mainly includes: 2.6 kernel gnome 2.6 kde 3.2.2 GIMP2.0 while including XFCE 4 main change: Xfree86 is replaced by xorg - xi server binaryxfree86 x11: xfree86x.org x11: xorgx server configuration filexfree86 x11 : /etc/x11/xf86configx.org x11: /etc/x11/xorg.confx server log filexfree86 x11: /var/log/xfree86. (DISPLAY.LOGX.ORG X11: /VAR/LOG/xorg. $display.logim Replaced by IIIMF in the past configuration command, redhat-config- * replaces new SG_IO by system-config- *, using CDRecord burns directly with device name cDRecord - Device = added - Such as ALSA-LIB / UTILS, K3B, GCC3.4, TVTimer, System-Config- ×, XFCE4, etc., such as Xfree86, RedHat-Config, such as Xcin, Minichinput, etc. The kernel should be recompiled, because the system installation defaults to support large memory 4GBkernel log default 17k, many desktop users are un practical settings, and the default kernel installs NVIDIA driver problem 52, the hard disk is very smooth, or the mouse can also be used, but After the restart is restarted, you cannot use the USB mouse Modprobe UHCI-HCD53. After the upgrade is upgraded, the mouse wheel cannot be used. Modprobe UHCI-HCD will be linened. Join MODPROBE.CONF is also available .54, fedora2 OpenOffice There is no word in the menu in the Tools menu, then the second item will be canceled in the last secondary option in the OpenOffice.org option. 55. How does Fedora 2 adjust the resolution system-config-display56, and RPM does not have a related program after installing FC2? Hash right - Open mode --- Other applications, it is set to default. 57, FC2 Install Flash plugin # APT-GET Install Flash-Plugin58, in the GNOME desktop, the Nautilus folder window does not have a toolbar, no address bar. Modify the Nautilus settings using gconf-editor. $ GCONF-Editor In Apps -> Nautilus -> ALWAYS_USE_BROWSER in Preferences can be ticked.

59. Some websites browse the display of the font in the browser in the browser. Fonts for >> Simplified ChineseProportional >> Serif is SYSTEM Default60, which has fcitx-2.0.2-4.noarch.rpm and beautify the package, GNOME is difficult Problems starting or crashing here briefly and solutions FCITX-2.0.2-4.Noarch.rpm and a beautification package provided on the station will copy a script input.sh in /etc/profile.d, this The script runs in each login system and writes the session-manual file in the user directory. When you log in to Gnome, this file will work, but it is wrong. GNOME landing is difficult, sometimes causes crash. Workaround: 1. Delete these files $ homen / .net2 / session-manual / etc / profile.d / input.sh $ home / .kde / autostart / fcitx2. Delete Once an export xmodifiers = "@ im = fcitx" Import Xim = fcitx; export xim_program = fcitx, etc., then performs the third portion 3. Change /etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xinput This file is Redhat, Fedora specifically used to call the input method. Already the definition of XIM, it is possible to replace all the chinput to FCITX, and FcitX can be automatically run. Remember backup 61, about the setting method of browsing network neighbors in FC2, the function of the network neighbor (actually in FC1), more intuitive, set it, set it, you can access the Computer in the LAN. To make sure that the Lisa service is open! Step 1: Select the local netword browsing option in Internet & Network in Control Center: Windows Share options can not add anything, but in MS Windows Enconding must choose good, I am using: GB2312 Step 3: Set LISA DAEMON In this option, you see a: Guided Lisa setup option, add it according to the prompt, IP is set to your own internal IP, save, log out, login. Step 4, enter your home, is there a LAN Browser option, click to see what is discovered? Of course, what is IP 哟 62, which can be used in the FC2. It is now used in version 0.2.3, everything is normal.

