1.1. Clock Management
Clock management provides the following features:
Ÿ Maintain system calendar clock;
Ÿ 超 Timeout handle during task waiting for message packets, semaphors, events, or memory segments;
Ÿ到 to a task at a certain time interval or in a specific time to wake or send a warning to a task.
Ÿ Treatment of time wheels in task scheduling.
These functions rely on periodic timing interrupts, unable to work if you leave real-time clocks or timer hardware.
System calls for clock management are:
TickanNOUnce () informs the system kernel clock "Tick"
TickSet () Sets the core clock counter value
Tickget () gets the kernel clock counter value
Timer_create () creates a clock
Timer_gettime () gets the current residual value of the counter given the value of the clock
Timer_SetTime () Sets the clock value
Timer_Connect () Contact User Functions and Clock Signals
Timer_cancel () Cancel a clock
SysclkrateSet () system clock rate setting
VxWorks Watchdog Timer As part of the system clock interrupt service program, allowing C language functions to indicate a certain time delay. In general, functions activated by the watchdog timer are running in the system clock. However, if the kernel cannot run the function immediately, the function is placed in the TexCTask work queue. The task in the TexCTASK work queue is running at the highest priority 0.
Watchdog timer call function:
WDCREATE () assign and initialize the watchdog timer
WDDELETE () abort and lift the watchdog timer
WDSTART () launches the watchdog timer
WDCANCEL () Cancel the currently counting watchdog timer