Environmental configuration of JBuilder + JBoss + Tomcat

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

1. Download the necessary tools



EJB server: jboss3.x

Download address http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceForge/jboss/jboss-3.2.6.zip


Download address: http://apache.justdn.org/jakarta/tomcat-4/v4.1.31/bin/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31.exe

Tools for integrating jbuilder and jboss: jbossopentool-2.6alpha (only to Tomcat4.x)

Download address: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=46485

2. Install the software:


JBUILDER JDK JBOSS Tomcat places JBossopentool in the JBuilder installation folder / lib / ext

2. Set the environment:

Java_Home = D: / JSDK


Tomcat_home = D: / Tomcat;

JBoss_Home = D: / jboss;

Path =% PATH%;% java_home% / bin;% jboss_home% / bin;% Tomcat_Home% / Bin

ClassPath =% classpath%;% java_home% / lib / *. Jar;% java_home% / jre / lib / *. Jar

Open IE input

Http: // localhost: 8080 / jmx-console

If there is a page, JBoss and Tomcat are successful.

3, start JBUILDER9, select: Tools-> configure servers, select the JBoss 3.x on the left, select the enable server on the right, fill in the following table information: General Page: Home Directiry = C: / JBoss This is the JBoss installation directory Main Class = org.jboss.MainVM Parameters = -ms64m -mx64m -Dprogram.name = run.bat Server Parameters = -c defaultWorking Directory = C: / jboss / binCustom page: JBoss Installation Directory = C: / jboss here is the JBoss Installation Directory Tomcat 4X JBuilder Installation Directory = D: /JBUILDER9/thirdparty/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6-LE-JDK14 This is the directory where tomcat4.0.6 installation is installed in JBuilder9. Note that JBuilder9 has also installed Tomcat4.1, but it seems that the latest version of JBossOpenTool does not support it, so there is only Tomcat version version of Tomcat 4.0.6. JBoss Configuration To Use = Default, click OK.

3, start JBUILDER9, select: Tools-> configure servers, select the JBoss 3.x on the left, select the enable server on the right, fill in the following table information: General Page: Home Directiry = C: / JBoss This is the JBoss installation directory Main Class = org.jboss.MainVM Parameters = -ms64m -mx64m -Dprogram.name = run.bat Server Parameters = -c defaultWorking Directory = C: / jboss / binCustom page: JBoss Installation Directory = C: / jboss here is the JBoss Installation Directory Tomcat 4X JBuilder Installation Directory = D: /JBUILDER9/thirdparty/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6-LE-JDK14 This is the directory where tomcat4.0.6 installation is installed in JBuilder9. Note that JBuilder9 has also installed Tomcat4.1, but it seems that the latest version of JBossOpenTool does not support it, so there is only Tomcat version version of Tomcat 4.0.6. JBoss Configuration To Use = Default, click OK. 4, configure the jbuilder's lib, in JBuilder9, select Tools-> Configure Libraries, in the pop-up dialog box, UserHome automatically comes out of a red JBoss3.xServlet, it requires us to configure Lib, select it, on the right Click Add on the Class page, join the jboss installation directory C: / jboss / server / default / lib directory, javax.servlet.jar and jboss-j2ee.jar files, click OK

4, configure the jbuilder's lib, in JBuilder9, select Tools-> Configure Libraries, in the pop-up dialog box, UserHome automatically comes out of a red JBoss3.xServlet, it requires us to configure Lib, select it, on the right Click Add on the Class page, join the jboss installation directory C: / jboss / server / default / lib directory, javax.servlet.jar and jboss-j2ee.jar files, click OK


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