63, FEDRO is there to set IP to manually? # NetConfig64, VMware Shared Folder Setting Method First To install VMware Tools, because the shared folder is a function of VMware Tools support VMware Tools When you are Linux, you can only install in text mode, you cannot install it under X I don't say it, http://www.vmware.com/support/ws4/doc/new_guest_tools_ws.html# 1008207 There is a detailed installation method, in the virtual machine settings of the VMware menu, add a sharing Directory, you can specify any directory under your Host system and remember to enable, you can first see this directory in Fedora / MNT / HGFS below, how to install Flash 6.0http: // sluglug. Ucsc.edu/macromedia/apt/fedora/2/rpms.macromedia/flash-plugin-6.0.81-1.i386.rpm directly install http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/shockwave/flash/ENGLISH / Linux / 7.0r25 / install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz can be copied to the Mozilla's plugin folder 66, Fedora 2 VMware4.5.1 installed guest OS Win2000 Internet Method refer to this post to find the answer: http: / / www.linuxsir.org/bbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=62649&highlight=vmware from here I found VMware's KnowledgeBase: http://www.vmware.com/support/kb/eduser/std_alp.php? p_sid = JzxfJnch & p_lva = 977 & p_li = & p_page = 1 & p_prod_lvl1 = 31 & p_prod_lvl2 = 33 & p_cat_lvl1 = 8 & p_cat_lvl2 = 10 & p_search_text = networking & p_new_search = 1 & p_search_type = 7 & p_sort_by = dflt from the inside to see for guest OS is windows2000 then, networking will be affected by MediaSense affected, so it should be modified Note Volbook, DISABEDHCPMEDISENSE, modification method recommended to see Microsoft's introduction: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? Scid = kb; EN-US; Q239924 Specific can be made: Start -> Run: regedt32 - -> Find this button: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SYSTEM / TCPIP / Parameters -> Added values: value name (value name): DisabledHcpmediansEdata Type (data type): reg_dwordValue Data Range (value): 1 Ok, Restart, you can get online.

If not, this post is not suitable for you :) Add a little: I am in VMware: Use Virtual Device: VLanceNetwork Connection: Custom Specific Virtual Network: Select / dev / vmnet867, using GF FX5200 and other graphics cards Under FC2, no need to compile the kernel Can also accelerate! After using the GEFORCE MMX440, FX5200 graphics card, after installing NVDIA5336 driver, modify the xorg.conf file, in addition to the original modification, plus a line in the Device section: Option "ignoredisplaydevices" "DFP, TV" X can be started normally, good Start 3D game.

68, how to install the latest ATI driver download driver: http: //www.ati.com/support/products/workstation/fireglx2/linux/fireglx2linuxdrivers.html type = linux & prodType = firegl & prod = fireLinBedriver & submit.x = 12 & submit.y = 2 installation? : 1) TAR -XJVF build_mod-3.9.0-regparm.tar.bz22) GET INTO build_mod-3.9.0-regparm3) make.sh4) CP 2.6.x / fglrx.ko / lib / modules / {kernel_version} / kernel / drivers / char / drm (if the drm directory does not exist create it) 5) depmod -a more see: http:? after //rage3d.com/board/showthread.php s = c1c94eab0dce937d772ee177efeab353 & threadid = 3376087869, FC2 can not be installed Start WinXP Solution (Back to Partition Table) Due to a bug of FC2 (which should be Linux 2.6 kernel to change the reading hard disk parameter method, it is said that Mandrake 10.0 Community also has this issue), in the installation process Hard Disk Geometry in the hard disk partition table may be changed, resulting in Windows unable to start after the installation is completed. Today, I posted a solution about this problem on Fedora-Devel-List. 1. Prevention method: Enter the hard disk parameters manually, avoid the installer to change it. c) Remember the hard disk parameters (Cylinders, Heads, And Sectors) of the FDisk output started, using Fedora Core 2 Installation CD, restart computer E) When the boot menu prompts appear, enter: Linux hda = 14593, 255 , 63 replaced the number of just recorded 14593, 255, 63. F) Complete the installation. 2) Recovery method: If you are installed, you can't start Windows, the screen is usually displayed: rootnoverify (hd0, 0) CHAINLOADER 1 A) Start FC2 using "Single-User Mode" b) Perform sfDisk command sfdisk -d / dev / hda | sfdisk --no-retrad -h255 / dev / hda More details, reference http://lwn.net/Articles/86835/70, FC2 Watch TV Method 1 - Under the terminal # lspic Check if the TV card is installed # modprobe saa7134 launched TV (my card is saa7134) Start TVTime2 in the menu, start the stage, under the terminal down the instruction # tvtime-scanner TvTime The turntable of the keyboard or the mouse pulley manipulate turntable. Overall, the TVTime's picture is very good, even if it is not kept, it is also better than DScaler 1.9 under the window, but in the simple words, DScaler is dominated.

