Symbian game programming

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

A Symbian OS Introduction 1. The origin and status of the Symbian operating system Symbian was established in 1998, from Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and PSION. In 1999, Panasonic added Symbian. In 2000, the world's first mobile phone Ericsson R380 was successfully listed in the Symbian operating system. In the same year, Sony and Sanyo Company received Symbian authorization. In 2001, Fujitsu has gained Symbian authorization. Nokia launched a 2.5G mobile phone based on the Symbian operating system. At the same time, Nokia 9210 began offering. In 2002, Siemens Company and Sony-Ericsson Company have owned Symbian, Sendo gains Symbian's authorization. NTT Docomo released 3G FOMA F2051 mobile phone. Symbian releases the first mobile phone operating system for 3G systems Symbian OS V7.0 for 3G Mobile Phones. In 2003, Nokia successfully launched the first Symbian OS V7.0s mobile phone. In the same year, Samsung has become one of Symbian's shareholders. In 2004, mobile phones with Symbian OS have included Panasonic X700, Motorola A1000, NOKIA 9500, 7610, and N-Gage QD, Samsung SGH-D710. ARIMA has obtained Symbian's authorization with LG electronics. At the same time, Lenovo decided to use the Symbian operating system for their nearest mobile phone products. Symbian has received more and more markets with the development of mobile phones. In the current competition of mobile operating systems, Symbian market share reached 70%, which is a well-deserved boss, while Microsoft's Windows Mobile and other operating systems have only 30% of share. At present, the mainstream mobile phone operating system competitions are three mains: 1.Symbian operating system: Symbian alliance consisting of 6 manufacturers in Nokia, Ericsson, Sony Ericsson, Panasonic, Samsung, Siemens, is composed of Nokia, Ericsson, Sony Ericsson, Panasonic, Samsung, Siemens. The advantage is that the price is moderate, the mobile phone is low, and the disadvantage is that the developer is less. 2.Windows Mobile Operating System: The advantage is that it can be easily interoperable with Windows on the PC, and there are many developers, but the disadvantage is the highest license fee, and the phone is also high. 3.Linux: Open system, any manufacturers and developers can be used, the advantages are the lowest price, the lowest requirements for mobile phones, the disadvantage is also clear, the manufacturers are their camps, the interoperability between the mobile phones. 1.2 Symbian operating system The mobile device used by the Symbian operating system has been launched by the following: Sony Ericsson P910, Sony Ericsson P900, Sony Ericsson P800, FOMA F900i, Foma F2051, Nokia 6600, Nokia N-Gage, Nokia 7610, NOKIA N-GAGE QD, NOKIA 3660/3620, FOMA F2102V, NOKIA 7650, Nokia 3650/3600, Nokia 9290 Communicator, Nokia 9210 Communicator, Sendo X, Motorola A920, Motorola A925, Siemens SX1.

Almost coming from: ARIMA U300, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6260, Nokia 9500, NOKIA 9300, NOKIA 6620, Benq P30, Samsung SGH-D710, Panasonic X700, Motorola A1000, FOMA F900it Foma F880ies, Foma F900ic. 1.3 Symbian OS Features Symbian OS has the following six features: Designed to ensure that the user's data will not lose 6, simple UI system Symbian is a real micronuclear operating system, so-called "micronucleus", that is, only a small part of the operating system is running on the highest priority, other Features are provided in a client-server.

Here is the internal structure of the Symbian system: Application layer: shell, opl, and other applications ============================== =========================================== System layer: Dialogs, Menu, Toolbar, Icons, Resources, JavaVM, Grid, Rich Text, Edit Control, List Control, Application Framework, Jave Class Libraries. ======================================== ========================================= Service layer: Window Server, Process Server, Socket Server, Sound Server, Wireless Server , Database Server, File Server, Alarm Server, Comms Server, and Wireless Protocol =================================== ======================================= Core: EUSER.DLL, Ekern.exe, Service Control (Supervisor Server), HAL Equipment abstraction layer) =============================================== ==============

===== Drive layers: including audio driver, display driver, MMC driver, keyboard drive, string pair driver, DSP driver, clock controller drive, etc.

