English translation: Solaris 10 enters Linux territory

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

English translation: Solaris 10 enters Linux territory

Author: BadcoffeeEmail: blog.oliver@gmail.comBlog: http://blog.9cbs.net/yayong2005年 March full text from URL: http://www.nwfusion.com/reviews/2005/022805solaristest.html excerpt: = ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ================ "Solaris 10 Heads for Linux Territory" - Network World ======================= ====================================================== Tom Henderson's Network World Clear Choice "review of Solaris 10 is generally positive. It reflects many of our key messages concerning cross platform compatibility, performance improvements and innovation. Tom also did some performance testing based on a past review he wrote on Red Hat OS, and Solaris performs better on most of his machine set ups. He scores Solaris 10 a solid 4 out of 5, with strong scores in installation, performance and security. He writes, "Overall, Solaris is a time-proven Unix platform, with a long legacy of stability And reliability. Solaris 10 Has Been Tweaked for Speed ​​On Generic Pc-Based Hardware, And ITS New Container Methods Show Clear Attention To Security Details. "===================================================================================

===================================================== "Solaris 10 entered the Linux territory "- network world ============================================== ====================== Tom Henderson's NetWork World "Clear Choice" column is basically positive for Solaris 10. This evaluation reflects the cross-platform Compatibility, performance improvements and some key information for innovation. Tom also made some performance testing on the past Red Hat OS, in his most machines, Solaris performance is better. He gave Solaris 10 a beautiful 4-point, full of 5 points, Installation, performance and security have given a high score. He wrote, "Overall, Solaris is a time-proven UNIX platform. Stability and reliability have been inherited. On the general PC-based hardware, Solaris 10 has been rising, and it The new Container technology highlights the attention of security details. The following is the netizen suggestion:

Cross Platform Compatibility: Cross-platform compatibility A SOLID 4 OUT OF 5: Over 5 points, it gives 4 points, not a series of 4 points. But I don't know how to translate it. The next WITH STRON ... should be supplemented, should not be translated into ...

to sum up:

Regarding Solid and Out of the use of the Dictionary, five people have five people vote A Solid Friend Reliable Friends Solid Arguments Reason Good argument A Solid Business Firm Yin Shang Shang A Solid Book Content) Solid book A Solid Vote consistent election Solid Gold pure gold, Red Gold Solid Colo (U) R Monochrome Two Solid Hours Footstead for two hours


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