71, intuitive installation font method to uname: wxz; passwd: Linuxfans.org Download SIMSUN_WITH_BDF_NEW.ZIP (bold and crude body) after SIMSUN, open the KDE Control Center, select system management - / Select System Management -> Font Settings -> Installing new fonts, after selecting the fonts that have just been downloaded after installation, you will use SIMSUN to use SIMSUN. 72, Diskless Fedora Core 2 Install (2.6.5 of kernel) No diskless installation Fedora Core 2 (kernel 2.6.5) Posted by Mchirico on Sunday, May 30, 2004 - 04:22 Bedo in Sunday, May 30th, 2004 - 04:22 published The Fedora Core 2 Runs Under The 2.6.5 kernel. Hopefully The Followinginstructions Will Help.Fedora Core 2 runs on the 2.6.5 core, I hope the following guidance can be helpful. Diskless Updated: Sun May 30 08:57:21 EDT 2004FEDORA Discount Macquarie Last Update: Sun May 30 08:57:21 US Eastern Time 2004The Latest Version of this Document Can Be Found AT: http://osdn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/souptonuts/README_fedora.txt this document is the latest version: http: //osdn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/souptonuts/README_fedora.txtUPGRADING TO FEDORA (dISKLESS INSTALL) upgrade to Fedora (diskless) It's possible to completely install Fedora by downloading the * .iso image, mountit to a loopback device, copy the Linux kernel images to / boot, modify grub, reboot, thenhave it find the * .iso image For the rest of the install. You can completely install Fedora: Download * .ISO image, load it into the loopback device, copy the Linux Kernel image to / boot, modify the GRUB, restart, then find the machine to find * .iso Icon, install.

Step 1: Step 1: Download The Complete DVD Package. It's 4 GB: FC2-I386-DVD.ISOFROM: http://download.Fedora.Redhat.com/pub/Fedora/ISO /CORE/2/I386/ISO / Download FC2 from the following address FC2 full DVD image FC2-I386-DVD.iso, size 4GB: http://download.Fedora.Redhat.com/pub/Fedora/ISO/Step 2 : Step 2: Once Downloaded CHECK The MD5Summd5Sum FC2-I386-DVD.iso Download MD5SUM: MD5SUM FC2-I386-DVD.isostep 3: Step 3: Create A Directory Off of Root for Mounting The ISO Image.mkdir / ISO0 Create a directory from the root directory for loading ISO images MKDIR / ISO0STEP 4: Step 4: The DVD Image File Can Be mounted with the following command: mount -o loop -t iso9660 / fc2-i386- DVD.ISO / ISO0 uses the following command to load DVD image: mount -o loop -t ISO9660 /FC2-i386-dvd.iso / ISO0STEP 5: Step 5: COPY / ISO0 / images / PXeboot to the / boot directorycp -r / ISO0 / images / PXeboot / Boot /. Copy / ISO0 / Images / PXeboot to / Boot Directory CP -R / ISO0 / Images / Pexboot / Boot / Step 6: Step 6: Modify Grub To include the following: Modify GRUB Grub.conf), add the following: Title Fedora (Init) root (HD0, 2) kernel / pxeboot / vmlinuzinitrd /pxeboot/initrd.imgspecial Note: Look at The Other Grub E NTRIES "root (hd0, 1)", Perhapsit's listed as "root (HD3, 0)" OR (HD2, 0). This Must Be The Same, Sochange HD0 Above To match The Other Entries. Special Note: See other GRUB The entry "root (HD0, 1)" may be listed "Root (HD3, 0)" or "(HD2, 0). The added entry must be consistent, if necessary, modify the above HD0 is consistent with other entries. Step 7: Seventh step: make note of where fc2-i386-dvd.iso resides by questioning the "DF" Command. $ Df .you'll Need this location instator reboot. It's thing's thing of it's something like / dev / hda1 OR / DEV / HDB2 uses the "DF" command to record FC2-I386-DVD.iso's position $ DF Restart the system, you need this location, this location is / dev / hda1 or / dev / hda2, etc.


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