VOA English broadcast listening skills

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

Listening to teaching practice shows that it is necessary to quickly reach the SPECIAL ENGLISH, especially STANDARD ENGLISH broadcast, in addition to need to understand VOA's various program profiles, familiar with the characteristics of radio news English, to listen to the practice, master A certain listening skill is very important. It is worth emphasizing here: a large number of uninterrupted listening practices are the first, learn and master the following skills are the second. Only by persisting listening, and flexibly use the corresponding skills to receive the effects of the extensive function. Below we have to talk about listening skills, mainly to readers pointed out some problems that should be paid to the listening process, and focus on some solutions.

1. Listening to the psychological preparation of VOA English broadcasting, listening to the psychological preparation of VOA English broadcast, or is prepared, including the following two aspects. On the one hand, beginners must understand: listening to VOA English broadcasting and listening to a general recording tape is very different. Its main difference is: listening to the English language tape, you can't understand it again, you can repeatedly listen until you understand, and many tapes have text materials, you can use it. In addition, learners can ask the surrounding teachers, classmates or colleagues. However, listening to VOA English broadcast is completely different. The content of the broadcast can only be accepted by a moment. If it is not recording, the sound can not be reproduced, so listeners can't stop thinking about it, and I can't like listening. Like the tape with a text material, listen over and over again, even compared to listen. Not only that, the general English teaching tape belongs to the language, the story, and the English news broadcast is always sent to the listener just or is happening to global news. Therefore, the beginners will inevitably encounter during listening. Or leak some words or information, at this time, you should listen to this in time, otherwise more information is even overnight. On the other hand, the learner should pay attention to overcome the psychological status and the fear of the problem. People who have just begun listening to English broadcast, always want to listen to the whole god, but the more you want to concentrate, but you can't understand. This is because over tension, not only can't concentrate on, but will disperse the attention because they don't understand. Therefore, the appropriate relaxation before listening is necessary and it is necessary, try to achieve both concentration attention, and not too tight. After listening to a period of time, learners may still feel very hard, which is natural. Just establish confidence, insist on for a while, come back, and find that yourself have a qualitative leap that has occurred unconsciously. Practice has proved that people who have listened to Voa Standard English broadcast capabilities have a difficult experience. So as long as we are determined, persistence is constantly, it is entirely possible to achieve the purpose of listening to the VOA Standard English news broadcast.

2. How can I listen to the ideal sound effect VOA English broadcast audio effect (mainly definition), directly affecting the enthusiasm of beginners. my country is located in East Asia, all VOA radio broadcasts in most parts of China's English radio broadcast in my country. However, due to our large number of people, the audience in my country can listen to the best effect (ie, the signal is strong, the noise is small) is not consistent. In addition, the "small environment" around the audience - includes the quality of the weather, and it will also have a significant impact on the listening effect. If there are other electromagnetic waves, there are not too far away from the radio, or the listening effect is certainly difficult to listen to the antenna. Therefore, listeners should be listened to local conditions. VOA is the US government's radio station, which is broadcast to the world's countries in both medium wave and short-wave bands. (See the Data Center VOA Broadcast Time and Frequency Table) However, most of them can only listen to the short-wave broadcast programs. In order to obtain a better listening effect, the audience must understand and familiarize with the frequency, band range of the VOA radio, and combine their objective conditions, properly tune and fix a certain frequency range to listen to the ideal effect.

3. Familiar with the VOA English Broadcasting program schedule, through the previous introduction, we know that the VOA English broadcast program is more than 300, and there are fifteen frequencies used every day. If you want to listen to your favorite programs according to your different listening levels and professional hobbies, you must listen to your favorite program on time, you must be familiar with its broadcast program schedule, understand the correspondence between program time and frequency use. (See the Data Centers VOA Broadcast Time and Frequency Table) About the above program schedule and frequency schedule, the following description is required: (1) The VOA radio uses Greenwich Mean Time or GMT to report All the time in the above table refers to this standard time. On this time, it is a Beijing standard time (Beijing Standard Time), but the week or date used in the table or in the actual broadcast. It is consistent with the time of the audience. (2) VOA Radio will be divided into two hours according to the change law of the season and day and night, that is, from April to September, in September, the summer and autumn, the night is short), October to March every year ( In the winter and spring, the short night is a short period of time, and the overall adjustment of the broadcast start time and the broadcast time of the broadcasting time, and is convenient to listen to the audience. Therefore, the broadcast time and stop time of the VOA radio in these two periods are different (3) above the program time and frequency table of the radio to March, and has relatively stability. But the radio is often made of special circumstances or as needed, and the time, frequency, and programs in the table will be partially changed at any time. This requires the audience to be familiar with more fixed programs, frequency gauges, but insist on listening to the various new changes in the radio, and listen to the programs they love in a timely and accurate. (4) It can be seen from the above frequency table that there are more frequencies used in the stations in a certain broadcast time, and there are 5, and the weather conditions that have ionization in the atmosphere have changed at any time. The listening effect on the same frequency is caused in the same frequency every day. This requires the test selection when the listener is listening, and each time the time listed in the table and its corresponding frequency (mainly refers to the short wave 2 in 9.4-21.85 MHz range). On the other hand, the changes in the season and the weather have certain regularity. The geographic location and the environment where the audience is relatively stable, so we can mostly according to their own situation, through repeated test practice, in short waves 2 find 2-4 effects is more satisfactory, and the location is relatively fixed frequently to listen to the learning.

