(Java technology, Java programmer's holy land. The latest Java products, technical specifications, Java APIs can be obtained here.)
(A website introducing various server technology, including ASP, PHP, CFML, of course, JSP. This article is not much, but it is very unique, often have some unique insights.)
(Focuses on J2EE technology website, such as EJB, JNDI, etc., strong technical, deeper. In addition, it is possible to undergo fragments of some foreign copy of computer books, such as "Mastering EJB", "EJB Design Parttern")
(Provided many website components developed by JSP technology, such as Chat, BBS, etc.)
(Regularly released some news about Java, also selection of TOP Ten of Java products, having a certain reference value)
(It may be the largest, the most famous Java discussion area has a lot of specialized blocks, discussing the square of Java technology, is very popular. Its FAQ is very reference value)