JSP + Tomcat + MSSQL system configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  17

JSP Tomcat MSSQL System Configuration Program Description: Use the database to SQL Server, develop language Java. 1 Create a database: 1.1 Start SQLServer, 1.2 Run Enterprise Manager. 1.3 Creating a ChildrenBooks database, 1.4 Physical Database Name 1.5: ChildrenBooks_Data.mdf, 1.6 Database Log: Childrenbooks_log.ldf; Save Under Practice Directory. 1.7 Creation Table: User_Table (IDX) IDX INT 4 Non-empty primary key user_id char 16Passwd_id char 162 Backup Database: 2.1 In practice directory, 2.2 copy childrenbooks_data.mdf and childrenbooks_log.ldf, 2.3 Backup to the destination folder; 3 Restore Database : 3.1 Open MSSQL Query Analyzer, 3.2 Execute Store SP_ATTACH_DB 'CHILDRENBOOKS', 'D: /PRACTISE/ChildrenBooks_Data.mdf', 'D: /Practise/childrenBooks_log.ldf' 3.3 Successfully Execute, 3.4 Refresh Database list .

4JKD Installation: 4.1 Configuring the "My Computer" -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables -> New Enter the Variable Name in the Variable Name: C: C: / Sun / AppServer /jdk/lib/dt.jar; c :/sun/appserver/jdk/lib/tools.jar; c: / sun / appserver / jdk / bin configured, 4.3 After restarting the computer, environment variables can be valid. 4.5 Testing a simple Java program: public class helloworld {public static void main (string args []) {system.out.println ("Hello World!");}} Note: This file name must be "HelloWorld.java ", 4.6 cases are also distinguished. 4.7 Compile: Javac HelloWorld.java 4.8 Run: Java HelloWorld

5 Tomcat installation: 5.1 Configuring the "My Computer" (Right-click) -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables - Enter: Java_Home Variables Enter: C: / Sun / AppServer / jdk Enter: tomcat_home variable value in the variable name: C: / tomcat5 is configured, after restarting the computer, environment variables can be valid. 5.2 Test Start Tomcat: 5.3 Browse In the browser: http: // localhost: 8080 / 5.4 Run on this page has JSP Examples and Servlet Examples5.5 Exit Tomcat

6JSP website Physical address: 6.1 Developed JSP page, put it in a directory C: / Tomcat5 / WebApps / root as a test under this folder, 6.2 New file Test.html (Note Case Size) This file is: Hello I'm Test. Run the page, 6.3 Launch Tomcat, 6.4Http: // Localhost: 8080 / Test.html


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