II. Development Environment Getting Started 2.1 Installing SDK and VC NOKIA divides mobile phones into multiple series according to the screen size and price of mobile phones, and now uses: Series 40, Series 60, Series 80 and Series 90.60 Series with Symbian OS 6.1, then make some modifications to the UI according to the characteristics of the mobile phone screen, this modified Symbian is called the NOKIA's 60-series platform. Mobile phone models using 60 Series include: Nokia 6670, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6260, Nokia N-Gage QDTM, NOKIA 7610, NOKIA 6620, NOKIA 3620, NOKIA 3600, NOKIA 3650, NOKIA 7650, NOKIA N -GageTM, etc. Let's take a 60 series as an example, introduce the SDK installation process. 2.1.1 Install the SDK first step, to the Nokia Forum registration, download the latest SDK. The latest version of the NOKIA website provided by the latest version of V1.2, Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS is V2.1. Download URL:,6566,034-4,00.html Step 2, to Website Download the latest Active Perl Script Installation program. Download the latest J2RE to Download the latest J2RE. Step 3: Install SDK, recommend to Symbian development a directory, such as D: / Symbian instead of using C: / Program Files, etc. Step 4: Install Active Perl and J2RE, install it to the default directory. Step 5: Check environment variable settings. Open the system environment variable tab, then take a look at there is ePocroot, if any, turn it manually to "/". After the finish is finished: ePocroot = / then add / EPOC32 / Tools directory in the system PATH and / EPOC32 / GCC / BIN directory. In fact, Symbian SDK does not have to be installed at all, directly copy the EPOC32 directory to a machine, and then set the directory and environment variables as described above. 2.1.2 Configuring VC If we use VC 6.0, we must ensure that the system has hit at least the SP3 patch, otherwise there will be a warning tips. If we use VS.Net2003, we can only install Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS V2.1 because Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS Nokia Edition SDK V1.2 cannot establish an engineering in VS.NET2003. If you want to create a new project directly in VC6, copy the AvkonAppWiz.AWX and AvkonAppWiz.hlp files under the /Symbian.1/series60/series60tools/ Application Wizard to the VC6 template catalog C: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio / COMMON / MSDEV98 / TEMPLATE. This way we can see the SERIES 60 AppWizard V 1.9 option in the new project of VC. After filling in Project Name, confirm. All the way "Next", a simple Symbian application is established.

If you want to import a well-established project into VC6.0, for example, we convert an example helloworld in the SDK into a VC6 project, we first enter the / symbian.1 / series60 / series60ex / helloworld directory. Here we can see that in Symbian, a Project is usually organized according to Inc, SRC, Group, etc., which typically puts a project file in the group directory, so you have to come here when compiling. Use the command prompt mode to enter the directory just said, then execute: bLDMAKE BLDFILES This command generates an abld.bat batch file in the group directory, and generates under / symbian .1 / series60 / ePoc32 / build /Symbian.1/series60/epoc32/build/symbian.1/ series60 / series60ex / helloWorld / group this directory and generates a bunch of .make files in the bottom directory. Then, we run the abld.bat that just generated in the same directory: Abld makefile vc6 will automatically generate VC6 DSW files, location in /ssymbian.1/series60/epoc32/build/ Symbian.1 / Series60 / Series60EX / HelloWorld / Group / helloworld / wins. Then we can open this Symbian project in VC6. 2.2 Compiling We can use the tools provided by the SDK to compile Symbian projects, or you can use the integrated environment of the VC6 to compile transformed Symbian projects. The result is stored in the /ssymbian.1/series60/epoc32/ Release / WINS / UDEB / Z / System / Apps directory. 2.2.1 Using the tools provided by SDK Compile Symbian Engineer We continue to enter in the position of the last section: Abld build wins udeb This command compiles our program, and finally in /symbian.1/series60/epoc32/Release/Wins/udeb Generate our HelloWorld under the directory, and then we can run the Debug version of the simulator from the Start menu. You can run HelloWorld in the simulation. 2.2.2 Compiling Symbian Projects Using VC6 Pro Project We directly open the DSW file generated after running Abld Makefile VC6, VC automatically loads transformed projects. Press F7 to directly compile the project, and the results are also placed in the /symbian.1/series60/ EPOC32 / Release / WINS / UDEB directory. Then we open the simulator Debug version, you can see our compilation project. 2.3 Package We use the HelloWorld provided by SDK 1.2 as an example to make .SIS files that can be installed in your phone: 2.3.1. Check the program First, under the command line format, enter the directory where the HelloWorld engineering MMP file is located, enter BLDMAKE BLDFILES and ABLD Build Wins Udeb, then turn on the simulator, and the detector has no error. 2.3.2. After the compilation project is not wrong, enter Abld Build Armi Urel in the command line. After executing this command, you will generate both files of and helloworld.rsc.RSC in the directory D: /Symbian.1/series60/epoc32/release/rmi/urel.


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