RSS development history simple review

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  17

RSS development history simple review

Author: Tian Chunfeng link: http: //

The first version of RSS is RSS 0.90, which is Natscape to develop and design in 1999, mainly to establish a portal that integrates major news sites. Since this technology is based on the W3C's new generation of Semantic Network Technology RDF (Resource Description Framework), Natscape refers to RSS as: "RDF Site Summary" or "Rich Site Summary". With the deterioration of Natscape companies, the development of RSS is also in the dead belly. And a company specially engaged in the company USERLAND developed by blog writing software, and saw the prospect of this technology. In the first time, the RSS is integrated into its Weblog (blog), and then the RSS version 0.91. With the popularity of Blog, RSS has also developed together, and you can say that Blog and RSS are a pair of twins brothers. Userland has gradually occupying the leading rights of RSS development, while developing RSS towards the simplified direction, launched RSS's 0.92, 0.93,0.94 version, Userland gives RSS a new definition: "Really Simple Syndication". This phrase is still not known as the Chinese translation of this phrase. At the same time, many other companies, organizations also realize that this technology has a broader use, so they gather together to study a RSS standard, which is: RSS1.0. But they did not start from the 0.94 version of the userland, but started from the 0.90 version of Natscape, and there was no Userland to communicate well during the period, so it happened. Userland seeing RSS1.0 is rushing to RSS0.94, and to replace RSS 0.94, it does not dare to issue RSS2.0. This is the problem of two branches of the RSS we said today.

The development of RSS has encountered a big trouble. In this case, Atom has appeared, Atom is also a news aggregation technique similar to RSS. Because of the time of the time, Atom has no RSS version of the problem, and it has a good improvement in scalability, it is more difficult to provide atom for guided development.

So far, RSS has a total of seven versions. It is recommended to use RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0, RSS2.0 is the most popular version, but the RSS reader supports all versions of RSS, and a small part of the ATOM. Here is an example of RSS 2.0 version:

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