4. Familiar with VOA English Broadcasting common language VOA English broadcasting is always in the radio broadcast, it is like a tie, which has organically connected in series, with a newspaper number, report, introduction show, preview program, report Notice, announce a variety of functions such as the end of the broadcast. From the surface, it is a scope of the topic program, but in fact it is equivalent to the summary and index of the book newspapers, and play an important role in which the audience listens. On the other hand, there are some own characteristics in vocabulary, speed and grammar, so it is also one of the difficulties in the process of beginners listening. To this end, we introduce the main common words and some other typical language classifications in the VOA radio. After the start of the language begins, the announcer often broadcasts this sentence: this is the voice of American, Washington, DC Signing ON The VOA Radio starts broadcasting from the capital Washington). Washington, D. C. C. is the abbreviation of Washington District of Columbia, translated as "Washington Columbia Special Zone", which is the capital of Washington, in do nothing to "broadcast" on Washington State; SIGNING ON! When the term is reported, it can hear the voice of the announcer: IT IS 0000 (Zero Hour) Greenwich Mean Time and Here Is The News from The Voice of America. I'm Bill Hansen In Washington. I just reported that I was a Greenwich time zero, please listen to the VOA radio news program, by Bill Hansen report to you in Washington.) Another example: IT IS 2300 (TWENTY-THREE Hours) Greenwich Mean Time and Here IS The news from the voice of america. I'm John Tremble in Washington. This sentence is the same as the meaning of the sentence. Please note the two sentences in these two sentences. In addition, SPECIAL english is also reported, but there is no newspaper clock. Such is the news in singapore. How to deal with the proprietary nouns in the news In listening to VOA News broadcasts, the audience will encounter a large number of proprietary nouns (including place names, people names, buildings, institutions and treaty names, etc.), adding difficulty. Where the place name often indicates the occurrence of the event, the source or represents a government; the appointment is the parties or spokesperson of the event; institutions, treaties, and buildings are used to represent a certain organization and government. These dedicated nouns play an important role in understanding the news. So how do initiators should deal with many proprietary terms during listening? We believe that the general principle is: it is not small, distinguished, distinguished, identify from the origin. The following: Place name mainly refers to the names of continents, oceans, sea, rivers, islands, national and their capital, and historical city, international conference, state, province, statement, etc. These place names are high in news broadcasts, which can be said to each program, even in each news. E.g:

Egypt French President Francois Mitterrand says France and western nations do not want Iran or Iraq to destroy each other in their war. Mr. Mitterrand told newsmen in Aswan that western nations want to keep a balance between the two Persian Gulf countries. Iran and Iraq have "(sp.) This SPECIAL ENGLISH news only three sentences, and the place name appeared nine times. If we are not familiar with these places, it is difficult to understand the news. Therefore, the audience should remember much more, more important place to facilitate the improvement of the ability to understand the listening materials. As for some smaller place names, you can not remember it. However, some small places are related to the major news events, such as CHELOBYLE, the explosion time of the nuclear power plant in Soviet 1986, is the world's attention, often appearing in the broadcast show, the audience is also It should be familiar with or remember. Another example, Saudi Arabia, Mecca, but it is the first holy place in Islam. The event also made the world concerned. Like this place name, although small but is very important, if you remember and understand it, it will be great to understand the content of the news broadcast.

The name mainly refers to the major leaders of the countries (including the national heads, government heads, foreign ministers, national defense ministers, and spokespersons of various departments, etc.), the number one characters of major international organizations and some important news characters (including The Big Partenaire leaders, opposition leaders, etc.). Like the name of the name, the frequency is extremely high. But the name is generally a long name, and some non-English countries are particularly difficult. Some people have a pronunciation of Chinese translation. It is necessary to spend a lot of breath. E.g:

Negotiators in Algiers are still talking to the hijackers of the Kuwaiti airliner but here are no signs that a settlement is near. Algerian officials met with gunmen aboard the jumbo jet several times on Sunday. The hijackers retracted an earlier threat to fly to another country and Said The Will Give Algeria More Time To Negotiate.

Meantime the Kuwaiti News Agency reported a prominent Arab figure will go to the Algiers Airport and appeal for an end to the hijacking. Algerian President talked by telephone Sunday with other Arab Heads of States including Kuwaiti Emir Sheik Jahmedal Akhmelal Sabar, Saudi King Fahd and Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafh. The Hijackers Are Demanding The Release of 17 Pro-Iranian Terrorists Jailed in Kuwaiti. The Kuwaiti Government Rejected The Demand. (ST.) This news has emerged in this news. How should these people be treated? We believe that listening to news can remember that people are sometimes not very critical. If the listener remembers a sufficient national name and its government, add the audience to know some of the main titles, so it can compare the news content. In VoA broadcast news, whenever a certain person is mentioned, its format is usually: nationality position or identity name, in these three items, if we can understand the two now, you can basically grasp the news. meaning. Due to frequent exchanges between some major national leaders, they often play an important role in some major events, so they are particularly frequent on their reports. For these names, if you remember more and more familiar, it will be even more helpful to listen to it.

