VML reference - Shape Element

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

Shape element

Describe the top layer element of the shape.

The shape element can be modified by setting the following attribute.

Property Description ADJ defines a value to define a shape rule. AllowINCell determines whether the shape can be placed in the table. AllowoverLAP determines whether the shape overlaps with other shapes. ALT defines the display. Borderbottomcolor embedded shape The bottom frame color. BorderleftColor embedded shape left box color. BorderrightColor embedded shape of the right box color. BordertopColor embedded shape top Box color. Bullet determines whether the shape is a drawing Bullet.

Button defines whether the shape is a button processing. BWMode defines how the shape is displayed in black and white output devices. Bwnormal defines black and white mode of black and white output devices. BWPURE defines black and white mode of pure black and white output devices. Class references CSS style sheet definition. ConnectorType indicates to one or A connector type used in multiple shapes. Coordorig Specifies the rectangular coordinate unit origin of the bound shape. Coordsize Specifies the rectangular landscape and portrait units of the bound shape. DoubleClickNotify Send an event message when double-click the shape. FillColor definition brush color Filling Closed Shape Path. Filled determines whether filling the closed path. Flip conversion shape orientation. Forcedash determines whether the shape is used to draw the shape with a dashed box when the shape is not wireless and fill. HR defines the shape of the shape. HRALIGN defines the horizontal rule. Align rules. HREF defines the shape link address. When the shape is clicked, the browser will load the link. HRHEIGHT defines the horizontal spacing rule. HRNOSHADE defines whether the horizontal rule is displayed in the 3-D shadow. HRPCT defines the length of the horizontal rule in the percentage .Hrstd defines whether the shape is a standard lateral rule.Hrwidth defines the horizontal rule length. The unique identifier of the horizontal rule. Lleft determines the distance from the left side of the shape. Margin-bottom specifies the rectangular bottom edge of the shape of the shape. Margin. -LEFT Specifies the left edge of the rectangular shape with respect to its anchor. Margin-Right Specifies the shape of the rectangular right edge of the shape relative to its anchor. Margin-Top Specifies the shape of the rectangular top edge of the shape relative to its anchor. MSO-Position -Horizontal Specifies horizontal position data in Microsoft Word. Mso-position-horizontal-relative Specifies the relative horizontal position data in Microsoft Word. Mso-position-vertical specifies vertical position data in Microsoft Word. MSO- Position-Vertical-Relative Specifies the relative vertical position data in Microsoft Word. MSO-WRAP-DISTANCE-BOTTOM defines the shape bottom to have a distance with the wrapped surround text. MSO-WRAP-DISTANCE-LEFT defines the shape of the left end to have wrapped surround The distance of the text. MSO-Wrap-Distance-Right Defines the shape right end to the distance with the wrapped surround text. MSO-WRAP -Distance-top Define the shape top to have the distance from the package surround text. MSO-WRAP-EDITED determines if the widget is customized by the user. MSO-WRAP-MODE definition text pack mode. Oleicon determines whether the OLE object is displayed as an icon .oned determine the shape The additional handle is hidden .onMouseOver is a shape that trigger the mouse event. Path specifies the line of the shape edge. PREFERRELATIVE determines whether or not the original size of the object is saved after the object is reformatted. Print determines whether to print the shape. RegroupID determines the shape of the upper class of the shape.RELATIVEPosition defines the relative position of the object.Rotation defines the shape of the shape. RuleInitiator determines if the rule engine is determined to apply the rule engine agent .Spt defines a Microsoft Office to use numbers to determine the shape. StrokeColor Define the painting color of the drawing shape. StroKed defines whether to use a brush drawing path. Strokeweight defines a list of brush widths that draw shape paths. The minimum height value of each line of TableLimits table. TableProperties determines the table Properties. Target definition frame or window Displayed link address. Title Definition Displayed When the mouse point is moved to the shape of the text.top determine the distance of the shape relative to the top of the document. Ttype defines the reference to the ShapeType element ID. ISERDRAWN determines whether the user has added shape to the control Master Slide .Userhidden determines whether the script is hidden. Visibility determines whether the shape is displayed. Width determines the shape width. WrapCoRDS defines the bound polygon of the surround shape. Z-index determines the display order of the overlapping shape. Note

Shape elements can also be included in a Group element by itself. Here are the smallest code required to create a shape. You must define FillColor, Position, Top, Left, Width, Height, and Path properties, the shape will not be displayed.

FillColor = "Green"

Style = "Position: Relative; Top: 1; Left: 1; Width: 200; Height: 200"

Path = "m 1,

1 L 1,200, 200, 200, 200, 1 x e ">

There is also a need to place the following code in the HTML element of the web page to obtain correct support for VML and Microsoft Office extensions. If you do not use Office extensions, you can ignore the second item.

XMLns: v = "URN: Schemas-Microsoft-COM: VML"

XMLns: o = "URN: schema-microsoft-com: office: office"

At the same time, you also need to include the following code to register the VML and Microsoft Office extension behavior. If you do not use Office extensions, you can ignore the second behavior definition.

V /: * {behavior: URL (# default # vml);

o /: * {behavior: URL (# default # VML);

Active child element

The following is a child element of Shape.

Element Description Callout Define Shape Graphic Number .Extrusion Define Shape Stereo. Fill Define Shape Fill. Formalas Define Shape Rules.Handles Defines Shape Handle. The Imagedata Define Shape Image Data .locks Define Shape Lock. Path Defining Shape Path. Shadow Define Shape Shadow. Skew defines the shape tilt. Stroke Define Shape Brush.TextBox Defines Shape Text Box .TextPath defines a shaped text path.

Other elements

The following is a top-level element that cooperates with Shape.

Element Description Group Define Shape Group. SHAPEPE Defines Shape Templates. VmlFrame Defines External Shape Frame.

Predefined shape

The predefined shape is the same as other general shapes, and the difference is that some predefined shapes have additional properties. The following is a predefined shape.

Element Description Rect Define Rectangle .RoundRect Defines Rounded Rectangle. LINE Defining Line.Polyline Defines a Polyshire Line. Oval Define Ellipse. IMAGE Defining Picture .Curve Defining Curve .arc Defining Arc.

Related chapter

type of data


The following code consists of a simple VML page:

XMLns: o = "URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Office">