Eighth talk picture hyperlink

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

In addition to text, the picture can also create hyperlinks, and you can also use a hot zone function to establish a different hyperlink for different locations of the image. The hot zone of the picture is similar to the hot area of ​​the text, which is part of the picture, click this section to open the page of the link.

Let's take a look at how to build a hyperlink for the picture.

First, build hyperlinks for the entire picture

Built a hyperlink on the picture is exactly the same as hot writing: select the image, then click the hyperlink button on the common toolbar.

In the URL column of the Create Hyperlink dialog (you can also use the "Browse" Method to select) the URL of the object file to be linked. Let's add an example of "friendship link" to the homepage "index.htm" in the local website.

The general website has long established, and it will be "friendly link" with other websites. The hotspots of these links can be text or pictures. Many websites have a small picture of a so-called logo (icon), which is used as a sign of your own website to each other.

1) Open FrontPage and open the homepage file "index.htm" in the "D: / Web Exercise" local website

2) Open a "friendliness link" area on the home page and insert a few websites of LOGO.

3) Select the icon of the first website (old urchin website).

Hyperlink contact text on the home page selected

4) Click the hyperlink button on the usual toolbar to get the "Create Hyperlink" dialog as shown below.

"Create Hyperlink" dialog

5) Enter the URL "http://www.oldchild.net" http://www.oldchild.net "http://www.oldchild.net" http://www.oldchild.net ", the Target Framework is set to" New Window ". 6) Click the "OK" button to complete the settings. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to complete the "friendship link" of several other websites. Preview this home page. The mouse is shifted on a icon, the mouse pointer turns into a hand shape, click, click, the corresponding website home page is opened.

As with the previously speaking to create an email hyperlink, we can also add an email hyperlink for the image. There are not many repetitions here. Second, using the picture mapping to create a hyperlink When browsing the web online, we often encounter such a situation: in some web pages, different locations of a picture can be linked to different web pages, click the appropriate place, ie Connected to the specified web page, which will attract more users. This technology is called a picture map. FrontPage provides a very easy production tool for making multiple hyperlinks on a picture, which is the "Rectangular Hotspot", "Round Hotspot" and "Polygon" button in the picture toolbar. With the mouse towards the picture, we can directly divide the pictures out of many different areas and make multiple hyperlinks. Below we use pictures mapping technology to make a "National Senior University Site Map". 1. Open the "Web Practice" website of the disk, open a new page, enter the title text "National Senior University Site Map", and insert a national map picture ("506.gif"). 2, select the entire picture, then, the picture toolbar automatically appears below the window. Click the "Polygon" button on the toolbar, as shown in Figure 3 below. Sometimes, "Picture Toolbar" does not automatically jump out, select menu "View> Toolbar> Picture", let "picture toolbar" appear.

Click the "Polygon" button on the web page

3, then drag the mouse over the picture along the image of Anhui (note: I should drag a small straight line when drawing polygons, loose left button, change the direction to drag the second paragraph, ... until finally closed graphics) Always put an ascending of Anhui to release the mouse, and the "Create Hyperlink" dialog box shown below will appear. In the dialog box, enter the URL of Anhui Elderly: "http://alx.ahedu.gov.cn/", click the "OK" button, complete the settings. "Create Hyperlink" dialog

Click the Preview tab to move the mouse to the map on the map, the mouse pointer becomes a hand shape. Click on the mouse, the home page of Anhui Elderly University will be opened. With the same method, we can build a hot zone for other regions on the map, link them with other provinces' old university home page. Then, in the file name "GDLNDX.htm" ("All Elderly University") is stored in the "Website" website. If the area in the picture is too small, the text hot zone mapping can be used to implement hyperlinks when using the image hot zone mapping. Click the "Text" button on the "Picture" toolbar, draw a text box at the appropriate location on the GIF image and enter the corresponding text. After selecting this text box, click the "Insert" menu, select the "Hyper Link" command in the drop-down menu to open the Create Hyperlink dialog. In the dialog box, enter the URL, which is set to set a chain receiving. Third, the picture files in the image and hyperlinks page, the image files and hyperlink objects and web files have a relative positional relationship. Since the editing of the web is completed in the local computer, the web files accessed are placed on the Internet server. If the processing is not good, it is often not possible to pass the image or link is not normal after the page that can be properly previewed in the local computer. This requires special attention to the path problem. The so-called file path is where the file is in the computer. The files on the Internet also need to consider the server's IP address or domain name. The file path has two kinds of relative paths and absolute paths: 1. The relative path is the relationship between the location of the image file (or hyperlink object) relative to the location of the web page. Do not add any path description before the file name in the same folder. If in its next level folder, the file name is added before adding the folder name and "/". This symbol is the split of the subdirectory (folder). For example, the "gdlndx.htm" file in the previous example is in the "Web Press" folder of the disk (D: / page exercise), and the national map picture file "506.gif" is in D: "Web Press" "Images" folder (D: / page exercise / images), that is, the lower folder "Images" of the "gdlndx.htm" web page. So the "picture source" in the "Image Properties" dialog box is "images / 506.gif", which means that the image file is relative to the web page.

If the target file is represented by "../" in the last level folder of the web file. For example, the home page of the old urchin website "Index.htm" In the "Oldchild" folder, there is a web file ("life.htm", etc., such as "old life" in the "Oldchild" folder ("Life.htm", etc.). On the website "Old Ball / Old Life" section (folder "Oldchild / Oldhappy / Life") has a page "Gourmet Talk" (web file "mswt.htm"), as shown below:

OldChild / ┬oldhappy / ─ l │ │ index.htm ├ ... │ ├Life.htm │ ├ ......

The link path of "Oldhappy / Life / Mswent.htm" is "Oldhappy / Life / Msw.htm" in "Older Life" web pages; "Oldhappy / Life / Mswt.htm"; and "back home" link path in "Guest Tour" web page is "." ../index.htm. 2, the absolute path is not related to the location of the web page (current directory), the file path starts from the root of the disk or the domain address of the site server on the Internet. Such as "f: / Oldchild", "http://oldchild.nbc.net.cn/oldhappy/mswt.htm", etc. Generally, the image file or link object on the local computer uses a relative path, using an absolute path to the website or image file on the Internet. A path error occurs if an absolute path is used on a local computer. As the "Gourmet Talk" page in the foreiot, the link path of "Back" back "in the" Gourmet "page is relative path" ../../index.htm. If it changes it to the absolute path "F: /oldChild/index.htm", you can return to the home page when preview in the local computer, but you can't return to the home page correctly after uploading the Internet server, because on the server The correct absolute path is "http://oldchild.nbc.net.cn/index.htm". Generally speaking, copy all the pictures and other auxiliary files to be used (import) to the local website, and always generate a path error in the open local website. However, if you do a good job in other folders to copy to your local website, path errors are easy.

[Practice 1] 1. Open the local website "web". All subnets are opened, and one of these webpages is inserted into the same small picture as the "back home" tag, and link it to the home page "index.htm". 2. Design a web page that uses image mapping technology to link different targets in different locations of a picture.


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