The agency normally refers to various international or regional organizations or treaties in the world and domestic organizations in some countries. The names of these institutions and treaties are relatively high. E.g:

The United States Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar and several western nations have expressed regret over the United States' decision to withdraw from UNESCO. UNESCO is the United Nation's Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The State Department in Washington announced the decision to withdraw Thursday . A spokesman said UNESCO has become too political and has shown hostility toward the free press and the free market. He said the United States will withdraw from UNESCO at the end of 1984. Mr. Perez de Cuellar said he hopes a way will be found for the United States to remain in UNESCO. France and the Netherlands expressed disappointment over the United States' decision. Britain said it shared America's concerns about UNESCO, but would remain in the organization. (Sp.)

In this news, Unesco has more than six times. If you don't understand this institution, it is difficult to understand this news. The following describes the format of these institutions in the broadcast program. Generally speaking, since the full name of various organizations and treaties is relatively long, they have their own abbreviation. Passing information using the acronym is simple and saving time. In the VOA broadcast, they have appeared in the form of full name, and then it is often only an abbreviation or first abbreviation, and then introduces its full name. Some common institutions often only appear in an abbreviated form.

In vocabulary, the abbreviations can be divided into two categories, namely Acronym and Initialism, which have both links and differences. VOA specialized in the special english feature program on May 25, 1985. Please see the following text materials:

Every people has its own special words and expressions. And one of the most interesting kinds of words in the English language is the acronym. An acronym is a word that is formed from the first letters of several other words. For example, OPEC is an acronym for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries. And an initialism is like an acronym, but it does not sound like a real word itself. Instead, it just states the first letters of other words. USA is an initialism for the United States of America . Un is an initialism for thenenened naiton.

Acronym and initialism are like language brothers, and both can be an easy way to shorten the title or name that has many words. It is easier to say VOA than to the Voice of America. But the same acronym or initialism may represent different organizations, groups or names. For example, the Voice of America is not he only organization with the initialism VOA. The Volkswagen of America Automobile Company uses the same three letters. So does the Volunteers of America Organization that helps poor people. This has been a growing problem for English speakers. Political leaders, scientists and others have invented thousands of acronyms to describe everything from tax legislation to Space Vehicles. The great American writer HL Mencken observed correctly that many American feel a strong desire to reduce comlete names or ideas to the shortest Possible form. Most of the world thinks aht the acronym nato only Means The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. However, The Same Acronym Also Can Mean the National Association of Theaters Owners in the United States. You can not be sure that the number of the PLO belongs to the Palestine Liberation Organization. He many really be a member of the Philippine Labor Organizaion or he may be a scientist, helping to launch .

Do not feel bad if you find it difficult to follow so many acronyms and initialisms. You are not alone. Back in 1960, a group of language experts made a list of all the acronyms they could find in the English Language. Their list contained about 12,000. These days, however, the number of the acronyms on the list has increased more than ten times. There are more than 100,000 different acronyms.So, it is clear that acronyms and initialisms have become a permanent part of the English language. and The One I Like Best Is Mj. Those Letters Do Not Reperse Marine Jet, Master Of Journalsm or Military Judge. They area Just ME, MAS JOYCE. By introduced above, maybe we have found the difference between Acronym and Initialism, we can also Word meanings in the World Book Dictionary of initialism entries found a more clear answer: An initialism differs from an acronym in that it does not form a pronounceable word Thus NATO and radar are acronyms, whereas AAAS and vhf are initialisms made. This shows that the biggest difference between them is to spell a word to spelling Acronyms, and initialism can only be taken one by one.

Both of these abbreviations have the characteristics of saving time, novel vivid, and avoiding prohibition, and has a great importance in broadcasting. But we should pay attention to the following points when listening to the broadcast:

To clarify their full name and abbreviations, and pay attention to the form of abbreviations for uppercase letters; master the different pronunciation rules between them; pay special attention to the understanding, the same Acronym or Initialism sometimes has different meaning, representing Organization or treaty. Of course, I have to remember that there are many special names that are not a one-powered thing. This requires us to pay attention to it, slowly accumulate. For example, you can do some small cards, write a full name of a country, referred to as, the capital, important cities and the heads of heads and government heads, or to record a certain international organization or treaty. This way we can gradually be familiar with and master them, helping us understand English broadcast faster.

