Abstract This article describes the full process of fedora3's Chinesei. I have not used any beautification pack, which has basically satisfied my beautification requirements through the modification of the configuration file. The Chinese process 1 gets the SIMSUN font, put into the / usr / share / fonts / zh_cn / TrueType / folder. Note: If the file is SIMSun.ttc, it is named simsun.ttf. 2 Build a font index. In / usr / share / fonts / zh_cn / truepe / folder, first RM FONTS.DIR FONTS.SCALE. Then run the command MKFONTSCALE, and then command MKFONTDIR. 3 Modify the configuration file of GTK1: /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn and /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn.utf8. The two files are the same, and then the following: style "gtk-default-zh-cn" {fontset = "- * - Helvetica-medium-r-NORMAL - 12- * - * , / -Misc-simsun-media-r-normal - 12- * - * - * - * - * - * - * "}" gtkwidget "style" gtk-default-en-cn "4 modified GTK2 configuration File: /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc. After the file content is modified as follows: gtk-theme-name = "bluecurve" gtk-icon-theme-name = "bluecurve" style "user-font" {font_name = "lXi Sans 9"} class "*" style "user-font "5 Modify FontConfig Profile: /etc/fonts/fonts.conf. Insert