Developing software for several years, from small projects to big projects. One of the deepest questions is the number of numbers. For large projects, best agreed numbers to manage documents, variables, projects .... One document agreed 01 Feasibility Analysis Report 02 Project Development Plan 03 Software Demand Manual 04 Summary Design Manual 05 Detailed Design Specification 06 User Operation Manual 07 Test Plan 08 Test Analysis Report 09 Development Progress Monthly 10 Development Progress Monthly 11 Software Maintenance Manual 12 Software Issues Report 13 Software Modification Report Note, The above documents are coded. Then, for document numbers: 01 ~ 20: Leave normalized document 21 ~ 50: leave a non-standardized supplement document 51 ~ 99: leave auxiliary document, or refer to document two variables agreement global g_sys (26) as string 'Collect regular report the parameter 'g_sys (0) with: gClientName variant'g_sys (1): variantname'g_sys (2): SavePath'g_sys (3): modlepath'g_sys (4): gColumnCondition horizonewhere'g_sys (5): gAttribCondition horizonewhere'g_sys ( 6): gHnList str0 h1, h2, h3, 'g_sys (7): gLastShowName lastitem no brand' g_sys (8): gWhereCondition abcabcabcooooooooooooooo'g_sys (9): sorted 1'g_sys (10): gHnListCount 3'g_sys (11 : gshowit (0) Brand'g_sys (12): gshowit (1) Variant'g_sys (13): gshowit (2) packsize'g_sys (14): gshowit (3) 'g_sys (15): gshowit (4)' g_sys (16): GSHOT (5) 'g_sys (17): gshowit (6)' g_sys (18): gshowit (7) 'g_sys (19): gstribcount 3'g_sys (20): gshowattrib (0) A1 (self Definition) 'g_sys (21): gshowattrib (1) A2 (Custom)' g_sys (22): gshowattrib (2) A3 (Custom) 'g_sys (23): GSHOWATIB (3) A4 (custom) 'g_sys (24): gshowattrib (4) A5 (custom)' g_sys (25): gshowattrib (5) A6 (custom) 'g_sys (26): Gvalueshare 100 Benefits: This is in the team All parameters have a consensus! Three parameter tables Convention PSZ01: Record time PSZ02: Record location ............ psz99: Record mark benefits: This is a consensus on all the parameters in the team! And in the system, how these parameter tables are arranged together, which is easy to view. Because in SQL Server, the table name begins to add []. So you can consider adding a letter 4: Project When the project is too much, It is often discovered that it is very chaotic in your project catalog. So use the code: Engineering project number resources, take the reversed decree principle.