6. How to understand the frequencies used in the news in the news, the frequency used in English broadcast, is a major feature of broadcast stories, which is determined by the spread of broadcasts. According to our statistics, the use of pronouns only accounts for 1% of the total number of words. The number of pronouns is reduced, but the name, the name is greatly increased, and the specific nouns also increases, so that language expressions can be more accurate, reduce chaos, causing misunderstanding. However, as needed or make language concise, there will be a number of pronouns in news broadcasts. The understanding of pronouns is often a difficult point in Chinese students. When listening to VOA news, this issue is more prominent. So we should leave the usage of god words, do the following:

(1) Understand the pronounship according to the context. Example:. In a major escalation of hostilities, the United States and Iran today engaged in military clashes in the Persian Gulf As VOA's Wayne Corry reports from the Defense Department, US forces have destroyed two Iranian Oil Platforms used for military purposes and have sunk an Iranian missile boat. US forces in the Gulf attacked and destroyed two Iranian Oil Platforms in retaliation for damage to a US warship caused by an Iranian mine. in a related clash, Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci says American warships have sunk an Iranian missile boat. " The time of the engagement an Iranian missile boat approached our ships with obvious hostile attempt. It was warned off. It neglected the warning. It was engaged by US ships and has been sunk. "Mr. Carlucci and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William Crowe Also Says US Forces Fired Missiles At Two Iranian Jet Fighters. In Other Actions The Iranians Attacked A US Military Helicopter and A Small US Supply Ship. There Are no detail Si Those Incidents. The Escalation of Hostilities Between The United States and Iranl. Wayne Corry, VoA News, The Defense Department. (ST.) This news used three times, but this When we listen, it will be aware that IT this generation refers to the An Iranian Missile Boat mentioned above; and we are easy to know that Those refers to the events mentioned in the two sentences according to the context.

(2) Clear pronouns by comparing the news of SPECIAL ENGLISH and STANDARD ENGLISH. As mentioned earlier, Special English has its own writing requirements in two aspects of words and sentences, so comparing to listening often helps us overcome understanding.

(3) Using historical background knowledge to understand the pronouns. There are many things in the world, such as a few war hotspots, have their historical roots, mitigation and deterioration between the two countries have their era. So if the audience continues to enrich their international knowledge, it will also help understand the understanding of the news.

(4) Adhere to the listening to VOA reports on the relevant events. Judging the pronouns by understanding the happening, development and ending of a specific event. The use of VOA News Broadcasting Media is sometimes not starting with one day, but a series of reports from the event. Therefore, persistence is also one of the effective methods of solving the problem of pronoun understanding. 7. How to listen to the number in the news here mainly talk about four or more numbers and a percentage of small numbers.

In the process of listening to VOA English broadcast, the audience often encounters many numbers, this is a big difficult relationship between Chinese English learners, the four digits above the other. The reason is that the counting unit of the two languages ​​in English is not exactly the same. Their maximum difference is: there are two counts of "10,000" and "100 million" in Chinese, English is not; and English Million (Millions) and Billion (nine billion) two counting units, Chinese is in Chinese Their front plus 10, hundred, and thousands of composite counts, so that different representations of English-Chinese numbers are formed.

The counting unit of the English-Chinese language is inconsistent, and the number of English every four digits, the name of each of the five digits of Chinese, which forms different representations of four or more numbers. These different representations have brought great difficulties to English in English learners, especially to discriminate quantity units and accept information.

How can I overcome this difficulty? Do you understand the number of English news in English? According to our listening and teaching practice, I found the following steps, it is easier to listen to:

1) According to the rules of counting units in the US English, the number of international habits is separated by a comma, which is 1,000 or more, the number of 1,000: THOUSAND, the first "," before the number of THOUSAND, the second "," before the number, the third "," is before "," "," in the English-speaking country for THOUSAND Million, then a section section. For example: 123, 456, 895, 167, Reading One Hundred (AND) TWENTY Three Billion Four Hundred (and) Ninety-Five Thousand Hundred and Sixty-Seven. From this reading It is not difficult to see: In addition to Trillion, Billion, and Million, other numbers are hundreds, ten, and it is repeatedly used.

2) Trillion, Billion, Million and THOUSAND, how many TRILLON, how many BILLION, how many Thousands, how many of the fewings, and how many of the fewings, and how many of the few Thousands, in time, "," Separate, there is no specific number to play "0". Of course, there are some bigger count words in front of Trillion, which is the same.

3) Pay attention to the method of writing the number. Generally speaking, the writing method of English numbers has the following: (1) If the number can be expressed in a single word, the word is written directly. Such as: "One", "Nine", "10", "Eighty", writes one, nine, fifteen and eleghty, respectively. (2) If the number uses a composite number or several numbers, such as "21", "Ninety-Nine", "One hundred and 1", "One Thousand Eight hundred and 76", etc. Wait, usually write arabic number "21", "99", "101", "1,876" and so on. (3) If the number is a relatively large integer, it is often used to express it with an Arabic digital. Such as "One hundred and six hundred thousand", "forty-five billion" will be written as "1.6 million" and "4.5 billion" and more. In addition, there are some numbers to have two readings. For example: 1,000 readable one thousand or Ten Hundred, 4,500 readable FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED or FORTY-FIVE HUNDRED, 500,000 readable Five Hundred Thousand or HALF MILLION. In the English broadcast of VOA, if the number reaches or exceeds Billion, Spectial English and Standard English is usually different. Such as: The Chinese News Agency says China's population has grown to 1,031,882,511 persons (St.) Standard English announcer will read that number as one billion thirty-one million eight hundred eighty-two thousand five hundred eleven.. And SPECIAL ENGLISH's announcer reads this digital one as one thousand thirty-one milllion. Another example: World Bank President AW CLAUSEN SAYS The Bank Will Lend China 1,000,000 Next Year. (St.) STANDARD ENGLISH A player reads this number ONE BILLION, while Special English's announcer reads this number One Thousand Million, this reading avoids the use of Billion This is not incompetent by Voa Special English Wordbook.

Another difficulty in numbers is to have a percentage of decimal points, and we often encounter in an economy, finance, and other news involving more accurate percentages. These numbers, especially those who have a few more than one number of reading methods, some of which have several readings, and it is difficult to find a satisfactory answer in the general dictionary and grammar books. According to the recording materials, some typical aphrase containing these numbers is extracted from this, and they are arranged under certain regularities for the reader reference:

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The second largest bank in the United States, the city Bank of New York, has raised its prime interest rates to sixteen and one half per cent (16.5%). He (World Bank President AW Claysen) praised China's economic progress in the last two years, noting the Chinese economy has grown almost seven point five per cent (7.5%) in the time of world recession.The Labor Department said almost 11 million Americans were out of work, about nine point eight per cent (9.8%) of the Work force.

Almost 10 million persons in the US were unemployed in March. That means nine per cent (9%) of the American labor forces was out of work, and increase of two tenths of one per cent (0.2%) over February's rate.Consumer prices In The US Increased by Only Two TentHS of One Per Cent (0.2%) in February.

Producer prices in the United States increased by one tenth of one per cent (0.1%) in April, the first rise since January. Government economists say producer prices rose at yealy rate of only four tenths of one per cent (0.4%) during the First Four Months of this year.


The Federal RESERVE BOARD SAYS INDUSTRIAL Production Dropped Eight TENTHS OF One Per Cent (0.8%) In October.

The Labor Department Reports The Price In The US Lowered Only Six TentHS of One Per Cent (0.6%) Last Month. Price Has Risen One Fourth Per Cent (0.25%) in May and June.

The World has a huge supply of fresh water, rivers, rain water, lakes and underground wells. But experts say that only abut one third of one per cent (0.3% or 1/3%) of the world's total water supply is naturally safe For drinking.

In general, English digital listening is a big difficult point in English learners. In addition to mastering certain laws and techniques, we must achieve more and more accurate purposes through a large number of reading and writing training. 8. It has been introduced in front of the core role of news leaders. The news leading is the center of each news. It sides about the main content of each news. If we first understand the introduction, understand the basic meaning of the introduction, then The announcer will develop in a step by step, and we can have a comprehensive understanding of the content of the broadcast. E.g:

British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym has cancelled a visit to Saudi Arabia. He was to stop in Riyadh while on a tour of Persian Gulf capitals beginning later this week. Reports from London said the Foreign Office played down suggestion of a diplomatic rift and said only that the dates of Secretary Pym's trip were not convenient in Riyadh. However, the London Times published a letter by a senior Saudi Arabian official saying Britain has humiliatedArab countries. The letter said Britain's refusal last year to welcome an Arab delegation that included a PLO official should NOT GO unpublished. (st.)

The introduction of this Standard English news said that the UK diplomatic minister canceled the visit to Saudi Arabia, this is the central content, and the reason is described later.

In the description of the description, the announcer often uses a sentence to simply review the preceding phase of the event or a historical issue that has a direct impact on this event. To evoke the recollection of the audience, launch Lenovo to help the audience understand the news. E.g:

Teheran Iran says it will continue its fight against Iraq even though Iraq says it has withdrawn all its troops from Iranian territory. Iran promised to fight until all its demands are met by what it called the dying government of Iraq. Iran has demanded hundreds of millions of dollars in war damage payments from Iraq. Iran also wants the ouster and trial of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Iraq earlier announced that it has completed the withdrawal of all its troops from Iran. President Hussein had promised nine days ago that the troops would be He Also Declared a Ceasefire By Iraqi Forces. (SP.)

The final three sentences of this Special English news are a brief review of the actions and positions in Iraq, which helps to understand the current Iranian action, commitment and requirements. Another example: The Soviet Union has made an overture to Albania aimed at reestablishing diplomatic relations between the two nations The offer mad public in Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda in an article marking the 38th anniversary of Albania's liberation from the Italian and German forces at the. End of World War II. Albania Broke Relations with The Soviet Union Eleven Years AGO Accusing Moscow of Intercessing in Its Internal AffAirs. (ST.)

The last sentence of this Standard English News is the explanation of the reasons for the discontinuation of 11 years ago. From the above example, you can see the important role of news leaders. Therefore, we should give special attention. Generally speaking, Special English news can take the head to grab the introduction, and the announcer has 1-3 seconds after reading each header, then it is the introduction of the news. So the speckle of Special English is not difficult to catch. But Standard ENGLISH is not the same. Standard English is fast, the first sentence is often sudden, and it is difficult to understand immediately, and leave a deeper impression is difficult. But as long as you have a purpose, conscious insist on training, it is entirely possible to meet the purpose of grasp the introduction. When you start listening to standard English broadcast, we may even have the interval between each news, it needs to make full use of the information provided by the announcer's tone. For example: Article 1 news, listeners can start from IT IS 00:00 (Zero Hour), the news from the voice of become apphore. I'm so-and-so in Washington. This fixed opening Dividing in words. At the end of each news, the announcer often has to reduce the tone, and then after a relatively long pause (about 1-2 seconds), then improve the tone, start another news, if the audience can hear new The news content will show that the next news began. After a period of training, you can gradually divide the beginning of each news, and then grab the news lead.

9. Using the sentence structure, understanding the sentences of the Broadcasting News is relatively short, and the simple sentences and the columns are used in parallel, and the composite sentence is less used. When the beginner is listening, often focuses on the words or phrases that are not familiar with. The brain also stops repeatedly, and the result is ignored the meaning of the sentence, and lost a series of information, and it is difficult to understand the whole. The general meaning of news. In fact, we should focus on the basic structure of the sentence, try to seize the meaning of the entire sentence. To do this, you must first become familiar with commonly used sentence structures, especially the structure of the structure. If the audience can grasp a sentence's subject and predicate, even if you listen to some words or phrases, it is easier to grasp the basic meaning expressed by the sentence. Second, we must master the use of various related words. Finally, we must strive to exclude the interference of various additional ingredients between the subject, thereby seizing the basic meaning of the news. It is now described below: Structure (1) of familiarity with common sentences (1) The proportion of simple sentences and concurrent sentences is large, generally, and its subject is relatively easy to distinguish. For example: An Iraqi Jet Plane Flew over Teheran Friday. (SP.) The British National Oil Corporation Has Announced Plans for Further Cuts in TE Pric of North Sea Oil. (St.) is small, one sidepage is actually It is two simple sentences, and if you can listen to both of the listed consecutive words, etc., it is easy to seize the secondary predicate of the two simple sentences before and after. For example: Three persons were killed and three others wounded in the clashes (Sp.) There have been reports of continued resistance to the coup but no details of Tuesday's attempted counter-coup were immediately available (St.)..

(2) When listening, it is difficult to grasp the composite sentence. Here is the two kinds of composite sentences as an example, talk about how to grasp the restructured structure.

One is the compound of the associated password. Most of this composite sentence is connected to indirect clamps behind Say, Tell, Ask, Report, Quote, Deny, confirm, etc., which are often expressed often than the main sentences on the grammar (such as Someone Said That ...) The meaning of expression is more important, so it can be concentrated, trying to capture the meaning of an indirect apparatus. In addition, when listening, once you have heard the above words or structure, you should first infer the sentence pattern that may occur - the indirect apparatus, and immediately transfer attention to the listener. E.g:

A Spokesman Said The United States Is See Seeking The withdrawal of all foreign forces from lebanon. (Sp.)

In this sentence, just seize the subject of the object of the object, and seize the best. But in some cases, the subject of the main sentence is actually the subject of the sentence. At this time, the subject of seizing the main sentence is equal to the subject of the clause, which helps to understand the script. E.g:

Iraq Said ITS Troops in Iran withdraw to reorganize. (Sp.) English Broadcast News This is another more common sentence pattern is IT IS (WAS) noun (pronoun, adjective or past acne) (That) clause (or phrase) . In type sentence patterns, the key is to grasp the part of the IT IS (WAS) and (or) the part behind That. For example: a White House Spokesman Says It Is Clear Libya is trying to overthrow the Government and Put in its Own Surrogate Government. (St.)

There are also some of the similar sentence patterns: IT IS Reported That ... it is said That ... it is already ... it is apppeared what ... it is suggested "... encountered these sentence types should also focus on the back That On the sentence, to seize the main content.

Master the use of various correlation words

The associated word helps understand the structure of the entire sentence. By related words, we can easily speculate on the framework of the sentence. In English, commonly used enclosed words with While, When, Before, AS, Because, Since, What, WHO, WHICH, THAT, AFTER, IF, ALTHOUGH, UNEss, and more. Please see example:

Federal Troops WERE RUSHED WEDERAL TROOPS WERE RUSHED WEDESDAY 300 KILOSETERS NORTH OF KARACHI AFTER LOCAL Police Farachi After Local Police Farake Stop Violent Anti-Government Demonstrations (ST.)

Both of the above two sentences contain a adverbial clause. If we pay attention to its conjunction during listening, it is easy to grasp the framework of the sentence. It is to be noted that the adverbial clauses that appear in English broadcast news, except that the adverbial clauses such as unless, Although are often placed before the main sentence, and the adverbial clauses booted by other conjunctions are often located after the main sentence. Understand this order, which is conducive to our main information.

In a composite sentence containing the attributive clause, we must first determine the subject structure of the main sentence. If you grasp the subject's subject and predicate, you can basically understand the meaning of the sentence. The position of the attributive slave may be in the middle of the main sentence after the main sentence. For the latter, the listener should pay more attention to seizing the main sentence, especially the predicate. E.g:

Reports Have Said The Soviet Union Is Building Bases in Siberia That Wouldrease The Number of Medium-Range Missiles It Could Use Against Asia or the Middle East. (Sp.)

This sentence contains two idiom classes, which are not tough, because they are trapezoidal, one followed, easy to identify the main relationship. As another example:

He (South African Foreign Minister Pik Botha) said The United States which is helping Oversee The Negotiations Has A real chance to help reach an acceptable solution. (St.) This sentence is in the middle of the main sentence, is difficult for beginners. Seize the predicate of the main sentence of HAS, but we can distinguish from the tone of the announcer. When the player is playing the sentence, it is often very fast, and the NEGOTIATIONS is very fast, and the tone is also very low. After reading, listen to a moment, then improve the tone, and read the main sentence is located in HAS and object a real chance. In this way, we can easily determine that the sentence the UNITED State is HAS instead of is helping, so that the attributive clause can get the main sentence Theneited States Has A real chance to help Reach an acceptable solution. Can also be understood. The center of the full sentence is universified.

In addition, there are many of the two words in the associated word. Such like SO ... That ..., Not Only ... but also ..., Either ... or ..., neither ... Nor ..., Both ... and ..., between ... and ..., etc., when you encounter this type of sentence, as long as you hear the first part It is to predict that the second part is likely to appear immediately. E.g:

They discussed the continuing clashes between Sri Lanka's majority Sinhales and minority Tamils ​​seeking independence. (Sp.) The rally was initiated and supervised by businessmen who formerly were either linked with the Marcos Government or kept out of politics. (St.)

In the above two examples, I heard Between and Either, we can infer the second half of the AND or OR.

In the VOA English broadcast, there is a sense in a sense in addition to the interrelationships on the above syntax. If KILL and INJURE, FIRST, and Second, etc. are the words associated with the meaning. In the report, it is often predictable simultaneously. Please see example:

One Person WAS Killed and another Injured Iniay Before The Fighting Ended in The LateAfternoon. (SP.)

Excluding interference of various additional ingredients Sometimes, English broadcast sentences, especially STANDARD ENGLISH, and there are many additional components, which has caused some difficulties to seize the basic structure of the listener. Here, it will be added, mainly refers to insertion of incorporation and spiral phrases. Some of the most commonly used insertions in VOA English broadcasts include: for what he (the) Called, Be quoted as saying, as what he (they) said, as what he (they) TERMED (NAMED), etc. Its role is to emphasize the objectivity of its news. The basic meaning of insertion with sentence is not closely related, please see the example below:

The Defence Secretary (Caspar Weinberger) said the Soviet Union and Cuba are supplying the guerrillas with Nicaragua being used as what he termed a transshipment port and base. (St.) Vietnam has warned Thailand to halt what it calls intervention in Kampuchea. (St .) BUT An Israeli ARMY SAYING The Troop Movement Has Nothing to do with Israeli Plans for a pressback to more defensible positions in South Lebanon. (St.)

There are two categories of spiral phrases that appear in VOA English Broadcasts: Today's phrase phrases and past spoken phrases, with now in the current word phrases. For example: Afghanistan's President Babrak Karmal says Soviet troops will remain in his country until Islamic insurgency is defeated Speaking to reporters in Moscow Mr. Karmal ruled out a compromise and said outside interference in Afghanistan must cease Singling out the United States he accused it of.. pursuing a militarist policy in the region. The Afghan leader has conferred with a new Kremlin leadership. (St.) Eye-witness accounts of Israeli troops movements by ground and air in the Damo area near Beirut and the southern town of Sidon, followed similar Reports in Recent Days. (st.)

The first news above has two now words phrases, and the second one has a past word phrase. Since their positions are in the beginning of the sentence and the end of the sentence, the audience is more likely to understand the main meaning of the sentence. But if these phrases are in the middle of the sentence, it will increase the difficulty of understanding. For example:.. Mr Jumblatt, speaking at a news conference yesterday, accused the United States and the troops of the international peacekeeping forces of supporting an attempt to form a one-party dictatorship in Lebanon (St.) But the ruling coalition, headed by Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Appears Headed for easy Victory. (ST.)

For such sentence structures, the audience should set their attention from two aspects: the first is to start from the sentence structure, first determine the subjects of these two sentences, Mr. Jumblatt and the ruling coalition, predicates are Accused and Appears, respectively. The basic match of Accused is AccuSed Sb. Of sth., Appear is often adapted or past word. In this way, you can grab the basic structure of this sentence. The second is to determine according to the tone, when the broadcast is broadcast, the tone is flat, and the speed is faster. If we have mastered these listening skills, we solve the problem of a single sentence, you should quickly transition to the discourse - the whole news or the understanding of the entire program, this is a long-term and arduous task, and we finally The purpose should be achieved.

10. Pay attention to handling the relationship between the listening and the preference, the so-called listening is that the news recorded in the sound effect, listening to a few times, on the basis of better understanding of the whole news, the news will be recorded down (oral repertoam or pen head dictation). At the time of listening to English broadcasting, most of them are interested in listening to English, and their structure is, many words, phrases, sentence patterns, or similar news events have repeatedly listened to how many times, but I don't know how to do it, I haven't learned this. knowledge. In the long run, it is not only a lot of harvest, it is not conducive to the cultivation of rigorous learning, but also lost confidence due to long-term development. Listening can overcome this shortcomings, which is also the purpose of listening. The problem should pay special attention to the listener. It is necessary to make full use of the skills of standing, to repeatedly listen to the full text, master the pen of more than 80% of the news content, because of the sentence, discourse The semantics in the middle are coherent. If a word is listening to the word, the effect is definitely less ideal. Of course, for individual difficulties, new words, beginners can leave a good vacancy, and then check the dictionary after completing most of the listening tasks, or fill in the semantic relationship in the context. The so-called "means that the audience listened to a certain amount of programs every day, insisted on constantly, and listened to the best. Its purpose is to obtain information, understand the current affairs, enhance the language to improve the level of hearing. Enhanced induction is the purpose of it is going to listen. The problem that should be paid attention to when listening is "persistent, a lot of extensive".

Listening and preferences are complementary. It is more important in the initial stage, and it is an essential learning means. Adhere to a large number of listening, and has a pivotal role in improving his hearing; and with the continuous improvement of hearing level, It will be more and more important, and it is also the ultimate goal of the learner. Practice has proved that all the audience that can be listened to the organic combination of organic combine, it is obvious that it is relatively slow, and progress is relatively slow, and the difference between the two is very large. According to our investigation, two students have the same level, and start learning special English. After the semester, students who adhere to the rampant to listening can compare to the transition to the English language listening to the episode, can not persistence only En can understand 50% of special English.

11. Rationally arrange the listening order of various programs In front of the chapter, we have a comprehensive introduction to VOA's various programs. In the face of many programs, what is the first to listen, and then listen to it. For entry, you should start from Special English, and then transition to Standard ENGLISH. Specific can be divided into the following steps:

After a period of special english listens to practice, the audience can listen to the broadcast of Standard English after listening to slow broadcasting. In order to compare the ability to transition and listen to Standard English, the best way is to listen to the SPECIAL ENGLISH news and Standard English news, and the news content of these two speeds is basically consistent. In a sense, Special English is a simplified STANDARD ENGLISH. If you understand a news of Special English first, then listen to the STANDARD ENGLISH news of the same content, you will feel that Standard English News should be too much. For example, to understand the Special English of "The hijackers withdrew an earlier threat to fly to another country." Standard English is not difficult to understand the "The hijackers retracted an earlier threat to fly to another country." Understand of the Special English "in Washington the State Department criticized the Soviet Union for rejecting the agreement. the spokesman accused the Soviet Union of not acting responsible to try to end fear and hostilities in the Middle East." Standard English is not difficult to understand "in Washington, the State department said Moscow is acting irresponsibly in its rejection of the agreement and is expoiting historic rears and animosities in the Middle East. "this method of control can help us to listen to overcome Standard English speed to a certain extent, and complex sentences Vocabulary is very difficult. Controlling listening not only helps the audience understands the hard-working STANDARD ENGLISH, but also understands the STANDARD ENGLISH news, and it is also beneficial to learn more expressions, enrich our language knowledge. In this way, after a period of training, you can listen to the news show of Standard ENGLISH. If you have the ability to understand the Standard English news program, you will not be difficult to listen to the topic of STANDARD ENGLISH. VOA's topic, such as Newsline, Editorial, Issues in the news, and Asia Report, all the news of the news, listen to news, listen to news, and listen to news analysis, you can get the details of the news event, and gradually reach Further improve the purpose of listening to listening. 12. Expanding the ability to increase the ability to listen to English broadcasting listening to English broadcasting capacity not only the English level of the audience, not only directly related to the skills of listening skills, but also with other knowledge levels of listeners, such as thinking, historical and cultural background knowledge. Relationship. E.g:

"... In a speech at the State Department the President says he is seeking support for two countries in particular: 'Let us join together to help restore the economics of the two countries, one the Philippines, ... the other Afghanistan, a victim of brutal Aggression. '"(st.) If the audience does not understand the specific relationship of the US government and the Philippines, I don't know if the US government has always opposed the Soviet aggressive Afghanistan. It is difficult to understand why the US president must find aid for these two countries; if he listens It is difficult to understand the Afghan aggression behavior in Afghanistan, and it is difficult to understand why President is called Afghanistan for a Victim of Brutal Aggression.

Similarly, if the audience has lacks understanding of the roots of the two Iraqi's roots, the Middle East and Central America and other regions, the US Sushu disarmament negotiations, the US-Japan trade friction, and the capital pay attention to the world's economic crisis, and many understanding obstacles will increase. Therefore, while we listen to learning, we should learn to rely on VOA English broadcast itself to accumulate knowledge, keep in mind the names of countries, organizations and institutions that have occurred in the listening materials, remember common geography, political, diplomacy, economy, Words such as military and foreign trade, these vocabulary repetition rates are extremely important to understand VOA English Broadcasting.

In addition, you must also use other channels. If you listen to the news program of the Central People's Broadcasting Station or CCTV, read the Chinese and English news magazine, especially the "China Daily", which can give us a lot of revelation, which is beneficial to us Understand the VOA radio program.


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